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Essay On Dowry System

JEE Mains & Advanced

The dowry system, an age-old tradition, involves the giving of cash, jewelry, furniture, property, and other tangible items by the bride's family to the groom and his parents during the marriage ceremony. This practice, known as the dowry system, has deep roots in Indian culture and has been present for centuries. Unfortunately, it is not confined to India alone but is found in various societies worldwide.

The dowry system is often seen as a social evil, causing harm and distress to families. Instead of promoting the joyous union of two individuals, it has become a burden, leading to various social issues. Families may feel compelled to fulfill dowry demands, putting financial strain on them and sometimes leading to exploitation and harassment of the bride.

This system is like an old tree with roots that have entwined themselves in society's fabric. Despite efforts to eradicate it, the dowry system persists. Many girls and their families face the harsh reality of dowry-related issues, including domestic violence and even dowry-related deaths.

To combat this issue, society must work together to change its mindset. Education plays a crucial role in challenging traditional norms and promoting gender equality. Laws against dowry harassment need to be strictly enforced, and public awareness campaigns can contribute to changing societal attitudes.

In conclusion, the dowry system is a harmful tradition that has plagued societies for centuries. Its elimination requires a collective effort involving education, legal action, and societal change. By fostering a society that values equality and respect, we can hope to dismantle this age-old practice and create a better future for generations to come.

Why is the Essay on Dowry System Important for Your Exams? 

The essay on the Dowry System is important for exams because it deals with a significant social issue that has been affecting communities for a long time. Exams are not just about memorizing facts; they also assess our understanding of real-world problems and our ability to express thoughts clearly.

Firstly, the Dowry System is a pressing concern in many societies, particularly in countries like India, and addressing it requires awareness and understanding. When we write an essay on this topic, it shows that we are aware of the social issues around us. This awareness is crucial for being an informed and responsible citizen.

Secondly, writing about the Dowry System demonstrates our ability to analyze a societal problem critically. Exams often test our analytical skills, and discussing the causes, consequences, and possible solutions to the dowry system requires logical thinking and a clear expression of ideas.

Additionally, the essay on the Dowry System reflects our understanding of gender issues and the importance of equality in society. It prompts us to think about the impact of traditional practices on individuals and communities. This understanding is valuable not just for exams but for our overall growth as individuals who are aware of the world around them.

Moreover, the essay on the Dowry System is relevant for exams because it encourages us to explore the historical and cultural aspects of societal practices. It prompts us to delve into the roots of such traditions, their evolution over time, and the challenges faced by societies in eradicating them.

In conclusion, the essay on the Dowry System is important for exams as it assesses our awareness, analytical skills, understanding of societal issues, and ability to express ideas coherently. It prepares us to think critically about real-world problems, fostering a mindset that is essential for personal and societal development.

Long and Short Essay on Dowry System in English

The essay explains what the dowry system is, its impact on society and victims, why it is considered a crime and should be banned, and the laws implemented by the government to eliminate it.

These essays are written in an easy-to-understand language, making them suitable for use in school or college essay writing, speeches, or debate competitions. They provide information on a crucial issue affecting many societies, helping readers grasp the key aspects of the dowry system. The aim is to make the content easily remembered and presented when needed. Whether you are a student or someone looking to understand the dowry system, these essays serve as a valuable resource in comprehending its complexities and societal implications.

Essay on Dowry System 1 (100 words) 

Dowry is an ancient tradition in India where the father transfers property to his daughter upon her marriage. Initially, it began as a loving gesture to assist the newlyweds in settling down. However, over time, the dowry system has evolved into a problematic transfer of wealth from the bride's family to the groom's, leading to emotional and mental harassment for the bride's family. What once symbolized care for the daughter as she started a new life has turned into a burdensome custom, causing distress. The original intent of support and affection has been overshadowed by the negative impact of this practice, highlighting the need for societal awareness and change.

Essay on Dowry System 2 (150 words)

The Dowry system, rooted in Indian traditions, initially aimed to support newlyweds by the bride's father gifting land, money, and property. It intended to ensure a smooth start for the couple in their new life. However, over time, this well-intentioned practice has transformed into a societal evil, burdening the bride's family with the pressure to provide a certain sum of money and durables. Instead of being a support system, it has become a compulsion and a social issue.

