A and B are any two non-empty sets and A is proper subset of B.


A and B are any two non-empty sets and A is proper subset of B. If n(A) = 5, then the minimum possible value of n(A ∆ B) is___________.


Given ∩ ϕ

$A \subseteq B$ and $n(A)=5$

Then minimum possible value of  n(A ∆ B)

Since $A \subsetneq B \quad$ i.e $n(A) \subsetneq n(B)$

⇒ ⋃ B

∩ =

n(A ∆ B) = n(⋃ B) – n(∩ B

n(B) – n(A)

n(B) – 5

i.e  n(A ∆ B) = – n(B) – 5 > n(A) – 5 = 0

i.e.  n(A ∆ B) > 0

Minimum possible value of  n(A ∆ B) = 1

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Aayush 6ka
May 5, 2023, 6:35 a.m.
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