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Important Questions for Class 12 Chemistry

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Science is the most important subject for students preparing for medical and engineering entrance exams. Moreover, those who want to excel in their board exams should know the topics and concepts. Hence, these important questions for class 10 Science help students prepare thoroughly for their board exams.

Important questions for class 10 Science are useful for those students who are preparing for their board exams. The questions are well-designed to enable the students to fully prepare for their board exams. 

The important questions in class 10 Science are prepared under the guidance of the CBSE  NCERT textbook. The questions are compiled by CBSE last year’s question papers of at least ten years. You need a high level of preparedness, and hence, these questions form a perfect source for quick revision for the forthcoming board exam.

There are 13 chapters presented in the NCERT textbook for class 10 Science as mentioned below:

  • Chemical Reaction and Equations

  • Acids, Bases, and Salts

  • Metals and Non-Metals

  • Carbon and its Compounds

  • Life processes

  • Control and coordination

  • How do organisms reproduce?

  • Heredity and Evolution

  • Light Reflection and Refraction

  • Human Eye and the Colourful World

  • Electricity

  • Magnetic effects of current

  • Our Environment 

Benefits of Solving CBSE Class 10 Science Important Questions

Conceptual Clarity: Important questions cover essential topics, ensuring a deeper understanding of fundamental concepts in CBSE Class 10 Science. Regular practice fosters clarity and a strong foundation.

Exam Pattern Familiarity: By solving these questions, students become acquainted with the CBSE exam pattern, the types of questions asked, and the weightage of different topics. This familiarity is crucial for effective exam preparation.

Improved Problem-Solving Skills: These questions often involve critical thinking and application of concepts. 

Comprehensive Revision: Important questions typically encompass a wide range of topics. Solving them aids in comprehensive revision, helping students revisit and reinforce their knowledge across the entire syllabus.

Time Management: Practicing important questions under timed conditions improves time management skills during exams. This is crucial for completing the paper within the stipulated time while ensuring accuracy.

Confidence Boost: Successfully tackling challenging questions builds confidence. Students feel more assured when they encounter similar questions in the actual exam, contributing to a positive mindset during the test.

Identifying Weaknesses: Consistent practice with important questions helps students identify their weaker areas. This awareness allows them to focus on specific topics that need more attention, leading to targeted improvement.

Application of Theoretical Knowledge: Important questions often require applying theoretical knowledge to solve practical problems. This promotes a holistic understanding of concepts and their real-world applications.

Strategic Revision: As time before exams is limited, solving important questions aids in strategic revision. Students can prioritize topics based on their weight and importance, optimizing their study efforts.

Preparation for Different Question Formats: Practicing important questions exposes students to diverse formats, ensuring they are prepared for any type of question.

In summary, solving CBSE Class 10 Science important questions in detail offers a multifaceted approach to exam preparation, addressing conceptual understanding, exam strategy, and skill development.

How to Solve Class 10th Science  Questions to Score More Marks?

To score more marks in Class 10th Science questions, follow these effective strategies:

Understand the Syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the entire Class 10 Science syllabus. Identify key topics and allocate study time based on the weightage of each chapter.

Thorough Conceptual Understanding: Focus on building a strong foundation by understanding fundamental concepts. Ensure clarity on theories, formulas, and definitions.

Regular Practice: Consistent practice is crucial. Solve a variety of questions from textbooks, sample papers, and previous years' question papers to enhance problem-solving skills.

Prioritize Important Topics: Identify high-scoring topics and prioritize them. Topics with greater weightage in the exam should receive more attention during your preparation.

Effective Time Management: During the exam, manage your time wisely. Allocate specific periods for different sections based on the marks allotted to each question.

Answer Presentation: Present your answers in a neat and organized manner. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points where applicable. This makes it easier for the examiner to follow your response.

Practice Diagrams and Graphs: For subjects like Science, practice drawing well-labeled diagrams and graphs. This not only adds clarity to your answers but also helps score additional marks.

Review Previous Years' Papers: Analyze previous years' question papers to understand the exam pattern. This gives insights into the types of questions asked and helps you tailor your preparation accordingly.

Seek Clarifications: If you have doubts or find certain topics challenging, don't hesitate to seek clarification from teachers, classmates, or online resources. A clear understanding is vital for accurate responses in the exam.