The bride once meant to start anew with assistance, now finds herself in a delicate position. She is viewed as an asset by the groom's family, while her own family bears the financial burden. This raises critical questions about whether the dowry system is a means of suppressing women. Tragically, the dark side of dowry often leads to unreported cases of domestic violence, casting a shadow over various parts of the nation. Addressing this issue is crucial for dismantling gender inequalities and fostering a society where marriages are built on mutual respect rather than financial transactions.

Essay on Dowry System 3 (200 words) 

Dowry, once a simple transfer of wealth to symbolize love and support for newlyweds, has evolved into a complex issue causing suffering for young girls across the nation. This practice, deeply embedded in our society for a long time, has proven resistant to legal interventions aimed at eradication.

Despite being recognized as a punishable crime, the dowry system persists, inflicting hardship on many resilient girls and their families. The simple act of transferring wealth has transformed into a deep-rooted societal problem, with increasing cases of unreported crimes and domestic violence against young brides.

While legal measures prioritize reports against dowry-related injustices, many incidents go unnoticed. The rising rates of domestic violence indicate a pressing need for better education and awareness. Tragically, some young girls face extreme consequences, even death, due to dowry demands.

Addressing the dowry system requires not only stringent legal measures but also a concerted effort to educate and raise awareness within society. By challenging traditional norms and fostering a culture of equality and respect, we can hope to alleviate the suffering caused by this outdated and harmful practice.

Essay on Dowry System 4 (250 words) 

Dowry, a tradition where the bride's family transfers wealth to the groom's family during marriage, exists in various forms like cash, movable or immovable properties. Although its origin is hard to trace, the dowry system has persisted in India for a long time, casting a dark cloud over the brides' families.

Especially prevalent in the northern part of India, along with casteism, the dowry system turns what should be a joyous occasion into a source of anxiety for fathers of young girls. They often find themselves saving money, fearing the financial burden associated with their daughter's marriage. Sadly, for many women, the experience of dowry feels like a nightmare, making them feel like a burden rather than a celebration.

Efforts to combat the dowry system are ongoing, with various NGOs working to spread awareness and address this deeply rooted issue. What was once a beautiful gesture of providing support to newlyweds has taken an ugly turn, causing distress to families and perpetuating gender inequalities.

Recognizing the severity of the problem, the government enacted the Dowry Prohibition Act, of 1961, making dowry a punishable crime. Both the giver and the taker of dowry can face legal consequences, aiming to create a deterrent against this harmful practice. It is crucial to continue these efforts, combining legal measures with widespread awareness campaigns, to create a society where marriages are based on mutual respect and not financial transactions.

Essay on Dowry System 5 (300 words)


The dowry system, involving the bride's family offering gifts to the groom's family, is widely criticized in society. However, some argue that it has advantages, benefiting brides in specific ways. This essay explores these arguments and examines whether the alleged benefits outweigh the harmful consequences.

Are There Any Advantages of the Dowry System?

Advocates claim that the dowry system provides financial support to couples starting their new life, including cash, furniture, and even a car. Supporters argue that as young couples embark on their careers, they may lack the financial means for significant expenses. However, this reasoning raises questions. If financial support is the goal, shouldn't both families contribute to getting the couple settled, rather than burdening only the bride's family? The sustainability of providing such support without plunging into debt or compromising living standards must also be considered.

Another argument is that less conventionally attractive girls may find grooms by meeting their financial demands. Unfortunately, this perspective sees girls as burdens and prioritizes marrying them off in their twenties. Offering significant dowry in these cases might seem like a solution, but it perpetuates a harmful mindset that needs reconsideration.

Supporters also claim that a substantial dowry enhances the bride's status in the family. However, statistical evidence contradicts this, revealing that, in most cases, it works against the girls.


Despite the various arguments in favor of the dowry system, its overall impact appears more harmful than beneficial. Advocates may present reasons that seem reasonable, but the systemic issues and negative consequences for girls and their families cannot be overlooked. It is essential to challenge and change these deep-rooted beliefs to foster a society where marriages are based on mutual respect rather than financial transactions.

