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NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Snapshots

JEE Mains & Advanced

Class 11 English Snapshots covers exciting chapters written by famous authors from various times. To prepare thoroughly for these chapters, you can download and use the NCERT 11th English Snapshots Solutions provided by eSaral's subject experts. By following their answers, you can improve your English language skills effectively.

Snapshot in Class 11 is all about capturing beautiful emotions and memories through instant pictures. The book celebrates this joyful moment by bringing together eight stories written by different authors.

These stories are written in simple language but hold deeper meanings within their plots. As a student reads them carefully, they will uncover the dualities in characters and their actions. Exploring the world of literature, they will come across essential elements like plots, settings, themes, symbols, points of view, and conflicts. All of these play crucial roles in the stories. Using the Class 11 English Snapshot solution is the best way to prepare for exams and build a strong foundation in English.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Snapshots - Chapter-wise List

NCERT textbook for Class 11 English Snapshots consists of eight chapters. Each chapter consists of different stories and conveys different messages. Below is the list of chapters included in the textbook.

NCERT Solutions Class 11 English Snapshots Chapter-wise List

Chapter 1 - The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse

Chapter 2 - The Address

Chapter 3 - Ranga’s Marriage

Chapter 4 - Albert Einstein at School

Chapter 5 - Mother’s Day

Chapter 6 - The Ghat of the Only World

Chapter 7 - Birth

Chapter 8 - The Tale of Melon City

Here is a summary of each chapter of NCERT Solutions Class 11 English Snapshots :

Chapter 1 - The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse

The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse revolves around two honest Armenian boys from the Garoghlanian tribe, Aram (9 years old) and his cousin Mourad (13 years old). Despite being poor, they never compromise their honesty, and they never steal or lie, no matter what. One morning, Mourad surprises Aram by bringing a beautiful white horse to their home. Aram is amazed but doubtful because they can't afford such a horse.

Nevertheless, they keep the horse hidden in a deserted vineyard barn and take care of it for weeks, riding and singing to it. Aram eventually learns that Mourad stole the horse from John Byro. They struggle with the decision of keeping the horse, but their values lead them to consider returning it.

When John eventually discovers the boys with the horse, he doesn't accuse them of stealing due to their reputation for honesty. He believes the horse looks like his own and lets them keep it. However, the boys feel guilty and decide to return the horse secretly. John is delighted to find the horse at the vineyard the next day, and the horse is healthier and better behaved than before.

In the end, the boys learn a valuable lesson about honesty and the importance of doing the right thing.

Chapter 2 - The Address

In The Address, a war survivor returns to her hometown in Holland to find her mother's belongings. She follows the address she has, which leads her to House Number 46 on Marconi Street. However, the woman who answers the door denies recognizing her. Despite noticing the woman wearing her mother's sweater, she doesn't admit to knowing her mother. Disheartened, the author leaves but reminisces how her mother had given her the address of Mrs. Dorling, an old acquaintance, to keep their valuables safe during the war. After years, she decides to retrieve those possessions and visits Mrs. Dorling's house again. This time, a fifteen-year-old girl opens the door, and the author learns that her mother is not at home. The girl invites her in, and the author sees her mother's things in the room. However, the familiarity makes her uncomfortable, and she decides to let go of the desire to possess those belongings, choosing to forget the address and move on.

Chapter 3 - Ranga’s Marriage

Ranga, a boy from the village of Hoshali in Mysore, goes to Bangalore for an English Medium education and returns to his village. The villagers are curious to see any changes in him, but he remains the same and greets everyone politely. After they leave, the narrator stays back to talk with Ranga. The narrator decides to find a suitable girl for Ranga and thinks Ratna would be a perfect match. Ratna is skilled in playing musical instruments and belongs to a big town.

The narrator deliberately introduces Ratna to Ranga, and he is captivated by her. However, the narrator pretends she is already married, which saddens Ranga. Then, the narrator takes Ranga to an astrologer as part of his plan. The astrologer, with pre-arranged questions, helps Ranga admit his feelings for Ratna. The astrologer then assures Ranga that he is in love with someone similar to Ratna. Happy, Ranga is told about their marriage plans.

The narrator visits Ratna's house and arranges the marriage with Ranga. Ten years later, Ranga visits the narrator with his son on his third birthday. Ranga and Ratna got married, and they named their son after the narrator, who made their marriage possible.

Chapter 4 - Albert Einstein at School

This story introduces us to Albert Einstein, the father of modern physics, and his school days, which were not very pleasant. Despite his later fame for valuable contributions to physics and the theory of relativity, Albert struggled in school. He disliked the traditional methods of teaching and refused to memorize facts, believing he could always refer to books when needed.

Both teachers and students disliked him, and he even considered never passing exams to get a school diploma. He only had a passion for studying science and couldn't understand why he needed to learn other subjects he wasn't interested in. Albert's discomfort extended to his home as well.

Eventually, he planned to leave school and even sought a doctor's help to be declared unfit for studies. However, before the medical report could be presented, the school surprised him by asking him to leave due to his disruptive behavior. Albert leaves without looking back, bid farewell by his friend Yuri, and sets out on his journey, unaware of the incredible future that awaits him.

Chapter 5 - Mother’s Day

The chapter portrays the tough life of Mrs. Pearson, a mother whose family disrespects and treats her poorly. Her children, Doris and Cyril, along with her husband George, ignore her and take her for granted. One day, she meets Mrs. Fitzgerald, a fortune teller, and shares her family's terrible behavior. Mrs. Fitzgerald suggests they switch personalities so Mrs. Pearson can teach her family a lesson.