Mock Tests: Take mock tests under exam conditions to simulate the actual exam environment. This helps in improving time management and builds confidence.

Stay Healthy and Positive: Maintain a healthy lifestyle, get adequate sleep, and stay positive. A healthy mind and body contribute to better concentration and performance during exams.

Combining a deep understanding of concepts with consistent practice, effective time management, and strategic preparation can increase your chances of scoring more marks in Class 10 Science.

Overview of CBSE Class 10 Science  Chapter Details

Chapter 1: Chemical Reaction and Equations

Chemical Reactions:

  • Understanding what constitutes a chemical reaction.

  • Differentiating between physical and chemical changes.

Chemical Equations:

  • Learning to write and interpret chemical equations.

  • Balancing chemical equations to ensure the conservation of mass.

Types of Chemical Reactions:

  • Exploring different types, such as combination, decomposition, displacement, and double displacement reactions.

Effects of Chemical Reactions:

  • Examining the effects of chemical reactions on various substances.

Importance of Chemical Equations:

  • Understanding the significance of representing chemical reactions through balanced equations.


  • Identifying real-world applications of chemical reactions.

Chapter 2: Acids, Bases, and Salts

Introduction to Acids and Bases:

  • Identifying common examples of acids and bases in daily life.

Chemical Properties of Acids and Bases:

  • Exploring the reactions of acids with metals, bases, and carbonates.

  • Studying the neutralization reactions between acids and bases.

pH Scale:

  • Introduction to the pH scale as a measure of acidity or alkalinity.

  • Understanding the significance of pH in various substances.


  • Learning about natural and synthetic indicators to test for acidity or basicity.


  • Understanding the formation of salts through neutralization reactions.

  • Exploring the properties and uses of common salts.

Importance in Daily Life:

  • Recognizing the importance of acids, bases, and salts in everyday activities and industries.

Chapter 3: Metals and Non-Metals

Properties of Metals:

  • Understanding chemical properties, including reactions with oxygen, water, and acids.

Properties of Non-Metals:

  • Identifying characteristics such as lack of luster, brittleness, and poor conductivity.

  • Examining the chemical properties of non-metals in various reactions.

Reactivity Series:

  • Introducing the concept of the reactivity series for metals.

  • Understanding the relative reactivity of different metals.

Formation of Ionic Compounds:

  • Exploring how metals and non-metals combine to form ionic compounds.

  • Understanding the role of valency in the formation of compounds.

Corrosion and its Prevention:

  • Learning about corrosion as a common phenomenon in metals.

  • Studying methods to prevent or slow down corrosion.

Occurrence of Metals:

  • Understanding the occurrence of metals in nature.

  • Recognizing the extraction of metals from their ores.

This chapter provides students with a solid understanding of the properties, reactions, and practical aspects related to metals and non-metals, contributing to their foundational knowledge in chemistry.

Chapter 4: Carbon and its Compounds

Versatility of Carbon:

  • Understanding the unique properties of carbon, especially its ability to form a variety of compounds.

Covalent Bonding in Carbon Compounds:

  • Exploring how carbon atoms form covalent bonds to create diverse compounds.

Functional Groups:

  • Introducing functional groups and their role in determining the properties of organic compounds.

Homologous Series:

Learning about homologous series and the similarity in the structure of organic compounds within a series.

Nomenclature of Carbon Compounds:

  • Understanding the IUPAC system for naming organic compounds.

Chemical Properties:

  • Examining the chemical reactions of carbon compounds, including combustion, oxidation, and addition reactions.

Ethanol and Ethanoic Acid:

  • This chapter focuses on ethanol and ethanoic acids their properties and its uses and their chemical compound.

Soaps and Detergents:

  • This chapter focuses on how detergents and soaps work.

Chapter 5: Life Processes


  • This topic explores the different modes of nutrition like autotropic and heterotropic.

  • The importance of a balanced diet for humans is explored.


  • The process of respiration in living organisms both humans and animals is studied.

  • Aerobic and anaerobic respiration and how they are different from each other is explored.

Transportation in Plants and Animals:

  • How do plants and animals transport the substances within?