Essay on Dowry System 5 (400 words)

The Dowry System, initially intended to assist girls financially as they entered a new phase of life, has transformed into an evil social practice. Like child marriage, child labor, the caste system, and gender inequality, the dowry system poses a significant challenge that must be eliminated for society to thrive. Despite government efforts and awareness campaigns, this heinous system persists in society.

Why is the Dowry System Still Intact?

The lingering presence of the dowry system raises the question of why, despite being declared a punishable offense and the subject of extensive awareness campaigns, people continue to practice it. Several factors contribute to the persistence of this system:

In the Name of Tradition:

The exchange of gifts from the bride's family to the groom's family, encompassing jewelry, cash, clothes, property, and other assets, has been ingrained in various regions for decades. Labeled as tradition, people follow it blindly, even though it becomes a burden for the bride's family in many cases.

Status Symbol:

For some, the dowry system serves as a status symbol. The size of the car and the amount of cash given to the groom's family contribute to elevating the status of both families. Consequently, even when families cannot afford it, they engage in extravagant wedding functions and present numerous gifts, turning it into a competitive practice.

Lack of Strict Laws:

While the government has criminalized dowry, lax enforcement of the law allows for the continued exchange of gifts and dowry during marriages. These legal loopholes contribute significantly to the persistence of this harmful practice.

Gender Inequality and Illiteracy:

Gender inequality and illiteracy further fuel the dowry system. Discriminatory attitudes and lack of education contribute to the perpetuation of this social evil.


Despite a comprehensive understanding of the adverse effects of the dowry system, its continued practice is disheartening. People in India must unite and take collective action to eradicate this problem. Strengthening the implementation of existing laws, challenging traditional norms, and fostering awareness and education are essential steps toward creating a society where marriages are based on mutual respect rather than financial transactions. The fight against the dowry system requires a concerted effort to dismantle deeply ingrained beliefs and foster positive change.

Essay on Dowry System 6 (500 words) 

The Dowry system, prevalent in societies worldwide for centuries, initially aimed to support daughters as they transitioned to a new life. However, over time, it has transformed into a heinous practice that undermines rather than empowers women.

Dowry is a Curse to the Society

Dowry, the tradition of gifting cash, property, and assets from the bride's family to the groom's, is a curse to society, particularly affecting women. This practice has given rise to numerous crimes against women, creating various challenges for brides and their families:

Financial Burden on the Family:

Parents of a girl start saving for her wedding from the moment she is born. They bear the responsibility of funding the entire affair, including decorations, catering, and banquet rentals. On top of these expenses, they must give significant gifts to the groom, his family, and relatives. Many families borrow money or take loans to meet these demands, leading to a severe financial burden.

Lowers Standard of Living:

Excessive spending on a daughter's marriage often forces parents to lower their standard of living. Many families end up in debt, spending years repaying loans, affecting their overall quality of life.

Gives Rise to Corruption:

Accumulating funds for dowry and wedding functions sometimes leads to corrupt practices. Families may resort to taking bribes, forging tax documents, or engaging in unfair business activities to meet these financial demands.

Emotional Stress for the Girl:

In-laws often compare the gifts brought by their daughter-in-law to those of others, subjecting her to sarcastic remarks and emotional stress. Such comparisons can lead to depression and mental health issues for the girls involved.

Physical Abuse:

Some in-laws engage in constant humiliation and verbal abuse, while others escalate to physical violence. Instances of women being physically harmed or even burned due to their inability to meet exorbitant dowry demands are distressingly common.

Female Foeticide:

The perception of a girl child as a financial burden has contributed to the alarming practice of female foeticide. Couples, under the pressure of dowry expectations, resort to aborting female fetuses. Abandonment of girl children is also prevalent in India.


Despite strong condemnation and the enactment of laws making dowry a punishable offense, this harmful practice persists in many parts of the country. The Dowry system continues to cause agony for girls and their families, emphasizing the urgent need for widespread awareness, stringent law enforcement, and a collective societal effort to eradicate this deeply rooted issue. Only through concerted action can society break free from the shackles of this detrimental tradition and pave the way for a future where marriages are based on mutual respect and equality rather than financial transactions.



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