If 148101B095 is divisible by 33,


If 148101B095 is divisible by 33, find the value of B.


Given that the number 148101S095 is divisible by 33, therefore it is also divisible by 3 and 11 both.

Now, the number is divisible by 3, its sum of digits is a multiple of 3. i.e. 1 + 4+ 8+1 + 0+1 + B+ 0+ 9+ 5 is a multiple of 3.

29 + B = 0, 3, 6,9,…

=> B=1,4,7 …(i)

Also, given number is divisible by 11, therefore

(1+ 8 + 0+ B + 9)-(4 + 1+ 1+ 0 + 5)=0, 11,22, …

=> (18 + B) -11 = 0,11,22

B+ 7 = 0,11,22

=> B+7 = 11 => B = 4 …(ii)

From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we have B = 4

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