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Formal Letter Format in English

JEE Mains & Advanced

Formal Letters, also known as Business Letters or Professional Letters, follow a structured and specific format. These letters are considerably more formal in style compared to informal or friendly letters. People write formal letters for various purposes, including:

  • Expressing concerns within a professional setting.

  • Conveying official information within a workplace.

  • Placing orders for goods or services.

  • Applying for employment opportunities.

  • Addressing issues faced by different groups in various areas in a letter to the Editor of a newspaper, among others.

Formal letters are a crucial mode of communication in professional, academic, and official settings. They typically follow a set structure, with specific guidelines for formatting, addressing the recipient, and using a formal tone. Whether you're addressing a business associate, a government authority, or a potential employer, writing a formal letter ensures clarity and professionalism in your communication.

The precise and structured nature of formal letters helps convey important information, requests, or concerns effectively. It's essential to adhere to the conventions of formal letter writing to maintain professionalism and ensure your message is well-received in the intended context.

Structure of a Formal Letter

To write a formal letter in engish effectively, you need to start by clearly understanding the purpose of the letter. Formal letters come in various types, and their structure may vary depending on the specific kind of letter you're composing. When it comes to crafting formal letters, it's important to adhere to specific rules and guidelines.

One crucial aspect of writing a formal letter is the need for precision and clarity in your communication. Every sentence in the letter should be carefully considered and constructed to ensure that your intended message is clearly and accurately conveyed to the recipient.

The structure of a formal letter typically includes the sender's address, the date, the recipient's address, a salutation, the body of the letter, a closing, and the sender's signature. Different types of formal letters may require variations in this structure, so it's important to understand the specific conventions for the type of letter you're writing.

Whether you're writing a formal letter for professional communication, an application, a complaint, or any other purpose, following the appropriate guidelines ensures that your message is well-received and effectively conveys your intentions. Clarity and precision are key when composing formal letters to maintain professionalism and successfully communicate your message.

Types of Formal Letters

There are different types of formal letters under different terms:

  • Business Letters

  • Letters of Application

  • Letters to Newspapers

Business Letters

Business letters should be concise, straightforward, and focused. They should avoid unnecessary stories or narratives. Before you begin writing a business letter, consider the following:

Letters of Application

Letters of application are typically used when individuals are applying for a job or employment opportunity. Before and after you draft a letter of application, consider the following:

  • Begin with a brief introduction that mentions the source of the job advertisement, such as an online posting or a newspaper ad.

  • Include essential details about the applicant, including age, educational qualifications, and relevant work experience.

  • Convey a genuine enthusiasm for the position and an eagerness to contribute to the company.

  • Provide references to help the employer assess your suitability as an employee.

  • Format your letter of application in the style of a formal or business letter to maintain professionalism.

  • Use plain and simple language to ensure a clear message, rather than employing extravagant or exaggerated vocabulary.

  • Avoid business jargon that might be confusing to the reader.

  • Minimize the use of abbreviations for clarity.

  • The salutation and address format may vary depending on the type of letter and the recipient.

  • When placing an order for goods, provide precise and detailed descriptions, specifying the expected quality and quantity with great attention to detail.

  • When responding to a business letter, make sure to mention the date of the letter you are replying to and its reference numbers, if applicable.

  • Formal or business letters encompass a variety of scenarios, including communication between employers and employees, orders and replacements of goods, addressing serious concerns to higher-ranking officials, and expressing complaints, among others. It is important to maintain professionalism and clarity in these letters to ensure effective communication.

Letters to Newspapers

Letters to the Editor are written with the intent to express concerns or share opinions on various issues, and they should be appropriately addressed to 'The Editor.' When composing such letters, it is essential to maintain a professional and authentic tone. To ensure your letter is taken seriously, remember the following points:

  1. Address the letter to 'The Editor' to direct it to the appropriate authority.

  2. Conclude the letter with 'Yours faithfully' to maintain a respectful tone.

  3. Make sure your letter addresses a relevant issue that warrants public attention.

  4. Maintain professionalism and authenticity throughout the letter.

  5. Avoid writing anonymous letters, as newspapers typically do not publish them. Include your name and address to establish credibility.

  6. Clearly and concisely express your concerns, opinions, or suggestions in the letter. Provide supporting evidence or examples, if necessary, to strengthen your argument.