  • Understanding What role does circulatory system play in animals


  • How does the process of excretion and removal of wastes work in living organisms?

Control and Coordination:

  • Understanding how the nervous system and hormonal control work in humans?

  • Exploring the coordination between different parts of the body.


  • Studying the processes of asexual and sexual reproduction.

  • Understanding the significance of reproductive health.

Growth and Development:

  • Exploring the concepts of growth and development in living organisms

Chapter 6: Control and Coordination

Chapter 7 of Class 10 Science, "Control and Coordination," provides a detailed exploration of how organisms regulate and coordinate their various physiological activities. Here's a more in-depth overview:


  • Definition of control and coordination.

  • Importance of these processes in living organisms.

Nervous System:

  • Structure and functions of the nervous system.

  • Division into central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS).

  • Neurons: Structure and types.

  • Generation and transmission of nerve impulses.

  • Role of synapses in signal transmission.

Reflex Actions:

  • Definition and characteristics of reflex actions.

  • Reflex arc: Components and pathway.

  • Examples of reflex actions and their significance in protecting the body.

Endocrine System:

  • Introduction to the endocrine system.

  • Glands are involved in hormone secretion.

  • Hormones: Nature, types, and functions.

  • Role of hormones in growth, reproduction, and metabolism.

Comparison of Nervous and Endocrine Systems:

  • Distinctions between the nervous and endocrine systems.

  • Cooperation between the two systems for effective control and coordination.

Human Brain:

  • The human brain and its structure and functions.

  • Specific roles of the human brain and exploring its specific region.

  • Explaining how the brain performs its functions and its importance and decision-making.

Coordination in Plants:

  • How plants control and respond and a quick overview.

  • Plant hormones: Auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, abscisic acid, and ethylene.

Control and Coordination in Animals Other Than Humans:

  • A brief exploration of how other animals exhibit control and coordination.

  • Examples of unique mechanisms in different animal species.

Disorders of the Nervous System:

  • Explaining the disorders of the Nervous System and its impact.

Chapter 7: How do organisms reproduce?

Chapter 8 of Class 10 Science, titled "How do organisms reproduce?" typically delves into the various aspects of reproduction in living organisms. Here's a detailed overview:

Introduction to Reproduction:

  • Definition and significance of reproduction in the life cycle of organisms.

  • Comparison between sexual and asexual reproduction.

Asexual Reproduction:

  • Types of asexual reproduction: Binary fission, multiple fission, budding, fragmentation, spore formation.

  • Examples of organisms that reproduce asexually.

  • Advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction.

Sexual Reproduction:

  • What is sexual reproduction

  • Explain the structure and function of reproductive organs in plants and animals.

  • How does the fusion of male and female gametes occur?

  • Describing and explaining the fertilization process and formation of zygote.

Male Reproductive System:

  • How male reproductive system work? What are the function of testes, epididymis, vas deferens, and accessory glands

  • How sperms are produced and their role in fertilization.

Female Reproductive System:

  • Definition of female reproductive organ and explanations.

  • Functions performed by ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina.

  • What is the menstrual cycle and its phases and how it hormonal cycles?

Fertilization and Embryonic Development:

  • What is fertilization and how does it work?

  • Information about the zygote and its early divisions.

  • How embryo is implanted in the uterus.

  • How embryo is developed in uterus.

Pregnancy and Embryonic Membranes:

  • What are the various stages of pregnancy and its duration?

  • At the time of embryonic development, roles are performed by amnion, chorion, and placenta.

  • Nutrition and oxygen exchange between the mother and the developing fetus.

Reproductive Health:

  • Importance of reproductive health.

  • Issues related to reproductive health, such as STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and infertility.

  • Methods of contraception and their significance.

Reproductive Technologies:

  • Introduction to assisted reproductive technologies.

  • In vitro fertilization (IVF) and its implications.

  • Ethical considerations in reproductive technologies.

Chapter 8: Heredity and Evolution

Chapter 9 of Class 10 Science, titled "Heredity and Evolution," is a crucial chapter that explores the principles of genetics, inheritance, and the processes of evolution. Here's a detailed overview:

Introduction to Heredity:

  • Definition of heredity and its significance in the transmission of traits.

  • Understanding the concept of genes and chromosomes.

