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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English - Honeydew

Class 8

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew is an invaluable resource for students looking to excel in their English studies. The Honeydew textbook for Class 8 is a comprehensive guide to the world of English literature, covering a wide range of engaging stories, poems, and essays. However, to truly grasp the nuances of these literary pieces and excel in examinations, students often turn to NCERT solutions of Class 8 English Honeydew. These solutions provide a detailed and systematic breakdown of each chapter and help students understand the underlying themes, characters, and literary devices used by the authors.

One of the key benefits of using NCERT solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew is that they are readily available in PDF format, making them easily accessible to students. With the convenience of digital resources, students can download the English Honeydew Class 8 solutions PDF and access them at any time, whether they are at home or on the go. This accessibility ensures that students can study at their own pace and revisit specific chapters or concepts whenever they need to.

Furthermore, the NCERT Solutions class 8 English book Honeydew PDF download is typically offered for free. This is a significant advantage, especially for students who may have limited access to additional study materials. The free availability of these solutions democratizes education and allows students from various backgrounds to benefit from high-quality study materials without any financial burden.

The NCERT solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew cover a wide range of topics, including prose, poetry, and supplementary reading material. Students can find answers to comprehension questions, explanations of poetic devices, and even tips on how to improve their writing skills. The solutions not only help students prepare for exams but also enhance their overall understanding and appreciation of English literature.

In addition to academic benefits, NCERT solutions of Class 8 English Honeydew also promote independent learning. Students can use these solutions to practice self-assessment, gauge their progress, and identify areas where they may need additional help. This fosters a sense of responsibility and self-motivation, valuable skills that extend beyond the realm of English literature.

In conclusion, the availability of NCERT solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew in PDF format, free of cost, is a boon for students seeking to excel in their English studies. These solutions offer comprehensive support, enabling students to grasp the intricacies of literary works and enhance their overall language skills. By providing a convenient and accessible resource, NCERT solutions empower students to take charge of their learning journey and succeed in their academic pursuits.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English - Honeydew

In the Class 8 English Honeydew textbook, there are ten units. Each unit has a chapter from the Prose part and a poem, except for the last two units which only have chapters. It's essential to remember that both the poems and chapters are equally important for your studies, so don't ignore either of them.

English is a really important subject in your life. You'll use it for talking to people and in your future job too. So, having a strong understanding of English is crucial. In the 8th grade, CBSE gives you the "Honeydew" English textbook by NCERT. This book helps you learn more about English literature and makes you smarter. To do your best in English, you can use eSaral's NCERT solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew. These solutions are made according to the latest rules, and they have answers to all the questions in your textbook, plus some practice papers to help you get even better.

Learning English well is like opening a door to a lot of opportunities. It's not just about getting good marks; it's about being able to express yourself clearly and understand others. The Class 8 English Honeydew textbook is designed to teach you important lessons about life, society, and the world through stories and poems. Each poem and chapter has something valuable to offer, whether it's a moral lesson, a glimpse into history, or simply a beautiful piece of writing.

When you use eSaral's NCERT solutions for Class 8 English Honeydew, you're getting a helpful guide to make your learning journey easier. You can check your answers to make sure you're on the right track, and you can practice with the additional papers to boost your skills. Remember, English is not just a subject; it's a tool for success in many aspects of your life. So, make the most of it by using the resources available to you, like the NCERT solutions, and keep improving your English skills.

Here is the list of chapters contained in the Class 8 English - Honeydew textbook:

Unit 1 – The Best Christmas Present in the World

Unit 1 Poem – The Ant and the Cricket

Unit 2 – The Tsunami

Unit 2 Poem – Geography Lesson

Unit 3 – Glimpses of the Past

Unit 4 – Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory

Unit 4 Poem – The Last Bargain

Unit 5 – The Summit Within

Unit 5 Poem – The School Boy

Unit 6 – This is Jody’s Fawn

Unit 7 – A Visit to Cambridge

Here is the overview of the chapter contained in the Class 8 English - Honeydew textbook:

Unit 1 – The Best Christmas Present in the World

The story begins with the author buying a worn-out roll-top table from a dusty old shop. The table, though not in great shape, held promise for the author, who believed he could bring it back to life. It was a special table, a piece of furniture from the 19th century, made from sturdy oak wood. However, time had not been kind to it, and the drawers bore the scars of fire and water damage. Little did the author know that this table held a secret, waiting to be discovered.

