Magnetic Effect of Electric Current Class 12 Notes | Introduction

The electricity and magnetism are linked to each other and it is proved when the electric current passes through the copper wire, it produces a magnetic effect. The electromagnetic effects first time noticed by Hans Christian Oersted. Oersted discovered a magnetic field around a conductor carrying an electric current. The magnetic field is a quantity, which has both magnitude and direction. The direction of a magnetic field is usually taken to be the direction in which, a north pole of the compa...

Magnetic Effect of Electric Current Class 12 - IIT JEE | NEET

In This Chapter you will get to know the relationship between Matter and Magnetism. Here you will get to learn about Magnet and its properties. Get to Learn about different types of Magnets. get to knoe about the relationship between Magnetism and Gauss's Law. Also read about Earth's Magnetism in this Chapter. eSaral Provides free detailed notes on Magnetic Effect of Electric Current Class 12 that will help you in exams like IIT JEE, NEET and Board Preparation. India's Best Exam Preparation for ...