I have Rs 1000 in ten and five rupee notes.


I have Rs 1000 in ten and five rupee notes. If the number of ten rupee notes that I have is ten more than the number of five rupee notes, how many notes do I have in each denomination?


Let the number of five $-$ rupee notes be $\mathrm{x} .$

Therefore, the number of ten $-$ rupee notes will be $(\mathrm{x}+10)$.


Value of five - rupee notes $=$ Rs. $5 \mathrm{x}$

Value of ten $-$ rupee notes $=$ Rs. $10(\mathrm{x}+10)$

According to the question,

$5 \mathrm{x}+10(\mathrm{x}+10)=1000$

or $15 \mathrm{x}=1000-100$

or $\mathrm{x}=\frac{900}{15}=60$

$\therefore$ Number of five - rupee notes $=60$.

Number of ten - rupee notes $=60+10=70$.

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