The length of the perpendicular


The length of the perpendicular from the point $(2,-1,4)$ on the straight line, $\frac{x+3}{10}=\frac{y-2}{-7}=\frac{z}{1}$ is :

  1. greater than 3 but less than 4

  2. less than 2

  3. greater than 2 but less than 3

  4. greater than 4

Correct Option: 1,


Let $P$ be the foot of perpendicular from point

$T(2,-1,4)$ on the given line. So $P$ can be assumed as

$P(10 \lambda-3,-7 \lambda+2, \lambda)$

DR's of $T P$ is proportional to $10 \lambda-5,-7 \lambda+3, \lambda-4$

$\because \quad T P$ and given line are

perpendicular, so

$10(10 \lambda-5)-7(-7 \lambda+3)+1(\lambda-4)=0$

$\Rightarrow \lambda=\frac{1}{2}$

$\Rightarrow T P=\sqrt{(10 \lambda-5)^{2}+(-7 \lambda+3)^{2}+(\lambda-4)^{2}}$


Hence, the length of perpendicular is greater than 3 but less than $4 .$

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