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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan - PDF Download

JEE Mains & Advanced

Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan ncert Solutions contains a wonderful collection based on four classic stories by famous writers from different times. These chapters are a part of the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan, which can help you understand the stories better. This way, you can improve your skills in answering questions and do well in your exams.

Hindi is a language that many people speak, so it's important to learn it. If you're in Class 9 under CBSE, one of the best ways to learn Hindi is through your textbooks. Even though some students might not pay much attention to Hindi, it's a subject that can be interesting and helpful.

Sanchayan class 9 Hindi NCERT Solutions has been written beautifully and arranged very neatly. It's easy for students to read and understand the essence of these chapters. Learning from this book can make you better at Hindi and bring good results. The book contains six chapters, and each of them is important. When you're preparing for your exams, make sure you study all of these chapters.

If you have any doubts or questions about these chapters, you can find the answers in the NCERT class 9 Sanchayan book solution. These solutions are complete and cover all the chapters. They can be really useful for your exam preparation. Just like in Maths, where students use Class 9 Maths NCERT Solutions to study and score more marks, in Science too, there are solutions available. Not just for Hindi, if you're looking for solutions for subjects like Science, English, and Social Science, the Solutions provided by our experienced teachers can be really helpful. So, don't hesitate to use these resources to improve your understanding and do well in all your subjects.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi - Sanchayan

Given below is the list of chapters included in the CBSE class 9 Hindi textbook- Sanchayan:

NCERT Solutions Class 9 Hindi (Sanchayan) Chapter-wise List

Chapter 1 - Gillu

Chapter 2 - Smriti

Chapter 3 - Kallu Kumhar Ki Unakoti

Chapter 4 - Mera Chhota Sa Niji Pustakalay

Here, is the overview of each chapter included in the CBSE class 9 Hindi textbook- Sanchayan:

Chapter 1 - Gillu

In this passage, the author describes a stage of her life where she saved a squirrel's baby from a crow and kept it in her house. She named the squirrel's baby "Gillu." She mentions that a bud has sprouted in her jasmine plant, which is yellow. Seeing this bud reminds her of a small creature that used to hide in the greenery of a jasmine plant. However, she realizes that the small creature has now become a part of the plant's roots as it has passed away, and she has buried it under the plant.

One day, as she was looking out of her window, she observed two crows playing around a pot. She found it fascinating how the crows were sometimes very affectionate towards each other and other times dealt with insults. This made her think about the unique behavior of crows. Suddenly, her attention was diverted as she noticed a small creature near the joint of the window and the wall. It was a baby squirrel. The sight of the tiny creature reminded her of Gillu. Due to her college commitments, she wasn't able to give much attention to Gillu, but now she had the chance.

She took care of Gillu, cleaning its wounds, providing medicine, and feeding it. Gillu's health improved, and he started responding to her presence. Whenever she sat down to write, Gillu would climb up her legs, reach the table, and run down again. This became a usual routine, and Gillu seemed to enjoy it as well. He would even signal to her when he was hungry or wanted cashews. The author noticed that the sparrows outside the window would chirp as if trying to communicate with Gillu.

The author mentions an incident where she met with a motor accident and had to spend some days in the hospital. During that time, Gillu would eagerly wait for her near the window, mistaking others for her and then quickly retreating to his nest when he realized his mistake. Even when she returned, he continued to come to her, showing his affection by touching her fingers and head with his cold paws.

As time passed, Gillu's life expectancy, which was around two years, was drawing near. He didn't eat much during his last days and spent more time with the author. One night, he came to her bed and gently touched her head, just like he used to when he was a baby. The author sensed that his end was near. In the morning light, he passed away peacefully, and she felt that he had taken his final breath as he touched her.

After Gillu's demise, the author buried him beneath her jasmine plant, a place he loved. She closed the window mesh and left a tiny opening for the young squirrels to peek inside, as well as for spring to enter through the jasmine flowers. She cherished the memory of Gillu, the little creature that brought a unique kind of happiness into her life, and his burial under the jasmine plant symbolized his connection with the beauty of nature.

Chapter 2 - Smriti

The author is describing an incident that took place in 1908. During that time, there was intense cold weather. It was around half-past three or four in the evening when the author, along with several companions, was busy picking and eating wild berries near a stream. Suddenly, a man from the village called out loudly, telling the author to quickly return home as his elder brother was asking for him. The author's younger brother was also present. Fearing his elder brother's anger, the author walked home with a heavy heart.