  7. Be respectful and considerate, even when discussing contentious topics, and avoid using offensive language.

  8. Double-check your letter for accuracy, spelling, and grammar before submission.

Letters to the Editor play a crucial role in shaping public discourse and addressing important issues. By adhering to these guidelines, your letter can effectively contribute to the conversation and potentially make a difference.

How to Write a Formal Letter

  1. Sender's Address: Always start with your address, which includes your name, street address, city, and zip code. Place this information at the top left-hand corner of the page.

  2. Date: Following your address, provide the date on which you are writing the letter. This should be placed on the right-hand side of the page, below your address.

  3. Receiver's Address: Below the date, write the recipient's address. Include the name of the firm or the individual you are addressing. Ensure you have accurate details.

  4. Subject: Write a clear and concise subject line that highlights the purpose of your letter. This should be a single line placed below the recipient's address.

  5. Salutation: Begin the letter with a salutation such as "Dear Sir/Madam" for formal business letters. If you have a personal relationship with the recipient, you can use their name, like "Dear Mr. Smith."

  6. Body of the Letter: The main content of the letter should be structured into three paragraphs:

  • First Paragraph: Begin by introducing yourself and stating the purpose of your letter. Be direct and to the point. For example, if you are applying for a job, briefly mention your qualifications and the position you are applying for.

  • Second Paragraph: Provide detailed information about the subject matter. Explain your proposal, request, or any relevant information. Use clear and concise language to convey your message.

  • Third Paragraph: In the concluding paragraph, summarize the main points of your letter and express your expectations or the desired outcome. Be courteous and confident.

  1. Complimentary Closing: Conclude the letter with a polite closing, such as "Yours faithfully," "Yours sincerely," or "Kind regards." Choose an appropriate closing based on the formality of the letter.

  2. Signature: Below the closing, sign your name in ink. If it's a formal letter, use your full name (in block letters) and include your designation or title below your signature.

Formal Letter For Class 8

  1. Write an application to the principal complaining about a senior student of your school.


The Principal

Model Senior Secondary School


Date: 4.07.2023

Respected Sir,

I am an 8th-grade student, and I need to address a concerning issue about the behavior of Sohan Sharma from Class X. Sohan has been displaying rude behavior towards us, using offensive language, and causing disruptions to our studies. He engages in various mischievous activities that affect our learning environment. I kindly request that you investigate this matter thoroughly and take strict action against him. It's disheartening to witness a senior student from our school treating juniors with such disrespect. This behavior not only disturbs our studies but also creates a negative atmosphere in the school. It's essential to address this issue promptly to maintain a respectful and conducive learning environment for all students. 

Thanking You

Yours obediently


Class- 8

  1. You are Keerath of 56, Lal Bahadur Nagar, Chennai. You bought a new “VIP” Washing Machine from M/s Radha Electronics, MG Road, Chennai last week. Now you find that the machine makes an unbearable noise and the motor tears delicate fabrics. Write a letter to the dealer complaining about the same and requesting him to change the machine as early as possible.


56- Lal Bahadur Nagar


Date: 13.10.2023

M/s.Radha Electronics

MG Road


Subject: Complaint about washing machine


I regret to inform you that I am facing a problem with the washing machine I purchased from your shop. I bought it under Invoice No. 200 dated the 7th of August, and it came with a two-year guarantee. Unfortunately, just ten days after the purchase, the washing machine started making loud, unbearable noises, and the motor damaged delicate fabrics during the wash. This has caused me a great deal of inconvenience, and I feel like I've been deceived.

I kindly request your assistance in addressing this issue. If the problem is minor, please arrange to repair the washing machine. However, if it's a major issue, I would appreciate a replacement with a new one, following the conditions outlined in the guarantee certificate. Your prompt attention to this matter would be highly valued. 

Thanking You

Yours faithfully


Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper, complaining about the bad condition of the water supply in your locality. You are Ram Dayal living at H-9 Karol Bagh Colony, New Delhi.