As the author carefully examined the drawers, he stumbled upon a hidden compartment, tucked away from sight. Inside this concealed space lay a small tin box, its surface inscribed with a message: "Jim's last letter, received January 25, 1915. To be buried with me when the time comes." The author's curiosity piqued, he opened the tin box and found an envelope within. The envelope bore an address: "Mrs. Jim Macpherson, 12 Copper Beeches, Bridport," and a date: December 26, 1914.

Intrigued, the author began to read the contents of the letter. It was a heartfelt message penned by Jim Macpherson, a captain in the English army, to his beloved wife Connie. Jim recounted a remarkable event that had unfolded on a battlefield during Christmas Day. At that time, the English and German forces were engaged in fierce conflict, entrenched in their respective positions. Then, something extraordinary happened - a white flag appeared on the German side, and German soldiers started wishing the English soldiers a Merry Christmas. Astonishingly, the soldiers from both sides began to approach each other, sharing canned meat and wine.

Captain Macpherson was initially wary, fearing it might be a trap. However, as the day unfolded, he found himself conversing with a German officer named Hans Wolf, who revealed his love for English literature and a deep knowledge of Dorset, the captain's homeland, gleaned from the works of Thomas Hardy. They even played a friendly game of football and exchanged Christmas gifts. As night fell, both armies sang carols, and a moment of peace enveloped the battlefield.

The memories of that Christmas Day became cherished treasures for Captain Macpherson, and he expressed hope for the end of the war in his letter. Touched by this remarkable story, the author felt compelled to return the letter to Mrs. Macpherson. However, when he arrived at her house in Bridport, he discovered that it had tragically burnt down, and Mrs. Macpherson, now 101 years old, had been inside at the time.

The author tracked down Mrs. Macpherson in a nursing home, and when he handed her the letter and called her Connie, her eyes welled up with tears. Holding his hand, she expressed her gratitude that her beloved Jim had kept his promise. They sat together, and she spoke lovingly, considering the returned letter the best Christmas gift in the world. This heartwarming story revealed the enduring power of love and the extraordinary moments that can emerge even amid war.

Unit 2 – The Tsunami

The Tsunami chapter in Class 8 is divided into three parts, each telling inspiring stories of the events that unfolded when the devastating Tsunami struck various parts of the world.

The first part of the chapter takes us to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, where the first story is about a man named Igneous. He was the manager of a cooperative society in Katchall. One morning, at around 6 a.m., Igneous was awakened by his wife, who sensed an earthquake. He quickly placed the television set on the floor to protect it and hurried his family out of the house. As the ground trembled, they witnessed the sea rising menacingly. The Tsunami swept away his wife, two children, father-in-law, and brother-in-law.

The second story introduces us to a brave policeman named Sanjeev. He managed to save himself, his wife, and his daughter. However, upon hearing the cries of the guest house cook John's wife, he heroically jumped into the water to rescue her. Tragically, he couldn't save her or himself, and both drowned.

The third story features a resilient 13-year-old girl named Meghna. The Tsunami engulfed her, along with her parents and seventy-seven other people. Miraculously, she clung to a wooden door, floating for two days until a wave brought her back to the shore, saving her life. The final story in this section revolves around Almas, a ten-year-old girl. Her father, recognizing the receding water as a warning, tried to evacuate his family to safety. Amidst the chaos, her grandfather fell, and her father went to his aid. A massive wave swept them away, and Almas watched as her mother and aunts, clinging to a tree, were also carried away. Almas herself managed to climb onto a floating wooden log and later fainted. Fortunately, she was rescued and taken to the hospital in Kamorta.

