For any substance, why does the temperature remain constant during the change of state?

[question] Question For any substance, why does the temperature remain constant during the change of state? [/question] [solution] Solution During the change of state of any matter heat is supplied to the substance. The molecules of this matter use heat to overcome the force of attraction between the particles, at this period of time, temperature remains constant. This extra heat is acquired by the molecules in the form of hidden heat called latent heat to change from one state of matter to the ...

Convert the following temperature to Celsius scale :

[question] Question Convert the following temperature to Celsius scale : (a) 300 K (b) 573 K [/question] [solution] Solution (a) 300 – 273 = 27°C (b) 573 – 273 = 300°C [/solution]...

Give reasons :

[question] Give reasons : A gas fills completely the vessel in which it is kept. A gas exerts pressure on the walls of the container. A wooden table should be called a solid. We can easily move our hand in air but to do the same through a solid block of wood we need a karate expert. [/question] [solution] Solution The molecules of gas have high kinetic energy due to which they keep moving in all directions and hence fill the vessel completely in which they are kept. A gas exerts pressure on the ...