When the author found a letter his younger brother had written in the courtyard, his fear of getting scolded vanished. Their elder brother instructed them to take the letters to the post office in Makkanpur as quickly as possible so that they would reach their intended recipients soon. The day was extremely cold and windy, making the journey quite uncomfortable. The author and his brother wrapped scarves around their ears and wore their jackets tightly. They carried roasted chickpeas in a cloth and set off, each with a stick in hand.

Their path led them to a well about 220 yards from the village, where a terrifying black snake had fallen. The author compares their group to a troop of monkeys that were often spotted in the area. He shares a story from their mischief-filled days, mentioning how once they peered into the well by jumping on a ledge. The author threw a stone into the well to hear the sound it made, only to be startled by the unexpected sound of a splash.

On their way from the village to Makkanpur and back, the author and his companions made it a daily routine to throw stones into the well. One day, the author took a stone from the well's edge and, aiming carefully, he hit a snake that was perched nearby. The stone struck the snake, but in an instant, lightning struck the author, leaving him unsure if the snake's cry was real or a result of the lightning. The events of that day are etched in the author's memory, but he can't recall if the snake cried out or not.

In this account, the author reflects on a childhood incident filled with curiosity and adventure, where he and his companions engaged in playful activities and experienced the unpredictability of nature. The narrative provides a glimpse into rural life and the author's vivid memories from his past.

This incident was about the moment when, just as the hat was taken into the hands, all three letters slipped and fell into the well, spiraling down. In the author's eyes, there was a surge of disappointment, fear of being scolded, and nervousness, leading to a flood of tears. The author's eyelids were trying to hold back his inner emotions, but tears were finding their way down his cheeks. At that moment, the author was reminded of his mother's lap. He felt like his mother would come, hold him close to her chest, shower him with affection, and say that it's alright, the letters can be rewritten again, and there's no need to cry.

The author's mind was tempted to throw a lot of mud into the well and go home, lying that both letters had been deposited, but at that time, the author didn't know how to lie. The author suggests that when a decision is firmly made in one's mind about doing something, troubles tend to decrease on their own. The author's distress also diminished because he had decided to go down the well to retrieve the letters. It was a terrifying decision, as there was a deadly black cobra down in the well. However, the author claims that someone ready to face death isn't afraid of anything frightening.

The author says that his younger brother was crying because he believed that if the author went down the well, he would surely be bitten by the snake and die. To go down the well, the author needed a rope, and aside from making a rope from his clothes, there was no other option. With a piece of cloth from his dhoti, a piece from his brother's dhoti, the one in which the author's mother had tied the roasted chickpeas, and a few more pieces from various dhotis combined, and with a rope found near the well, they created a long enough rope for the well's depth.

The author started descending the well with the help of the dhoti, and his little brother began crying even harder. The author assured him that he would kill the snake as soon as he reached the bottom, and the author himself believed that he would do the same. This belief was rooted in the fact that the author had killed many snakes before.
The author describes an event where he was descending into a well. When he was about four to five yards down from the well's surface, he looked below with great attention. What he saw astonished him greatly. He saw a snake on the well's floor, with one hand raised above the ground and the other hand hanging down. The snake's raised part was swaying like a wave. The author adds that usually, the diameter of shallow wells is quite small, maybe a bit more than one and a half yards at the bottom. In this situation, the snake could have stayed at least four feet away from the author, even when he was in the well, even though the snake was trying to keep its distance. However, due to the limited space in the well, the author had no choice but to be close to the snake. This was because the rope he had made, his only tool, was hanging in the middle of the well.

The author explains that he couldn't have struck the snake from above. To kill the snake, he had to go down into the well. He then suggests a way: the author held the rope with both hands and placed his feet on the well's side. As he did this, some soil fell beneath his feet, and the snake, hissing loudly, attacked the falling soil. The author's feet left the well's side, and he was left hanging with his legs dangling. This helped the author realize how to get down without touching the snake and the well's sides. The author then managed to place his feet against the well's side and descend to a ledge about one and a half yards below the well's surface.

