A number is 27 more than the number obtained by reversing its digits.


A number is 27 more than the number obtained by reversing its digits. lf its unit's and ten's digit are x and y respectively, write the linear equation representing the statement. 


The number given to us is in the form of ‘yx‘,

Where y represents the ten's place of the number And x represents the unit's place of the number.

Now, the given number is 10y + x

Number obtained by reversing the digits of the number is 10x + y It is given to us that the original number is 27 more than the number obtained by reversing its digits So, 10y + x = 10x + y + 27

10y – y + x - 10x = 27

9y - 9x = 27

9(y – x) = 27

y – x = 27/9

3x – y + 3 = 0 

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