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Important Questions For Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 4 The d and f Block Elements - PDF Download

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Important Questions for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 4 - The d and f Block Elements  - Introduction

Important questions for class 12 chemistry chapter 4 The d and f block elements have been compiled together in chemistry class 12 solutions important questions pdf by the eSaral’s science expert. Important question of chemistry class 12 chapter 4 The d and f block elements free pdf are designed to help students strengthen their problem solving skills. Class 12 is a really important stage in students' career, and getting good grades at this stage can help them get into the right field. With the help of class 12 chemistry chapter 4 The d and f block elements important questions with answers pdf, you can not only brush up on your knowledge, but also make sure you revise your syllabus thoroughly for your exams.

Chemistry is not only about theory but also about how to apply the theory in practice numerical problems. Chemistry class 12 chapter 4 important questions help you to revise your theoretical concepts. The solutions along with these important questions help you to analyse if your answers are right. Most of students know a concept but don’t know how to present it in the exam. The solutions of chapter 4 chemistry class 12 important questions will help you to understand how to answer a specific question.

Important Topics & Sub-topics of The d and f Block Elements Class 12 Chemistry



Position in the periodic table

Position of the d-block elements in the periodic table

Electronic Configuration of the d-block elements

Electronic Configuration of outer orbitals of the transition elements

General properties of the transition elements

Physical properties, variation in atomic and ionic sizes of transition metals, ionisation enthalpies, oxidation states, trends in the standard electrode potentials, trends in stability of higher oxidation states, chemical reactivity, magnetic properties, formation of complex compounds, alloy formation etc.

Some important compounds of transition elements

Oxides and oxoanions of metals

The Lanthanoids

Electronic Configuration, atomic and ionic sizes, oxidation states, general characteristics etc. 

The Actinoids

Electronic Configuration, ionic sizes, oxidation states, general characteristics and comparison with actinoids etc.

Some applications of d- and f- block elements

Applications of d- and f- block elements is discussed

Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 4 The d and f Block Elements Weightage 

In class 12 CBSE board exam, every subject paper consist of 70 marks. Class 12 chemistry CBSE board exam paper also consist of 70 marks. Every single chapter of chemistry have different weightage in the CBSE chemistry board exam. Class 12 chemistry chapter 4 The d and f block elements have 7 marks weightage in the Class 12 chemistry CBSE board exam paper. The weightage percentage of chemistry chapter 4 The d and f block elements in the CBSE chemistry board exam is 10%. Hence, Chemistry chapter 4 The d and f block elements is consider as important and scoring chapter in the chemistry CBSE board exam.

Tips to Solve Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 4 The d and f Block Elements 

Time management strategies to solve class 12 chemistry chapter 4 important questions

Time management is one of the most important aspects of class 12 chemistry exam preparation, especially when it comes to important chapters such as Chapter 4. The following strategies can help you tackle important chapters in this chapter effectively:

Set clear goals: Identify the questions or topics you want to cover in this chapter. Make a list of the important questions/concepts you want to master in this chapter.

Special Focus on Challenging Topics

When studying class 12 chemistry, or any subject for that matter, it is important to take a strategic and focused approach to understanding and mastering difficult topics. Identify Difficult Topics and scoring topics is one of them. The first step is to identify the particular topics in Chapter 4 that are most difficult for you to understand. These may be areas in which you have difficulty understanding the concepts or solving problems.

Self Test Checklist 

Preparing for a CBSE board exam is a significant undertaking, and having a well-structured. Self-test checklist can be a valuable tool to ensure you are thoroughly prepared for your board exam.

Benefits of Solving Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 4 Important Questions with Answers

The Class 12 Chemistry chapter 4- the d and f block elements Important Questions will help you to learn and comprehend the chapter in detail. Here is a list of benefits of studying of Chemistry Class 12 Important Questions with Answers.

  1. The Class 12 Chemistry important questions are Simple Yet Comprehensive, Helping You To Understand The Concepts In Deep Detail

  2. The Important Questions of Chemistry Class 12 are Free Of Cost, And Students Can Get The Solved Solutions At Any Place

  3. It Includes In-Depth Explanations For All Logical Reasoning Questions

  4. eSaral science expert prepare solutions and questions of the chapter to help students learn the chapter.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What are the topics of chapter 4 The d- and f- block elements introduced in Class 12 Chemistry?

Answer 1: Following topics have been introduced in class 12 chemistry chapter 3 Chemical kinetics

  1. Position in the periodic table

  2. Electronic configuration of the d- block elements

  3. General properties of the transition elements

  4. Some important compounds of transition elements

  5. The lanthanoids

  6. The actinoids

  7. Some application of d- and f- block elements

Question 2: How to score good marks in Class 12 Chemistry chapter 4 The  d- and f- block elements? 

Answer 2: In order to score high marks in class 12 Chemistry, particularly in a chapter such as the d-and f-block element, you need to have a good understanding of the topics of the chapter and good study strategies. The following tips will help you to excel in class 12 Chemistry:

1. Understand the Basic Concepts: Start by understanding the basic concepts of the d- and  f-block element. This will help you to understand the electronic configurations of the elements, their properties, and their trends. It is important to have clear concepts.

2. Use Comprehensive Study Material: Use NCERT textbooks, as well as notes from the class.