The second part of the chapter transports us to Thailand, where we learn about Tilly, a clever girl. Tilly and her family, originally from England, were spending Christmas on a Thai beach on December 26th. As Tilly and her mother observed the sea rising, foaming, and forming whirlpools, Tilly recognized these as signs of an impending Tsunami. She alerted her family and others on the beach, and they hurried back to their hotel. Luckily, the hotel building withstood the Tsunami's force, and they all survived.

The third part of the chapter explores the remarkable sixth sense of animals during natural disasters. In the catastrophic Tsunami that claimed the lives of around 150,000 people, only a few animals perished. For instance, in Sri Lanka's Yala National Park, while 60 visitors tragically lost their lives, only two animals died. Visitors also noticed that three elephants had fled from the beach an hour before the Tsunami struck. In another incident in Galle, Sri Lanka, two dogs refused to go for their usual beach walk. Their owner, following their instincts, also refrained from going, ultimately saving his life.

These stories from different parts of the world highlight both human bravery and the remarkable instincts of animals in the face of nature's fury.

Unit 3 – Glimpses of the Past

The chapter unfolds during the year 1757, a time when the British held a dominant position in India. They possessed superior weaponry, financial resources, and the cunning strategy of 'Divide and Rule.' Meanwhile, Indian states and princes were embroiled in internal conflicts, lacking unity. Many sought British assistance, and the East India Company exploited this vulnerability. While some Indians favored the British, others did not. One notable exception was Tipu Sultan of Mysore, who valiantly fought against the British but tragically perished in the Fourth Anglo-Mysore War in 1799.

The chapter delves into the social landscape from 1765 to 1836. This period witnessed the propagation of harmful customs such as untouchability, child marriages, and Sati pratha by religious leaders. The British held Indians in disdain, eroding their self-respect. Farmers were burdened with heavy taxes, and skilled artisans had their thumbs severed. Importantly, imports from England were exempt from taxes, highlighting the British's relentless pursuit of profit and wealth at any cost.

Between 1772 and 1833, Raja Ram Mohan Roy initiated efforts to reform Indian society, establishing the Brahmo Samaj for this purpose. He championed the idea that the core teachings of all religions were alike. Additionally, he initiated newspapers in India and vehemently opposed practices like Sati pratha, polygamy, child marriages, and the caste system. His contributions played a pivotal role in the abolition of Sati pratha.

In 1818, the British enacted The Third Regulation Act, which allowed for the incarceration of Indians without trial in court, intensifying oppression. By 1829, British exports from India amounted to seven crore rupees, while Indian industries languished.

Unsatisfied with their exploitation, the British sought to groom clerks for administration. Consequently, in 1835, Lord Macaulay recommended English as the medium of education. This policy gave rise to intellectuals who recognized the injustices of British rule and educated their fellow Indians.

By 1856, India had become a fully controlled British colony, and the suppression reached its zenith, resulting in revolts. In 1855, the Santhals rebelled, targeting the British and their servants. The year 1857 marked the onset of the First War of Independence, commencing with the execution of Mangal Pandey. Sepoys rallied towards Delhi, chanting support for Bahadur Shah Zafar. Landlords joined the movement, circulating chapattis and lotus flowers as symbols of unity. Prominent figures like Hazrat Mahal, Maulvi Ahmadullah, Tatya Tope, Peshwa Nana Saheb, and Kunwar Singh also joined the uprising, marking the dawn of the Indian freedom struggle.

Unit 4 – Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory

The story introduces us to Bepin Choudhury, a man with a passion for books who regularly visits a bookstore to indulge in his love for reading. One fateful day during one of his routine visits, a stranger approaches him. This man identifies himself as Parimal Ghose, claiming to be an old acquaintance from a trip to Ranchi.

Initially, Bepin is perplexed because he has no recollection of ever visiting Ranchi or meeting this man. However, Parimal proceeds to provide specific details about their supposed trip, leaving Bepin utterly bewildered. He struggles to recall any of the incidents Parimal mentions, and the idea of visiting Ranchi seems entirely foreign to him.

