The trunk of a tree is cylindrical and its circumference is 176 cm.


The trunk of a tree is cylindrical and its circumference is 176 cm. If the length of the trunk is 3 m, find the volume of the timber that can be obtained from the trunk.


Circumference of the tree = 176 cm = 2πr

Length of the trunk, h= 3 m =300 cm

So, the radius (r) can be calculated by:

$r=\frac{176}{2 \times \frac{22}{7}}=28 \mathrm{~cm}$

Thus, the volume (V) of the timber can be calculated using the following formula:

V = πr2(h) =22 (28 )2 (300) cm3 = 739200 cm3 = 0.74 m3

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