The author and the snake locked eyes. The author notes that snakes are said to "hear" through vibrations, as they lack external ears. In this situation, the author felt like he, too, was "listening" through his eyes, as his other senses weren't working properly due to fear. The author shares that it's quite challenging to maneuver a stick in such a small space, and trying to strike the snake with a stick was like aiming into a cannon's mouth. Moreover, if he missed or didn't strike the snake's fangs, the snake could retaliate. If he pressed the snake down with the stick, he wouldn't have been able to lift the two letters that were right beside the snake. So, this option was ruled out.

The author faced two choices: either using the stick to fend off the snake or not using it at all. The first option was beyond his strength, so he had to resort to the second option. He mentions that his little brother had seen him getting out of the well, so he implored his brother not to tell anyone about the incident. After obtaining the letters, the author climbed out of the well with his hands, as he couldn't manage to do so without his feet. In 1915, after passing the matriculation examination, the author told this whole story to his mother. His mother hugged him tightly, much like a bird protects her chicks under her wings. Reflecting on those childhood days, the author remarks that they were truly wonderful times.

He adds that back then, they didn't have rifles; they used sticks, and the thrill of hunting with a stick was no less thrilling than hunting with a rifle.

Chapter 3 - Kallu Kumhar Ki Unakoti

In this passage, the author, Mr. Vikram Singh, is sharing his experiences from his journey to Unakoti. The author begins by describing how he is different from others, and one day when he sees the dreadful weather in Delhi, it suddenly reminds him of Unakoti.

The author vividly describes his entire journey to Unakoti. He explains why he went to Unakoti and the challenges he faced on the way. He encountered various people during his journey, and he learned many things about Unakoti.

The author talks about the unique quality of sound, mentioning that it can transport you to a different time and place in an instant. He emphasizes how sometimes we get so caught up in our work that a sudden loud noise can startle us, causing us to forget what we were doing.

The author is not someone who wakes up at 4 a.m., prepares for a morning walk by 5 a.m., and goes to Lodhi Garden to admire the tombs and take long walks with his friends. Instead, he describes his typical mornings as peaceful, starting with watching the sunrise, making his tea, and leisurely enjoying the morning with a newspaper.

He explains how often, reading the news is just a distraction, like watching a kite flying in the sky. The author recalls a particular morning when a loud noise disrupted his peaceful routine, and for a moment, he thought it might be the start of World War III due to George W. Bush and Saddam Hussein. However, he soon realized it was just thunder and lightning in the sky, resembling a battle between soldiers fighting in a thunderstorm.

This thunderstorm reminded the author of an evening in Unakoti three years ago when he was shooting a TV series titled "On the Road." He traveled to Agartala, the capital of Tripura, which is surrounded by Bangladesh on three sides and has difficult-to-reach areas. People from Bangladesh often come to Tripura without permission, and this social mixing has contributed to the state's high population growth.

He mentions that Tripura's unique demographic composition is due to people from Assam, West Bengal, and even outside India traveling to Tripura. The author also points out that while Tripura faces some challenges due to this influx, it has become an example of a society embracing various cultures and religions.

After shooting in Agartala, the author and his team ventured onto National Highway 44 and reached Teliyamura. There, he met Hemant Kumar Jamatia, a famous local folk singer who had received awards for his contributions to music. The district council had organized a feast for the author's shooting crew.

In Teliyamura, the author had a chance to listen to a beautiful song by Manju Rishidas, a member of the Mochi community. Although Manju Rishidas wasn't highly educated, she was a popular radio artist and represented her ward in the local panchayat.

The author explains that Manju, despite her lack of formal education, had a deep understanding of the essential need for clean drinking water in her community. Teliyamura was the last place the author visited before entering the volatile part of Tripura, where violence was ongoing. Before proceeding, he requested the Chief Secretary and the IG, of CRPF, to ensure the safety of his team as they followed behind the columns of marching tourists.

For this, the Chief Secretary and the I.G., C.R.P.F. were initially unprepared, but after a little persuasion, they agreed to it, but they placed a condition before the author. The condition was that the author and the author's cameraman would have to ride in a C.R.P.F. vehicle filled with weapons, and this task would be at their own risk. The author describes the Manu River as one of the major rivers in Tripura, with the small town of Manu situated on its banks. When the author and the author's unit reached the bridge over the Manu River, it was evening, and the author beautifully describes that evening. He says that he felt as if the golden rays of the sun were sprinkling their gold on the waters of the Manu River, making it seem like the sun was playing with its gold in the river.