Mendel's Laws of Inheritance:

  • Gregor Mendel's experiments on pea plants.

  • Mendel's laws: Law of segregation and the law of independent assortment.

  • Punnett squares and their application in predicting genetic outcomes.

Chromosomes and Genes:

  • Structure of chromosomes and genes.

  • Relationship between genes and traits.

  • Alleles and their role in genetic variation.

Sex Determination and Sex-linked Inheritance:

  • Explanation of how sex is determined in humans.

Sex-linked traits and their inheritance.


  • Definition of evolution and its historical context.

  • Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection.

  • Evidence supporting the theory of evolution.


  • Explanation of speciation.

  • Factors leading to speciation: Isolation, adaptation, and natural selection.

  • Types of speciation: Allopatric and sympatric.

Human Evolution:

  • Overview of human evolution.

  • Hominid fossils and their significance.

  • Timeline of human evolution.

Evolution and Classification:

  • Relationship between evolution and classification.

  • Darwin's contributions to the classification of organisms.

Evidences of Evolution:

  • Fossil records as evidence.

  • Homologous and analogous structures.

  • Vestigial organs and embryological evidence.

Adaptive Radiation:

  • Definition and examples of adaptive radiation.

  • Role of adaptive radiation in the diversification of species.

Chapter 9: Light Reflection and Refraction

Chapter 10 of Class 10 Science, "Light - Reflection and Refraction," covers the fundamental principles related to the behavior of light when it interacts with surfaces. Here's a detailed overview:

Reflection of Light:

  • Explanation of the reflection of light.

  • Laws of reflection: Incident ray, reflected ray, and the normal.

  • The angle of incidence and angle of reflection.

Formation of Images by Spherical Mirrors:

  • Types of spherical mirrors: Concave and convex.

  • Ray diagrams for the formation of images by concave and convex mirrors.

  • Characteristics of images formed by mirrors.

Mirror Formula and Magnification:

  • Mirror formula and its applications.

  • Magnification and its calculation.

  • Relationship between object distance, image distance, and focal length.

Refraction of Light:

  • Explanation of refraction of light.

  • Laws of refraction: Incident ray, refracted ray, and the normal.

  • Refractive index and its significance.

Refraction through a Lens:

  • Types of lenses: Convex and concave.

  • Ray diagrams for the formation of images by lenses.

  • Characteristics of images formed by lenses.

Lens Formula and Magnification:

  • Lens formula and its applications.

  • Magnification in the context of lenses.

  • Relationship between object distance, image distance, and focal length for lenses.

Power of a Lens:

  • Definition of the power of a lens.

  • Relationship between focal length and lens power.

Refraction of Light through a Prism:

  • Prism and its characteristics.

  • Deviation and dispersion of light through a prism.

  • Rainbow formation and dispersion of light.

Dispersion of White Light by a Glass Prism:

  • Explanation of how white light is dispersed into its constituent colors.

  • Formation of a spectrum.

Atmospheric Refraction:

  • Explanation of atmospheric refraction.

  • Phenomena like sunrise, sunset, and twinkling of stars.

Chapter 10: Human Eye and the Colourful World

Structure of the Human Eye:

  • Functions of different parts of the eye in the process of vision.

Working of the Human Eye:

  • Formation of images on the retina.

  • Accommodation: The adjustment of the lens for focusing on near and distant objects.

  • Mechanism of the pupil in controlling the amount of light entering the eye.

Power of Accommodation:

  • Definition of the power of accommodation.

  • Adjustment of the focal length of the eye lens.

Defects of Vision and Correction:

  • Common vision problems: Myopia (nearsightedness) and Hypermetropia (farsightedness).

  • Correction methods: Use of concave and convex lenses for myopia and hypermetropia, respectively.

Refraction of Light through a Prism:

  • Further exploration of prism refraction, connecting with the earlier concepts.

  • Dispersion of light and formation of a spectrum.

Scattering of Light:

  • Explanation of the scattering of light.

  • Phenomena like the blue color of the sky and the reddish appearance of the sun during sunrise and sunset.

Formation of Rainbow:

  • Formation of a rainbow and the role of water droplets.

  • Explanation of the colors in a rainbow.