Parimal further adds that Dinesh Mukerji, another individual from their alleged trip, could confirm the story. Although Bepin initially dismisses this as a misunderstanding, his curiosity gets the better of him, and he eventually contacts Dinesh, who corroborates the narrative. Bepin becomes increasingly distressed, fearing that he might be losing his memory.

Seeking a solution, Bepin consults a doctor, who is equally puzzled by his unusual case. The doctor suggests revisiting Ranchi, believing that returning to the place may trigger forgotten memories. Bepin follows this advice, embarking on a trip to Ranchi, but to his dismay, no memories resurface.

As he waits anxiously for the doctor's arrival, Bepin finally uncovers the truth behind the perplexing situation. It turns out that his friend Chunni Lal orchestrated an elaborate practical joke to exact revenge. At a time when Chunni desperately needed a job, Bepin had been unable to assist him, leading to a strained relationship.

Chunni, harboring resentment, devised this elaborate ruse to teach Bepin a lesson. While Bepin experiences a surge of anger upon learning the truth, he also feels a sense of relief that he is not suffering from memory loss.

When the doctor eventually arrives, Bepin decides to keep the real story a secret. Instead, he informs the doctor that his visit to Ranchi magically restored his lost memories, concealing the elaborate prank that had temporarily shaken his sense of reality.

Unit 5 – The Summit Within

In the remarkable year of 1965, history was made with the first successful expedition to the majestic Mount Everest. Among the brave souls embarking on this challenging journey were the renowned Edmund Hillary and the courageous Major Ahluwalia. Within the pages of this chapter, Major Ahluwalia recounts his memories of this monumental expedition, which left an indelible mark on his soul.

Standing atop the lofty peak of Mount Everest, Major Ahluwalia experienced a profound mixture of emotions. Despite the physical exhaustion that clung to him, he felt humbled and overjoyed. This overwhelming joy, he believed, would remain etched in his heart for a lifetime, and for this, he was immensely grateful to the divine forces that had guided him. Yet, there was also an undercurrent of sadness within him. He struggled to pinpoint its source but surmised that it may be because there were no higher peaks left to conquer.

Despite conquering the world's tallest summit, Major Ahluwalia believed that there was another summit to ascend – the summit of one's mind. He eloquently asserted that three essential qualities – endurance, persistence, and unwavering willpower – were required to surmount life's myriad challenges. Overcoming obstacles, he believed, was a source of immense satisfaction for every individual.

When asked about his motivation to climb Mount Everest, Major Ahluwalia's love for mountains shone through. He explained that the sheer height and formidable obstacles presented by Mount Everest were a thrilling challenge. He possessed an insatiable desire to face challenges head-on and triumph over them. Climbing Everest, he emphasized, was not just a physical feat but also a deeply emotional and spiritual journey. The successful ascent brought not only fame but also a profound sense of fulfillment.

Major Ahluwalia underscored the importance of companionship in mountain climbing. Two climbers are tethered together by a rope, each relying on the other's support. One cuts steps in the unforgiving ice while the other securely holds the rope. This mutual trust and assistance are vital in overcoming the formidable challenges posed by the mountain. A lone individual can't conquer such peaks; they require both the physical and emotional support of their partners.

Reflecting on the climb, Major Ahluwalia recounted how, upon reaching the summit, they all paid homage to the divine. They left symbols of their faith – Guru Nanak's picture, Goddess Durga, Lord Buddha's relic, and a Cross buried beneath the snow by Edmund Hillary. This act of reverence underlined the spiritual significance of their journey.

In closing, Major Ahluwalia shared a profound insight. He contended that within every person lies their mountain peak – an internal summit waiting to be scaled. The ascent of this inner peak, he asserted, is equally crucial, as it brings about transformative change within oneself. He ventured to suggest that this inner summit might even surpass the towering heights of Mount Everest, signifying the limitless potential within each individual.