The author mentions that they had now reached the North Tripura district, where one of the popular domestic activities is preparing thin bamboo sticks for agarbattis (incense sticks). After preparing the thin bamboo sticks for agarbattis, they are sent to Karnataka and Gujarat to make agarbattis. After reaching North Tripura, the author had a meeting with the District Magistrate, who turned out to be a young officer from Kerala. The author describes him as very energetic, friendly, and enthusiastic.

While having tea with the District Magistrate, he told the author about the successful cultivation of T.P.S. (True Potato Seeds) in Tripura, especially in the northern district. Tripura now not only supplies T.P.S. to Assam, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Arunachal Pradesh but is also exporting it to countries like Bangladesh, Malaysia, and Vietnam. Suddenly, the District Magistrate asked the author if he would like to shoot in Unakoti. Explaining further about Unakoti, the District Magistrate said that Unakoti might not be the biggest place in India, but it is certainly one of the largest pilgrimage sites dedicated to Lord Shiva. He mentioned that this place is quite deep within the jungle, although the distance from where the author and his unit were was only nine kilometers.

By now, the author's interest in Unakoti had been piqued. He felt more courageous, as he had successfully crossed the dangerous journey from Teliamura to Manu. So, he thought that if he could undertake the journey from Teliamura to Manu, then crossing the jungle to reach Unakoti shouldn't be a big deal. The author tells us that Unakoti means one less than a crore, which is nine million. According to a legend, Unakoti is a place where there are nine million statues of Lord Shiva. Huge stone statues have been carved out from the mountains here. One of the largest stone sculptures of Lord Shiva in India is here. The author says that there is a waterfall that flows throughout the year, which is considered as pure as the Ganges. The entire area is filled with statues of deities and gods, as every step you take will lead you to some form of deity.

The author states that the creator of these stone sculptures in Unakoti remains a mystery. The local tribal belief is that these sculptures were created by a potter named Kallu Kumhar. He was a devotee of Goddess Parvati and wanted to visit Mount Kailash, the abode of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. However, Lord Shiva was not willing to take him along. On Goddess Parvati's insistence, Lord Shiva agreed but laid a condition before Kallu Kumhar. The condition was that Kallu had to make nine million statues of Lord Shiva overnight. Kallu, being a skilled potter, accepted the challenge.

However, when morning came, the statues made by Kallu fell short by one of nine million. Lord Shiva used this as an excuse to leave Kallu behind and took Goddess Parvati with Him to Mount Kailash. The author says that shooting at this place was completed, and they were returning when suddenly, a terrifying darkness engulfed Unakoti. Clouds gathered rapidly. While the author and his unit were packing their equipment, the clouds roared and thundered, as if Lord Shiva's dance of destruction had begun. The author was reminded of this ominous roar and thunder on a chilly morning in Delhi three years after visiting Unakoti when he saw a similar weather pattern.

Chapter 4 - Mera Chhota Sa Niji Pustakalay

In the passage titled "Mera Niji Pustakalaya," the author shares the story of how he transformed a small collection of books into a large personal library. He reflects on how his love for reading was cultivated and how his passion for collecting books developed.

The author begins by recounting his childhood and how his father, despite having a stable government job, decided to leave it when the construction of the Burma Road was in progress. This decision resulted in financial struggles for the family, but it didn't deter the author's access to books. Magazines and newspapers continued to arrive at their home, including titles like 'Aryamitra Saptahik,' 'Vedodam,' 'Saraswati,' 'Grihini,' and two special children's magazines - 'Balsakha' and 'Chamcham.' The presence of numerous books in their house sparked the author's interest in reading.

The author fondly remembers a biography of Swami Dayanand, which was his favorite book. It was written in an engaging style with illustrations. The author's mother was determined to provide him with a good education, and she worried that he might spend too much time reading newspapers and magazines instead of his school textbooks.

The turning point came when the author was admitted to school. His father, Loknath, made a heartfelt gesture by offering him fresh pomegranate juice in a clay pot from his shop. He encouraged the author to promise that he would study his textbooks as diligently as he read magazines and newspapers. Loknath's support and the author's dedication led to significant academic success, with the author even securing the first position in his class.
As a reward for his exceptional performance, the author received two English books as gifts. One of them featured two young children exploring the wilderness, discovering various species of birds, their languages, and habits. This book ignited the author's curiosity about birds and their world.