H- 9

Karol Bagh Colony

New Delhi

Date: 10.01.2023

The Editor

Hindustan Times

New Delhi

Subject: Poor Water Supply in Karol Bagh Colony


I wish to highlight a concerning issue through your esteemed newspaper, and I kindly request the attention of the relevant authorities regarding the deteriorating water supply situation in Dayal Bagh colony. The residents of our colony have been facing severe issues related to water supply. Frequently, the taps run dry, and when water is supplied, it's only available for two hours in the morning and one hour in the evening. Unfortunately, the water is often muddy and polluted, leading to health problems. Many residents have fallen ill, and there are reports of jaundice and digestive issues after consuming this water.

Despite our complaints to the local authorities, we have seen no improvements. Therefore, I earnestly request the higher authorities to investigate this matter and take immediate action to address this critical situation. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully

Ram Dayal

  1. You are Neetu, head girl of Tagore Public School, Jaipur. Write a letter to Shining Star Sports Company, Kalyan, Mumbai asking him to send more popular sports material for your games and sports department.

Neetu (Head Girl)

Tagore Public School

Bandra(W) Mumbai


M/s Shining Star Sports Company

Kalyan, Mumbai

Subject: Placing an order for sports material.


Please arrange for the following sports equipment to be delivered to the address mentioned via a suitable mode of transportation. A proper cash bill should accompany this delivery. The items required are as follows:

  • Footballs (10 Nos).

  • Cricket Balls (20 Nos).

  • Tennis Balls (20 Nos).

  • Cricket Bats (10 Nos).

It is essential that all these items are in good condition, well-maintained, and packed securely. Any damage incurred during transportation shall be your responsibility. We kindly request that the items reach the school within 10 days from the receipt of this letter; failure to do so will result in the cancellation of this order. Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.

Yours Truly


  1. Write an application to the Principal for a Relief Camp.


The Principal

Lotus Public School


12 November 2023

Subject: Request for opening a relief camp.


We take pride in the recognition of our school as one of the most renowned educational institutions in our district. Our college is well-known for its commitment to co-curricular activities, and we are eager to contribute to social betterment by organizing a relief camp.

In this regard, we kindly request your approval and support for this initiative. Your consent would greatly benefit our mission and make it possible for us to carry out a successful and meaningful relief camp. We look forward to your positive response and cooperation in this noble endeavor. Thank you for your consideration.

Yours Truly


Formal Letter for Class 9

  1. You are Amit Gupta studying in Govt. HSS Rewa. Write an application to your principal to issue a Transfer Certificate as your father has been transferred to Shivpuri.


The Principal

Govt. HSS Rewa School

Madhya Pradesh   

Date: 13.11.2023

Subject: Issuance of Transfer Certificate

Dear Sir,

I am Amita Jain, a student in Class IX-B at your esteemed school. I respectfully request the issuance of my Transfer Certificate as my father has received a job transfer to Shivpuri, and our family will be relocating there. During my time at this prestigious institution, I have cherished my 9 years of education and experiences. The knowledge and values I have gained here will always stay with me.

I kindly request that you expedite the process of issuing my Transfer Certificate. It is crucial for my timely admission to my new school in Shivpuri. I have enclosed all the necessary documents needed for the issuance of the Transfer Certificate. I would be grateful for your prompt assistance in this matter, ensuring a smooth transition to my new school. 

Thanking You

Yours Truly

Amita Gupta

  1. You are Nishita studying at Govt Girls’ Higher Secondary School, Morena. Write an application to your principal requesting him to issue books from the book bank.


The Principal

Govt Girls’ Higher Secondary School

Morena (M.P.)

Date: 08.10.2023

Subject: Request for issuing books from book bank.

Dear Madam

I am Nishi, currently enrolled in Class IX. I am writing this letter to request the allocation of books from the book bank to aid me in my academic endeavors. Unfortunately, I am facing financial constraints that make it challenging for me to procure all the required study materials. I am aware that the book bank has the necessary books I require for my studies.

I would be immensely thankful if you could facilitate the issuance of these books at your earliest convenience. I assure you that I will handle them with great care and return them in excellent condition once my studies are completed. Your support in providing these books would greatly assist me in my educational journey.

Thanking You

Yours obediently


  1. You are Amrita Sharma studying at Govt Girls’ Higher Secondary School, Sagar. Write an application to your principal requesting a fee concession.