Unit 6 – This is Jody’s Fawn

This touching story is an excerpt from the beloved novel "The Yearling," penned by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. It revolves around the tender emotions of a young boy named Jody, who possesses a heart as pure as his sensitive mind.

The tale takes a dramatic turn when Jody's father is bitten by a venomous rattlesnake. In a desperate bid to save his father's life, Jody is compelled to make a difficult decision. He must kill a doe to obtain its heart and liver, which are believed to have the power to draw out the poison. This courageous act indeed rescues his father, but it leaves a helpless fawn orphaned and alone in the forest.

The image of the lonely fawn haunts Jody, filling him with sadness that refuses to dissipate. Unable to shake off the feeling of responsibility, he resolves to bring the fawn into their home. He discusses this heartfelt desire with his father, who, initially hesitant, eventually acknowledges their moral obligation. They had taken the life of the doe, and it was now their duty to care for its offspring.

However, Jody understands that they also need his mother's consent. When he broaches the  subject with her, she is initially taken aback by the idea. Jody patiently explains that it would be ungrateful to abandon the helpless fawn, and his mother begins to see the merit in his argument.

Dr. Wilson, a trusted figure in their lives, lends his support to Jody's cause, emphasizing the importance of responsibility and sacrifice. Mill-wheel, a helpful friend, offers to accompany Jody into the forest to locate the fawn.

With the backing of his family and community, Jody secures his mother's agreement, albeit with one condition: he must uphold his promise to care for the fawn diligently. Jody wholeheartedly pledges to feed the fawn his share of milk.

Together, Jody and his companions venture into the forest, determined to find and bring the little fawn home. When they finally locate the fawn, Jody cradles the vulnerable creature in his arms and lovingly introduces it to his father. He carefully feeds the fawn milk from his hands.

In this heartwarming conclusion, the fawn finds a new home and family in Jody's care. The story beautifully illustrates how the innocence of a pure heart and the kindness of a beautiful soul can bring about a profound change in someone's life, highlighting the transformative power of compassion and responsibility.

Unit 7 – A Visit to Cambridge

This chapter recounts the author's memorable experience in England, particularly at Cambridge University, which had always held a special allure for him. However, it was a fortuitous encounter with the renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking that deepened his fascination with the university.

The author's journey in England led him to a walking tour, during which he had the remarkable opportunity to meet Stephen Hawking. Hawking, a brilliant astrophysicist, was a disabled individual who occupied the prestigious position of Isaac Newton's successor in the Physics Department at Cambridge University. He was also widely recognized as the author of the bestselling book, 'A Brief History of Time.'

Following the walking tour, the author decided to visit Stephen Hawking's residence. It was during this visit that he encountered Hawking's assistant, who attended to the call. The author conveys his long journey from India and his profound desire to write a book about his travels in England, which included his wish to meet Stephen Hawking. The assistant, after hearing the author's request, scheduled a meeting for them from 3:30 to 4.

When the author met Stephen Hawking, he was struck by the sight of the machine that supported Hawking's body due to his disability. Nonetheless, the author composed himself and proceeded to ask questions. One of his inquiries revolved around Hawking's remarkable courage in the face of adversity. Hawking humbly acknowledged that he had no other option but to be brave and accept his situation. He also shared his amusement at the well-meaning patronization he often encountered.

The author, daringly, asked if Hawking ever felt annoyed by individuals like himself who sought his time and attention. With a smile, Hawking confessed to occasionally feeling this way. Throughout the interview, the author found Hawking to be an incredibly inspiring and beautiful soul.

Another poignant question the author posed was whether Hawking's disability had affected his perception of humility and kindness in the world. To this, Hawking agreed with a shared sense of understanding. The interview concluded with Hawking offering a piece of valuable advice to disabled or handicapped individuals. He encouraged them to focus on their strengths rather than their disabilities, urging them not to become overly enthusiastic but instead to excel in areas where they demonstrated aptitude.

