The list price of a table fan is Rs 480 and it is available to a retailer at 25% discount.


The list price of a table fan is Rs 480 and it is available to a retailer at 25% discount. For how much should a retailer sell it to gain 15%?


Marked price of the table fan $=$ Rs. 480

Discount $=25 \%$

Therefore, cost price $=25 \%$ of $R s .480$

$\frac{25}{100} \times 480=$ Rs. 360

It is given that the profit on the table fan is $15 \%$.

Gain $\%=\frac{\text { Gain }}{\text { CP }} \times 100$

$15=\frac{\text { Gain }}{360} \times 100$

Gain $=$ Rs. 54

Gain $=$ SP $-$ CP

$54=$ SP $-360$

SP $=$ Rs. 414

Thus, the retailer will sell the table fan for Rs. 414 .

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