Find the sum of all three-digit natural numbers which are divisible by 13.


Find the sum of all three-digit natural numbers which are divisible by 13.

All three-digit numbers which are divisible by 13 are 104, 117, 130, 143,..., 988.
This is an AP in which a = 104, d = (117 - 104) = 13 and l = 988

Let the number of terms be n.
Then Tn = 988 
⇒ a + (- 1)d = 988
⇒ 104 + (n -1​) ⨯​ 13 = 988
⇒ 13n = 897
⇒ n = 69

$\therefore$ Required sum $=\frac{n}{2}(a+l)$

$=\frac{69}{2}[104+988]=69 \times 546=37674$

Hence, the required sum is 37674.

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