The Principal                                            

Sagar Govt Girls’ Higher Secondary School  

Date: 14.10.2023

Dear Sir,

I am Amrita Sharma, currently enrolled in Class IX-A at your esteemed institution, and I am composing this letter to humbly request a concession in my school fees. I take my studies seriously and have maintained a strong academic record. Unfortunately, my family is currently facing financial constraints, making it challenging for us to manage the full school fees. Despite these circumstances, I am determined to pursue my education and fulfill my academic potential.

I kindly request that you consider my situation and provide me with a fee concession. Your support in this matter would greatly assist my family and me during these challenging times. Thank you for considering my request, and I hope to continue my education at our school.

Thanking You

Yours Obediently

Amrita Sharma

Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police complaining about the incidents of theft and chain-snatching in your area.


25, Arera Colony

Bhopal, 462003

Date: 12.08.2023

The Superintendent of Police

Bhopal (M.P.)

Subject- Complaint about the theft and chain snatching in Arera Colony.


I am writing to draw your attention to the increasing number of theft and chain-snatching incidents in our neighborhood. Despite multiple complaints made to the local police station, we have yet to see any significant action taken to address these issues. This has left the residents of our area living in constant fear and insecurity.

I kindly request that you take immediate measures to enhance patrolling and deploy additional police personnel in our neighborhood to deter these crimes. The safety and well-being of the residents should be a top priority, and we hope to see a swift response to this pressing issue. Your intervention is crucial in restoring a sense of security in our community. 

Thanking You

Yours Faithfully

Suresh Jain

  1. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper to make people aware of the nuisance of loudspeakers during exams.


E- 4 Arera Colony

Bhopal ( M.P)

Date: 22.10.2023

The Editor

Times of India

Subject: Nuisance caused by loudspeakers during exams


I am writing to share my concern about the use of loudspeakers during exams in our community. As a student, I find it incredibly distracting and stressful to have loudspeakers playing loudly in the background when I am trying to concentrate on my studies.

I kindly request that the authorities explore alternative ways of communication during exam periods. This change would significantly enhance the exam experience for students like me, allowing us to perform at our best without unnecessary distractions. 

Thanking You

Yours Faithfully


Formal Letter for Class 10

1. Read the following advertisement for products using solar energy.

  • Solar Power Systems For A Greener India

  • Excellent Offers

  • Solar Cookers

  • Solar Lanterns

  • Solar Heating/Cooking Systems

  • Solar Water Heater

  • Raj Solar Sales and Service 

Write a letter to the editor of an English daily, making a plea to the common people to switch over to solar energy to conserve electricity and limit electricity bills. (Board 2014, Set PRE2N18) (5 marks)

147 Panchsheel Nagar

Bhopal (M.P.)

Date: 11 April 2023

The Editor

Hindustan Times

Bhopal (M.P.)

Subject- Bring forth the awareness towards more use of solar energy,


I would like to draw attention to the growing importance of solar power through your esteemed newspaper. Our planet is in a state of environmental decline, primarily due to excessive pollution. Human beings' pursuit of a luxurious lifestyle has led to the overconsumption of electricity. Unfortunately, this trend is depleting our precious energy resources rapidly.

The need for electricity conservation is undeniable, and solar power systems offer a solution. These systems, including solar cookers, solar lanterns, solar heating and cooking systems, and solar water heaters, are readily available in various sizes in the market. They are not only non-polluting but also cost-effective.

I urge you to publish this letter in your newspaper to raise awareness about the importance of conserving electricity and reducing energy bills. The public must recognize the urgent necessity of transitioning to solar energy to protect our environment and ensure a sustainable future.

Thanking You

Yours Sincerely


2. Though there is a movement like ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ and enrollment of underprivileged children in schools, there are still many children, like the one in the picture, who do not go to school, rather have never seen a school. It is indeed disturbing. You decide to write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your views and the steps to be taken. Take ideas from the MCB unit ‘Education’. Write the letter in about 120 words. (NCT 2014) (5 marks)

87 A Saket Nagar Lucknow

25th March 2023

The Editor

The Times of India


Subject: Educating the underprivileged kids.