As Hawking retreated to his garden, the author was left with a profound sense of inspiration and fulfillment. His journey had not only been an enriching experience but also a testament to the remarkable courage and resilience of the human spirit, exemplified by the brilliant Stephen Hawking.

Unit 1 Poem – The Ant and the Cricket

This poem, attributed to the famous Greek poet Aesop, tells the tale of two characters: a carefree cricket and a diligent ant. The cricket symbolizes frivolity and the ant represents prudence and hard work.

In the poem, the young cricket is depicted as a creature of joy, singing and dancing merrily during the bountiful seasons of summer and spring. These seasons bring abundance, with lush greenery, food, and water readily available. During such times, there seems to be no need to store anything for the future. The cricket, caught up in the moment, revels in his happiness and neglects to prepare for the harsh winter ahead.

When winter arrives, the landscape transforms, blanketed in snow, devoid of flowers and leaves. The once-carefree cricket now faces a dire situation. His lack of foresight leaves him with an empty house and an empty stomach. Desperate and starving, he musters the courage to approach the ant for help.

The cricket's appearance reflects his desperation: cold, wet, and shivering. He pleads with the ant for food and shelter, fearing he may succumb to hunger, despair, and the biting cold of winter. In his plea, he promises to repay the ant for his kindness.

The ant, however, responds with a stern but just rebuke. He questions why the cricket failed to gather and store food during the seasons of plenty. The cricket's reply reveals his shortsightedness, as he confesses to prioritizing immediate pleasure over future security. He had assumed that food and water would always be abundant, a belief that now haunts him.

The ant, having diligently stored food for the winter, rebuffs the cricket's request. He scolds the cricket, implying that he should continue singing and dancing through the winter, just as he did during the more favorable seasons. With this, the ant dismisses the cricket and pushes him out of his dwelling.

The poem's moral lesson serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the consequences of neglecting the future. The poet underscores the truth in this fable by highlighting the regret that many people feel when they fail to plan and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead, just like the ill-fated cricket who once danced away the days of plenty.

Unit 2 Poem – Geography Lesson

This thought-provoking poem is penned by Zulfikar Ghose, an author with a diverse background, born in India before its independence, later settling in Pakistan, and currently residing in the USA. Ghose's poem is a single stanza of 24 lines, devoid of any rhyme scheme. It explores three central themes: the perspective from the sky, the establishment of civilization, and the enigma of human conflict.

The poet begins by sharing his aerial view of a city from a jet, observing that from such heights, everything appears diminutive. The cityscape seems disorganized and lacking in proper planning. This perspective prompts contemplation on the importance of water, a precious resource indispensable for various human activities, including agriculture, transportation, and commerce. Ghose's reflection deepens as the jet ascends further.

At 10,000 feet, the poet discerns a significant pattern. Cities are invariably situated near rivers or water sources, highlighting the critical role of water in urban development. It becomes evident that the availability of water resources has guided the haphazard growth of cities, driven by the fundamental human need for water. The correlation between fertile land, water, and human existence crystallizes, revealing the logical underpinning of urban expansion. Ghose acknowledges the abundance of water on Earth, underscoring the planet's spherical shape.

The poem takes a poignant turn as the poet contemplates the perplexing human tendency to build walls, boundaries, and fences, leading to division and animosity. Despite humanity's knowledge of the Earth's shape and the evolution of civilizations and nations, there is a glaring absence of wisdom on how to coexist harmoniously on this remarkable planet. Ghose is bewildered by the depth of human hatred and division, driven by traits such as selfishness, jealousy, and narrow-mindedness.

The poet laments that while the Earth is a singular entity, its inhabitants have fragmented and divided it along artificial lines. He questions why people cannot transcend their differences and embrace peaceful coexistence. Ghose envisions a world where humanity sets aside its divisions, allowing the planet to flourish as a wondrous, beautiful, and harmonious abode for all. In these contemplative lines, the poet challenges us to reflect on the senselessness of discord and the potential for unity, underscoring the importance of living in harmony on our shared planet.

