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Essay on My Favourite Teacher in English (150, 200, 300, 400 Words) for School Students

JEE Mains & Advanced
Essay on My Favourite Teacher in English (150, 200, 300, 400 Words) for School Students

Teachers are super important in our lives. They are like the guides who help us learn and grow. Think of them as the people who lay down the first bricks for the big building of knowledge in our minds. When we go to school, teachers teach us many things. It's not just about math, science, or history. They also teach us how to be good people. They show us the right path to follow in life. So, teachers are not just about books and lessons; they are about life lessons too.

Imagine you have a teacher who makes learning fun and easy. That's like having a superpower! When you enjoy learning from a teacher, it makes school a lot more fun. You look forward to going to school because you know it's going to be exciting. Good teachers are like mentors. They don't just help us in school; they guide us even when we're not in class. They give us advice, tell us what's right and wrong, and help us become better people. They become our friends in many ways.

What we learn in school stays with us for a long time. When we grow up and face important decisions or big tasks, we use what our teachers taught us. They give us the tools to handle life's challenges. So, teachers are like our heroes. They build the foundation of our knowledge and character. They make our school years easier and more enjoyable. They guide us not just through school, but through life. They are like the shining stars in our educational journey.

Why is the Essay on My Favourite Teacher Important for Your Exams? 

This essay about your child's favorite teacher is a great way to show them how to write a simple and effective essay on this topic. It's important because teachers play a huge role in our lives. They're not just people who stand in front of the class and talk. They're like the guiding stars in our educational journey.

A teacher's job is not just about teaching math, science, or history. They also teach us how to be good people. They show us the right path to follow in life. So, teachers are not just about books and lessons; they are about life lessons too.

Your child can use this essay as a model to write their own. Let's explore a bit more about why this essay is so helpful:

Learning to Express: When your child writes about their favorite teacher, they learn how to express themselves. They can share why they like that teacher, what they've learned from them, and how that teacher has influenced them. It's a great way for your child to learn how to put their thoughts into words.

Improving Writing Skills: Writing this essay helps your child improve their writing skills. They learn how to structure their thoughts, use correct grammar and punctuation, and make their writing organized and clear. These are skills that come in handy in many subjects and real-life situations.

Being Creative: Your child can be creative while writing this essay. They can use vivid descriptions, storytelling techniques, and examples to make their essay interesting and engaging. This creativity is something teachers and examiners look for in essays.

Thinking Skills: To write a good essay about their favorite teacher, your child needs to think critically. They must think about what makes this teacher special and why they admire them. This is a skill that can help in many subjects and exams.

Practice for Exams: Exams often have essay questions. When your child writes this essay, they're practicing for those essay questions. They become better at presenting their ideas clearly and concisely, which can earn them extra points in exams.

Self-Confidence: Finishing an essay and sharing it with others, like you and their teacher, can boost your child's self-confidence. This is important for exams because students who believe in themselves tend to perform better.

Memory and Knowledge: Writing about their favorite teacher will make your child remember specific lessons and wisdom they've gained. This reinforces their memory and understanding of what they've learned, which is good for exams.

Long and Short Essay on My Favorite Teacher in English

My Favourite Teacher Essay 1 (100 words) 

My favorite teacher is Deepa Mam. She's my class teacher, and she attends every morning. She can be strict, but she's also funny and caring. Deepa Mam is very organized, always doing her work on time. I like her a lot because she teaches us important things in simple ways. We have a good time in her class, especially when she tells jokes. She's not just a teacher; she guides us during school events like dances, sports, and competitions. Deepa mam also encourages us to share and help each other in class, like sharing lunch or other things we may need.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 1 (150 words) 

My favorite teacher is my class teacher, Nishi Gupta. She teaches us Hindi, Maths, and Art. Nishi Gupta is a highly educated teacher with advanced studies from Banaras Hindu University. Her teaching methods are simple and effective, making it unnecessary to study at home. Her lessons are crystal clear.

After explaining a topic, she gives us exercises and homework. The next day, she revisits the previous topic and then moves on to a new one. Nishi Gupta doesn't just teach subjects; she imparts good ethics and etiquette, shaping our characters.

Even if she isn't our teacher in the future, her teachings will stay with us, guiding us through tough times. She's caring and loving, and her academic excellence, marked by a gold medal from her university, makes her the best teacher in my eyes.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 1 (200 words) 

My favorite teacher is Ms. Geet Singh. I'm in the 4th grade, and she's my EVS (Environmental Studies) teacher. She's a wonderful teacher who cares for us a lot. Ms. Geet makes learning easy and fun. She doesn't make studying too serious; instead, she uses entertaining activities to teach us.

What's great is that she's always punctual and never misses a class. We have so much fun in her class; it's a joyful experience. She even loves me because I'm a disciplined and ideal student. I follow her instructions, do my classwork and homework neatly every day, and I'm never late or absent.

Ms. Geet is an inspiring teacher. She encourages us to follow the right path in life, even when things get tough. She tells us to stay positive and not think negatively because what we think and do often becomes our reality.

Her lessons on EVS are fantastic. She wants us to speak in English during her class, which helps us learn the language better. After school, she rides the bus home with us, and we have a blast singing songs and reciting poems on the bus.