Dear Sir,

I would like to highlight the 'Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan' movement, which is dedicated to providing education to all children. The Right to Education Act (RTE) also emphasizes the importance of education for children aged four to fourteen. However, these initiatives often remain unimplemented, especially in underprivileged communities. Many children from these backgrounds are deprived of education, and forced into child labor, domestic work, or employment in factories and dhabas. Unfortunately, government efforts have not yielded significant results due to a lack of awareness about these vital programs.

We need the support of print and electronic media to raise awareness about these initiatives and their benefits. It is crucial to make underprivileged children aware of their right to education and encourage them to attend school. The first step is to discourage child labor, providing these children with a brighter future. I hope you will champion this noble cause and publish it in your newspaper.

Thanking You

Yours Sincerely 

Shubh Jain

3. Your grandfather is very upset about the rising prices and keeps thinking of his olden times when things were very cheap. You are convinced that inflation has made life difficult for the common man. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a national daily describing the difficulties poor families face. (Board 2014, Set 8L1922Q) (5 marks)

76, Indra Vihar

 New Delhi

15th July 2023

The Editor 

The Times of India New Delhi

Subject: Difficulties faced by the common man due to inflation.


I want to address the issue of inflation, which has significantly impacted the lives of common people. In earlier times, things were much more affordable and accessible to everyone. However, the steep increase in the prices of all goods and services has created financial hardships for ordinary individuals. They struggle to cover their daily expenses and provide for their families, leading to frustration and disappointment.

Inflation has also given rise to corruption, as people resort to bribery to navigate financial crises, further contributing to societal issues. The authorities need to recognize the gravity of this social problem and take action to control rising prices. This way, people can lead more comfortable and peaceful lives, and society can avoid taking a negative turn due to the impacts of inflation.

Thanking You

Yours Sincerely

Shubhangi Gupta

4. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily, expressing your opinion and views on the increased human dependence on technology. Right from a small child to an adult, or even an old man, everyone wants gadgets only cell phones, iPods, laptops, etc. This also hurts social relationships. Using your ideas and the unit, ‘Science’, write the letter in 100-120 words. (Board 2014, Set QUD9VQW) (5 marks)

136, New Jamti Nagar


27th May, 2023

The Editor

The Hindustan Times

Subject: Deterioration of Heritage sites.


I visited the Taj Mahal with my parents last Sunday, and while I was excited, my enthusiasm faded quickly due to the disappointing condition of the surroundings. The Taj Mahal itself is undoubtedly a marvel of beauty, but the area outside was marred by litter, including plastic plates, broken bottles, and leftover food. This situation leaves a negative impression on tourists who come to Agra to see the Taj Mahal.

People need to cultivate good civic habits. The installation of dustbins at regular intervals is necessary, and people should make use of them for disposing of waste. Spitting pan-masalas should be strictly avoided. Children need to be educated about civic responsibility from a young age, and parents must ensure that their children follow these good habits. There is an urgent need to address these issues and implement preventive measures. Through this letter, I aim to raise awareness among the public about the importance of preserving our archaeological and heritage sites. We should take better care of these treasures by adhering to good civic practices and ethical conduct.

Thanking You

Yours Faithfully

Shubhman Singh

5. You visited the Water Park in your city as part of a school excursion. You noticed that the water was not clean and also had a stale smell which could result in many waterborne diseases. Taking ideas from the unit, Health, and your ideas, write a letter in about 120 words to the editor of a local newspaper about your experience of visiting the place and how the polluted water would affect the visitors. Include the precautions that should be taken in the Water Park. You are Neeta/Nitin. (Board Term-12012, Set EC2,036) (5 marks)

420, Janakpuri

New Delhi

15th July 2023

Subject: The ailing state of the water park.


Through this letter, I want to share my recent experience at our local Water Park, a popular destination for outings and school excursions. Unfortunately, during my visit, I was disheartened to witness the deteriorating condition of the park. The water in the pools was murky, and a foul odor hung in the air. This is a significant concern as it poses a potential health risk to visitors due to the risk of waterborne diseases. Consequently, very few people were visiting, causing a decline in its popularity.

I implore the responsible authorities to take immediate action. Regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial to ensure safe and enjoyable experiences for visitors. Draining and refilling the pools should also be considered. To breathe life back into our Water Park, opening a canteen or snack bar could attract more visitors and help generate revenue for necessary maintenance.

Thanking You

Yours Faithfully

Srisha Jain

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