Unit 4 Poem – The Last Bargain

"The Last Bargain" is a poignant poem penned by the renowned Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore. It narrates the tale of an individual embarking on a quest for employment, driven by the fervent desire to find work that would not compromise his cherished freedom. The poem explores various offers he encounters along his journey and his eventual decision to accept a unique proposal.

The poem opens with the protagonist, in his pursuit of independence, receiving his first proposition from a King. Early in the morning, the King extends an offer of power in exchange for the man's labor. However, the protagonist discerns that such power is transient and ultimately inconsequential. He recognizes that power, like the morning mist, may dissipate, and thus, he resolutely declines the King's proposal.

As the day progresses, the protagonist encounters a second opportunity, this time from a wealthy man. Amid the day, the affluent individual presents an enticing offer of substantial gold in return for the man's services. Yet, the protagonist remains steadfast in his quest for genuine fulfillment and refuses the riches, knowing that wealth is ephemeral and unable to procure lasting happiness.

In the evening, against the backdrop of nature's beauty and blooming flowers, a charming maiden extends her offer. She promises the man endless smiles as compensation for his work. However, the protagonist perceives a profound melancholy underlying her smile, recognizing that her happiness is veiled sorrow. With this realization, he rejects her offer, unwilling to compromise his quest for genuine contentment.

Ultimately, the protagonist's journey leads him to the seashore, where he encounters an innocent child engrossed in play, his heart unburdened by the complexities of the world. The child, in his pure simplicity, offers nothing material in exchange for the man's labor, as he possesses no riches, power, or worldly possessions to give. In the child's carefree play, the protagonist discovers the freedom he so dearly covets. He understands that in the company of innocence, his spirit remains unbound, and true happiness is attainable.

In choosing the child's offer, the protagonist not only secures his freedom but also finds solace in the purity of an unadulterated moment. The last bargain he accepts is one where the rewards are intangible yet immeasurable, where genuine happiness resides in the simplicity of existence. Tagore's poem reminds us of the enduring value of uncompromised freedom and the profound joy that can be found in the pure and unencumbered moments of life.

Unit 5 Poem – The School Boy

"The School Boy," a poem penned by William Blake, delves into the melancholic life of a young schoolboy who yearns for the freedom and happiness he once experienced in the natural world. The poem critiques the rigid educational system that stifles the joy and spontaneity of childhood.

The poem commences by portraying the schoolboy's affinity for the simplicity and beauty of nature. He cherishes the tranquility of summer mornings, where he can revel in the sights and sounds of trees and birds. The poet underscores the significance of mornings, symbolizing hope and promise. In contrast, the boy's experience at school is marred by unhappiness and the burden of learning.

The schoolboy's disinterest in the confines of the classroom is palpable. He finds the teacher's lectures dull and uninspiring. The strict discipline imposed by the teacher further adds to his discontent. His daily routine at school is steeped in sadness, gradually eroding the joy he once knew.

Blake employs vivid imagery to compare the school to a tree, under which children sit and learn. However, the boy does not find solace even under this tree, highlighting the oppressive nature of the educational system. The metaphor of a caged bird further underscores the notion that the schoolboy's spirit is imprisoned, much like a bird in captivity.

The poet's message transcends the personal experience of the schoolboy. He implores parents and educators not to rob children of their natural joy and freedom in the pursuit of knowledge. The poet likens the loss of childhood joy to the onset of perpetual winter, symbolizing a world devoid of happiness and vitality. Just as winter deprives the earth of its vibrancy and life, a joyless childhood drains the world of its spirit and exuberance.

In "The School Boy," Blake advocates for a balanced approach to education that nurtures a child's spirit while fostering intellectual growth. The poem serves as a poignant reminder that childhood should be a time of exploration, wonder, and unbridled joy, where the innate curiosity of a child is celebrated rather than suppressed. It underscores the importance of preserving the innocence and happiness of youth, as these qualities contribute to a more vibrant world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: How many chapters are there in the class 8 English textbook- Honeydew?

Answer 1: There are 7 prose and 4 poems in class  8 English textbook- Honeydew.



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