Under which of the following conditions are you most likely to fall sick?

[question] Question. Under which of the following conditions are you most likely to fall sick? (a) When you are taking examinations. (b) When you have travelled by bus and train for two days. (c) When your friend is suffering from measles. Why? [question] [solution] Solution: In condition (c), Chances of falling sick are maximum. Measles is an infectious viral disease of young children which spreads through nasal or throat discharge. In contact of a friend suffering from measles can cause you si...

A baby is not able to tell her/his caretakers that she/he is sick.

[question] Question. A baby is not able to tell her/his caretakers that she/he is sick. What would help us to find out (a) that the baby is sicks? (b) What is the sickness? [/question] [solution] Solution: (a) Symptoms to help in finding out that the baby is sick are: 1. Continuous crying 2. Drooping of eyes 3. Redness of eyes 4. High temperature of body. (b) The sickness can be determined with the help of symptoms or indications shown by the child. The symptoms could be 1. Loose motions, stomac...

Conduct a survey in your neighbourhood to find out what the three most common diseases are.

[question] Question. Conduct a survey in your neighbourhood to find out what the three most common diseases are. Suggest three steps that could be taken by your local authorities to bring down the incidence of these diseases. [/question] [solution] Solution: I conducted a survey in my neighbourhood and found following three most common diseases. [/solution]...

A doctor/nurse/health-worker is exposed to more sick people than others in the community.

[question] Question. A doctor/nurse/health-worker is exposed to more sick people than others in the community. Find out how she/he avoids getting sick herself/himself. [/question] [solution] Solution: A doctor/nurse/nurse/health-worker take following precautions to avoid become sick themselves 1. Wear masks while diagnosing mouth or chest infections. 2. Clean their hands and wear gloves even while doing minor surgeries. 3. Get immunisation done against all the infectious diseases. 4. Take balanc...

What are the immunisation programmes available at the nearest health centre in your locality?

[question] Question. What are the immunisation programmes available at the nearest health centre in your locality? Which of these diseases are the major health problems in your area? [/question] [solution] Solution: The following immunisation programme is available at the nearest health centre in our locality 1. Immunisation for infants - DPT, BCG, polio, measles and MMR. 2. For children-Typhoid, TT, DT, small pox and TAB. 3. For pregnant woman - TT and hepatitis-B. The diseases like typhoid, po...

What is immunisation?

[question] Question. What is immunisation? [/question] [solution] Solution: Immunisation is a process of administration (injecting) of vaccine into a healthy person in order to develop immunity against a disease. Immunity means the ability of a body to recognise, destroy and eliminate external disease causing agents. This immunisation through administering vaccine is called vaccination. Vaccine contains disease-causing organisms in a diluted or weakened form or in living or dead form. It prevent...

What precautions can you take in your school to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases?

[question] Question. What precautions can you take in your school to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases? [/question] [solution] Solution: To prevent the incidence of infectious diseases in school following precautions can be taken: 1. Avoid contact of students suffering from air borne diseases like common cold, cough, eye, flu, etc. 2. By checking the availability of clean drinking water in school. 3. Clean surroundings in school will not allow the growth and multiplication of vectors. ...

What are the different means by which infectious diseases are spread?

[question] Question. What are the different means by which infectious diseases are spread? [question] [solution] Solution: Infectious diseases spread by different means. These are: 1. Through air- An infected person when sneezes or coughs releases droplets containing germs. These droplets infect another healthy person through air and microbes enter a new body. 2. Through water- If the water source is polluted by the excreta of infectious persons having gut diseases and this water is used by othe...

Why are we normally advised to take bland and nourishing food when we are sick?

[question] Question. Why are we normally advised to take bland and nourishing food when we are sick? [/question] [solution] Solution: In case of illness, the normal functions of the body get disturbed. So, a nourishing food is required which is easily digestible and contains all the nutrients. Therefore, bland and nourishing food is advised to take during sickness. [/solution]...

In which of the following case do you think the long-term effects

[question] Question. In which of the following case do you think the long-term effects on your health are likely to be most unpleasant? If you get jaundice, If you get lice, If you get acne. Why? [/question] [solution] Solution: Lice and acne will not cause long lasting effects on our body. But in case of jaundice, there will be severe long lasting effects. For example: 1. High temperature, headache and joint pains. 2. Feeling of nausea and vomiting. 3. Initiating rashes. The patient will suffer...

Are the answers to the above questions necessarily the same or different? Why?

[question] Question. Are the answers to the above questions necessarily the same or different? Why? [question] [solution] Solution: The answers are not same all the time. Because the meaning of health varies from person to person. For example, good health for a dancer may be being able to stretch his body into difficult but graceful positions. On the other hand, good health for a musician may mean having enough breathing capacity in his/her lungs to control his/her voice. There is one similarity...

State any two conditions essential for being free of disease.

[question] Question.\ State any two conditions essential for being free of disease. [/question] [solution] Solution: The conditions essential for being free of diseases 1. Taking good food (balanced diet) 2. Maintaining personal and public hygiene. [/solution]...

State any two conditions essential for good health.

[question] Question. State any two conditions essential for good health. [/question] [solution] Solution: Good health of a person depends on 1. Social environment. 2. Public cleanliness. [/solution]...