Jyoti and Meena run a ready-made garment shop.


Jyoti and Meena run a ready-made garment shop. They mark the garments at such a price that even after allowing a discount of 12.5%, they make a profit of 10%. Find the marked price of a suit which costs them Rs 1470



$C \mathrm{P}$ of the suit $=$ Rs. 1470

Gain $=10 \%$

So, $S P=$ Rs. $\left(\frac{100+\text { Gain }}{100} \times C P\right)$

$=$ Rs. $\left(\frac{100+10}{100} \times 1470\right)$

$=$ Rs. 1617


$\mathrm{SP}=$ Rs. 1617

Discount $=12.5 \%$

So, $\mathrm{MP}=$ Rs. $\left(\frac{100 \times \mathrm{SP}}{100-\text { Discount } \%}\right)$

$=$ Rs. $\left(\frac{100 \times 1617}{100-12.5}\right)=$ Rs. 1848

Therefore, the marked price of the suit is Rs. 1848 .

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