Optical Instruments:

  • Functioning of optical instruments like microscopes and telescopes.

  • Components and principles involved in these instruments.

Human Eye vs. Camera:

  • Comparison of the human eye with a camera.

Chapter 11: Electricity

Chapter 11 of Class 10 Science, "Electricity," explores the fundamental concepts related to electrical currents, circuits, and their applications. Here's a detailed overview:

Electric Current:

  • Definition of electric current and its unit (Ampere).

  • Direction of electric current: Conventional and electron flow.

Electric Circuit:

  • Definition of an electric circuit.

  • Components of an electric circuit: Cell/battery, switch, resistor, and conductors.

  • Types of circuits: Open circuit and closed circuit.

Potential Difference and Voltage:

  • Explanation of potential difference (voltage).

  • Unit of potential difference: Volt.

  • Relationship between current, voltage, and resistance (Ohm's Law).

Ohm's Law:

  • Statement and mathematical representation of Ohm's Law.

  • V-I graphs and their interpretation.


  • Definition of resistance and its unit (Ohm).

  • Factors affecting resistance: Length, cross-sectional area, and material of the conductor.

  • Series and parallel combination of resistors.

Electric Power:

  • Definition of electric power and its unit (Watt).

  • Relationship between power, voltage, and current.

  • Calculation of electrical energy consumed.

Heating Effect of Electric Current:

  • Explanation of the heating effect of electric current.

  • Electrical appliances based on the heating effect (e.g., electric iron).

Electricity Safety Measures:

  • Safety precautions while dealing with electricity.

  • Importance of using fuses and circuit breakers.

Magnetic Effect of Electric Current:

  • A brief introduction to the magnetic effect of electric current.

  • Oersted's experiment and the right-hand rule.

Electromagnetic Induction:

  • Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction.

  • Generation of electric current by changing magnetic fields.

  • Applications of electromagnetic induction: Electric generators and transformers.

Domestic Electric Circuits:

  • Wiring in houses and safety measures.

  • Electrical appliances used in homes.

Chapter 12:Magnetic effects of current

Chapter 12 of Class 10 Science, "Magnetic Effects of Current," explores the relationship between electric current and magnetism. Here's a detailed overview:

Magnetic Field and Field Lines:

  • Definition of a magnetic field.

  • Representation of magnetic fields using magnetic field lines.

  • Direction of magnetic field lines around a current-carrying conductor.

Magnetic Field due to a Current through a Straight Conductor:

  • Ampere's Circuital Law.

  • Determining the direction of the magnetic field around a straight current-carrying conductor.

Right-Hand Thumb Rule:

  • Explanation and application of the right-hand thumb rule for determining the direction of the magnetic field around a current-carrying conductor.

Magnetic Field due to a Current through a Circular Loop:

  • Direction of the magnetic field at the center and around the periphery of a current-carrying circular loop.

  • Comparison of magnetic fields between straight and circular conductors.

Magnetic Field due to a Current in a Solenoid:

  • Definition of a solenoid.

  • The magnetic field inside and outside a current-carrying solenoid.

  • Use of the right-hand grip rule to determine the direction of the magnetic field.

Force on a Current-Carrying Conductor in a Magnetic Field:

  • Explanation of the force experienced by a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field.

  • Fleming's Left-Hand Rule for determining the direction of the force.

Electric Motor:

  • Principle of an electric motor.

  • Construction and working of an electric motor.

  • Applications of electric motors.

Chapter 13: Our Environment 

Chapter 13 of the Class 10 Science textbook usually focuses on the management of natural resources. It covers topics like conservation of resources, sustainable development, and the need to manage resources wisely. Detailed sections often include:

Natural Resources: Explanation of various natural resources like forests, wildlife, water, and minerals.

  • Types of Resources: What are renewable and non-renewable resources and how do they differ?

Conservation of Natural Resources: What are afforestation, deforestation, reforestation, and responsible resource utilization?

Sustainable Management: Highlighting the importance of sustainable development and responsible resource utilization.

Water Harvesting: Understanding the concept and methods of water harvesting to conserve water.

Wildlife Conservation: How to protect and preserve biodiversity?

Role of Individuals: Discussing how individuals can contribute to resource conservation in their daily lives.

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