Ms. Geet is not just a teacher; she's a friend and a guide who makes learning enjoyable and teaches us valuable life lessons. She's my favorite teacher, and I'm lucky to have her.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 4 (250 words) 

My favorite teacher, Mr. Sunil, taught me English and Maths during my 3rd and 4th-grade years. He hailed from Varanasi and lived close to the school. With higher studies from Banaras Hindu University, he was not only well-educated but also incredibly kind and polite, especially with young children like us. His teaching style was so unique that I still remember him vividly.

What Mr. Sunil taught me has stayed with me. He made my understanding of Maths crystal clear. Even though I'm now in the 5th grade, I miss him a lot. I occasionally meet him when I need help with tough math questions. His smart appearance, sparkling eyes, and blond hair always caught my attention. I admired his great personality and gentle nature.

Whenever Mr. Sunil entered the classroom, he wore a warm smile and asked about our well-being. He even stepped in for our sports teacher when needed. Although he had a cheerful face, he was strict about our studies. He'd assign punishments to those who hadn't completed their homework. He was known for making class enjoyable, and his students consistently scored well in his subjects.

He possessed excellent teaching skills, a friendly demeanor, a fantastic sense of humor, and infinite patience. I was one of his obedient students, and sometimes he'd reward us with chocolates for performing well in class tests and exams. He never burdened us with too much homework, always encouraging us to do our best in our studies.

Mr. Sunil was enthusiastic and constantly motivated us to strive for excellence. He was the kind of teacher who made learning fun and memorable. I'll always remember him as my favorite teacher who not only taught me English and Maths but also the importance of kindness, patience, and a good sense of humor.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 5 (300 words)

Mrs. Ramya is my favorite teacher in the 6th grade. She teaches us Hindi and Computer subjects, and she's a very special teacher with a unique personality. Mrs. Ramya is a bit on the heavier side, but she's incredibly calm and patient. Every year on Teacher's Day, I give her a greeting card to show my appreciation. I also wish her well on her birthday. She often shares jokes during class to make learning fun and keep us engaged.

I'm not very good at Hindi, but I excel in Computer class. Mrs. Ramya helped me a lot in improving my Hindi language skills. After every class, she assigns questions for us to work on and discuss the next day.

She takes us to the computer lab to ensure we understand the subject thoroughly. Mrs. Ramya prefers a quiet atmosphere during her classes. She never leaves any of her students in the dark about what she's teaching. She makes sure everyone comprehends the topic and encourages us to ask questions. She doesn't move on to the next topic until everyone has a good grasp of the current one. Her caring and loving nature extends to all students, and there's no quarreling or fighting in her class. She even rotates the seating arrangement weekly to ensure no one feels left out or unhappy.

All my friends love her class and attend regularly. She goes the extra mile to support struggling students by providing extra help outside of class. Mrs. Ramya doesn't just help us with our studies; she assists us with other problems we might be facing.

She encourages us to participate in school events, such as sports and competitions. Mrs. Ramya always wears a smile and is known for her supportive nature. She prepares us for school event celebrations like Independence Day, Republic Day, Gandhi Jayanti, Teacher's Day, and Mother's Day. Sometimes, when there are no topics left to teach, she shares stories about her own life struggles to inspire us to work hard in our studies.

Mrs. Ramya is not just a great teacher; she's also a friendly and easygoing person. We don't fear her, but we respect and admire her a lot. She's the kind of teacher who leaves a lasting impact on her students' lives, making school enjoyable and memorable. She is indeed my favorite teacher.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 6 (500 words) 

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sadhna Kausik, and she teaches science. She lives near the school, and she's not just my favorite but also the best teacher in the school. All my friends like her because she's an excellent teacher who makes learning enjoyable. No one gets bored in her class because she adds a bit of fun to her teaching. I admire her teaching methods.

One thing I appreciate about Mrs. Kausik is that she asks us to prepare a topic at home before she teaches it in class. She then goes through the topic, asking questions to ensure we understand. The next day, she quizzed us on the same topic. This way, we become very clear about what we're learning. She also conducts tests after covering two or three topics. Mrs. Kausik loves her job and teaches with a lot of enthusiasm and passion.

She's very friendly and approachable. We can ask her any questions related to the subject in class or even in her office without any fear. During class, she observes each student's behavior and keeps an eye on the naughty ones. She encourages us to focus on our studies and follow her guidance to succeed in life. What's wonderful is that she treats all students equally, never showing favoritism towards the weak or brilliant ones. She supports the weaker students and asks the smarter ones to help their classmates. Mrs. Kausik inspires us to be passionate about our studies and set life goals.

She is an extremely encouraging teacher, motivating us not only in academics but also in extracurricular activities. Mrs. Kausik personally congratulates students who excel in school, whether in academics or sports. To help her weaker students, she offers free tuition at her home for an hour. Thanks to her guidance, every student performs well in science, both in-class tests and exams. Besides teaching, she also holds the position of Vice-Principal in the school, and she manages her responsibilities well. She takes care of keeping the school clean and maintaining its greenery.

Mrs. Kausik is always approachable and never appears stern; she has a warm and smiling face. She keeps us happy at school, treating us like her own children. During school events or competitions, she oversees all the arrangements. She talks to students politely and knows how to handle challenging situations at the school.

In conclusion, Mrs. Sadhna Kausik is a fantastic teacher who makes learning enjoyable and meaningful. She's not just a teacher; she's a mentor, a guide, and a friend. Her enthusiasm, dedication, and passion for teaching inspire all her students to strive for success. She sets an example of kindness, fairness, and commitment, making her the favorite teacher of many.

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