Reluctantly, Mrs. Pearson agrees, and the switch happens instantly. Mrs. Pearson, now in Mrs. Fitzgerald's body, starts smoking and drinking while Mrs. Fitzgerald remains idle. Back at home, Doris asks her to iron a dress for her date, but Mrs. Pearson refuses, and their interaction turns harsh. Cyril also demands tea but is met with refusal. Mrs. Pearson decides to make them realize the importance of respecting her and sharing the household chores equally.

When Mr. Pearson arrives, he is surprised to see his wife's changed behavior. She stands up for herself and questions his habits. Mrs. Fitzgerald ensures they all learn their lesson before switching back. As a result, the family begins to support and honor Mrs. Pearson, leading to positive changes in their behavior.

Chapter 6 - The Ghat of the Only World

Shahid Ali, a talented poet and a close friend of the author Amitav Ghosh, had a remarkable way with words that breathed life into thoughts about death. Despite knowing that his time was limited, Shahid left a profound impact on Ghosh with his vibrant outlook on life. His poetry revealed the political issues in Kashmir, where he lived for a while, and even in their short friendship, Shahid portrayed a different side of the region.

Shahid firmly believed in the separation of religion and politics, and he strived to turn the beautiful region of Kashmir into a paradise again by embracing its positives. In his childhood, he expressed a unique wish to have a small Hindu temple in his room, and over time, his house became a blend of Islam and Hinduism, showcasing his open-mindedness.

Despite battling cancer, Shahid's love for food and laughter never waned. He faced cancer with humor and a spirited attitude, refusing to accept defeat. His celebration of life, filled with poetry and joy, made it seem like he triumphed over death every day. However, the reality was that he was nearing the end.

Amitav Ghosh fulfilled his promise to remember Shahid Ali through his writing in "The Ghat of the Only World," a book that beautifully portrays both the painful and sweet memories of their time together. Ghosh's writing skillfully captures the essence of Shahid's lively personality, making it seem like the pain was hidden even from the author himself. The book becomes an attempt to keep Shahid's spirit alive in the world even after his passing.

Chapter 7 - Birth

The story is an excerpt from "The Citadel," and it follows the journey of a young medical graduate, Andrew Manson, as he handles a challenging childbirth case. He arrives at Joe Morgan's house, even though he quarreled with his girlfriend, Christine. Despite the late hour, Andrew decides to help Joe's wife, who is expecting her first child after 20 years.

At Joe's house, Andrew finds the situation serious and waits as the midwife attends to the lady. His mind drifts to thoughts about other people he knows. After a long and difficult struggle, a lifeless child is born at dawn, shocking Andrew. He faces a difficult choice of whom to attend first, the unconscious mother or the seemingly dead child.

Andrew attends to the mother first, and when she stabilizes, he focuses on the baby. He realizes that the child has asphyxia due to a lack of oxygen and excess carbon dioxide in the blood. Despite the midwife insisting that the child is stillborn, Andrew persists with treatment. Miraculously, after Andrew's determined efforts, the child starts showing signs of life.

Filled with relief and satisfaction, Andrew hands the baby to the nurse and shares the story with Joe. He walks away with a sense of achievement, knowing that he accomplished something extraordinary.

Chapter 8 - The Tale of Melon City

Vikram Seth's poem satirizes people in power, amusingly highlighting the idea that it doesn't matter who rules, as long as they let the people live in peace and freedom. The story is set in Melon City, where a peace-loving and just king announces the construction of an arch for the enlightenment of the people. However, when the king's crown falls due to the low arch, he becomes angry and wants to hang the chief builder for the mistake.

The blame game begins, with each person passing the fault to someone else. The wisest man advises hanging the arch itself as the criminal, but the situation becomes confusing and chaotic. In fear of rebellion, the king orders instant hanging, and he ends up fitting the noose perfectly, resulting in his execution. The city has a bizarre custom of electing a new king, and a passer-by who can only say "Melon" becomes the new ruler, hence making the city "Melon City."

The poem satirizes the absurdity of power struggles and how the people in authority often pass on blame rather than take responsibility. It also humorously portrays the city's unusual customs and how a simple-minded passer-by unwittingly becomes the king. The story behind the city's name becomes a tale that locals share with anyone curious about their unique title.

Importance of Downloading the PDF of NCERT Class 11 English Snapshots Textbook Solutions

To prepare well for Class 11 English Snapshots, it's important to have a complete study material. This material will make it easier to understand the chapters and answer the exercise questions. The study material contains answers that follow the latest CBSE board guidelines and syllabus, helping you stay on track and write precise answers.

These solutions act as a perfect guide for completing exercises in all the chapters. They will also show you the best approaches to follow, helping you score higher in exams. The language used is simple, making it easy to understand the chapter's context.

You can use these solutions to prepare for exams and resolve doubts on your own. By learning how the questions are answered, you can practice and improve your answering skills to score better.

Besides English Snapshots Notes for Class 11th, these solutions will help you focus on each chapter's context and frame answers efficiently during exams. With these solutions, you can make the most of your study time and learn how to manage your time well during exams, ensuring you attempt all the questions. The solutions are organized chapter-wise, making it simple to identify and download the relevant files for your study material, easing your syllabus preparations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: Are NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Snapshots provided by eSaral reliable to assist students in their exam preparations?

Answer 1: Absolutely! The 11th English NCERT Solutions are great for students because they offer lots of practice questions. Each topic in the book is explained specially and differently, making sure all topics are covered thoroughly. They also show different ways to understand a concept, which helps students answer various questions that come up in the yearly exams.

Question 2: Is eSaral providing NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Snapshots for free?

Answer 2: Sure! Students can easily access and download the solutions in PDF format. These solutions are a great help for those who struggle to answer the exercise questions in their textbook. Our faculty has designed them carefully, aiming to make Class 11 exam preparation much easier for students.


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