The passage highlights the author's early love for reading, his parents' support, and how his dedication to studying and reading transformed him into a successful student. It also foreshadows his future as a passionate collector of books and a lover of knowledge. The author's journey into the world of books began with two English books as prizes for academic excellence during his school days. The second book was titled 'Trusty the Tug,' which narrated stories about ships. It described the various types of ships, the cargo they carried, their origins, destinations, and the lives of sailors on board. The book also delved into the mysteries of islands, the presence of whales and sharks in the sea, and more.

These two English books opened up a new world for the author. His room transformed into a sanctuary filled with books on birds and oceans. The author's father created space for his books by clearing out a cupboard and declaring it the author's library, a gift from him. This marked the beginning of the author's lifelong journey with books.

Growing up from a child to a young adult, the author went from school to college and then university. He earned a doctorate and began teaching at the university. Following this, he moved from Allahabad to Mumbai and continued his work, expanding his library along the way. He lovingly recalls that his library started in a small room in his neighborhood called 'Hari Bhavan,' where numerous novels were available. Even when financial difficulties loomed over the family after his father's death, the author remained determined to continue his passion for books. He managed to collect second-hand textbooks with the little money he could spare, shared notes with friends, and created his study materials.

One particular memory stands out. After passing his high school exams, he had saved two rupees. With this meager amount, he ventured to a second-hand bookstore and came across the book 'Devdas' by Sharatchandra Chattopadhyay, priced at just one rupee. The bookseller, recognizing the young student, offered to sell it to him without any commission. The author was overjoyed and watched the movie 'Devdas' with his mother, knowing that this book was the first addition to his library, bought with his own money.

Years later, after a successful operation, the renowned Marathi poet Vinda Karandikar came to meet the author. He expressed that the author was blessed by the great literary figures whose works surrounded him, breathing life into his books. The author paid his respects to Vinda and all the literary giants whose books graced his library. He believed that his books held his essence, just as a parrot was believed to contain a king's soul. In this way, the author's love for books and his library grew over the years, reflecting his deep appreciation for the written word and the knowledge it held within its pages.

How to Score More Marks in Hindi (Sanchayan) in the Class 9th Examination?

Scoring more marks in the Class 9th Hindi (Sanchayan) examination can be achieved through effective preparation and a structured approach. Here are some tips to help you excel in this subject:

Understand the Syllabus: Start by thoroughly understanding the Class 9th Hindi (Sanchayan) NCERT syllabus. Know what chapters and topics are included in your curriculum.

Use NCERT Solutions: NCERT solutions are a valuable resource. You can find the Sanchayan class 9 Hindi NCERT solutions PDF online. These solutions provide detailed explanations for each chapter and help you understand the concepts thoroughly.

Regular Reading: Develop a habit of reading the chapters regularly. Understanding the content is crucial. Try to read and comprehend the chapters in your Class 9 Sanchayan Hindi book NCERT Solutions PDF download.

Practice Questions: Solve the exercises and questions provided in your NCERT textbook. Utilize the Sanchayan class 9 NCERT solutions free PDF to cross-check your answers and understand the correct approach to solving problems.

Grammar and Language: Pay attention to the grammar and language aspects of Hindi. Ensure that you can write and speak Hindi correctly. Practice writing essays, letters, and stories in Hindi to improve your language skills.

Previous Year Question Papers: Solve previous year question papers to get a sense of the exam pattern and the types of questions asked. This will also help you manage your time during the exam.

Time Management: Manage your time wisely during the exam. Allocate a specific amount of time to each section or question, and stick to it. This will help you complete the paper without rushing.

Revision: Regularly revise what you have learned. Create concise notes for important concepts, grammar rules, and vocabulary. This will help you retain the information for a longer duration.

Seek Help When Needed: If you find any topic challenging, don't hesitate to seek help from your teacher or classmates. Clarify your doubts promptly to avoid confusion later.

Stay Calm and Confident: On the day of the exam, stay calm and confident. Start with the questions you find the easiest and proceed systematically. Double-check your answers if time allows.

Remember that consistent effort and regular practice are key to scoring well in any subject, including Hindi (Sanchayan). Utilize the available resources like Sanchayan class 9 Hindi NCERT solutions PDF, and stay committed to your studies. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: How many chapters are there in the class 9 Hindi-Sanchayan textbook?

Answer 1: There are 4 chapters in the class 9 Hindi-Sanchayan textbook.


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