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JEE 2025 Physics Important Topics

JEE Mains & Advanced

Introduction to JEE 2025 Physics Exam

Physics is one of the most sought-after subjects among the JEE aspirants as it helps in developing critical thinking and problem solving skills. Its importance cannot be overstated in competitive exams such as JEE Main or Advanced, where physics questions mainly test conceptual knowledge, which requires a solid foundation and practical use of concepts to perform well.

The physics section of the JEE Main is usually moderate in difficulty. It consists of a combination of numerical and conceptual questions. Some of the questions are quite simple and can be solved in a short time, making it one of the scoring sections of the exam. The presence of numerical questions that are formula-based as well as straightforward conceptual questions adds to its reputation.

In order to perform well in this section, it is essential to have a good knowledge of important topics. There are 30 questions in this section, out of which 5 questions are numerical value based. In this section, numerical questions are more likely to be asked as compared to fact-based questions. The questions in this section are often taken from important chapters of physics for JEE main.

The best way to prepare for this section is to start with basic topics. Even concepts such as units and dimensions can be used to eliminate options in the questions. Generally, there are 2-3 questions in this section that are theory based and cover topics such as communication systems and semiconductors.

Important Topics List for JEE Main 2025 Physics Exams

In order to score well, it is important to focus on certain important chapters that have traditionally given a lot of importance to the exam. We have divided these important chapters into easy and difficult sections according to the level of questions in the JEE Main papers of previous years. Here are the important topics in JEE Main Physics for 2024:

  1. Rotational Motion

  2. Thermodynamics

  3. Oscillations And Waves

  4. Electrostatics

  5. Optics

  6. Magnetic Effects Of Current And Magnetism

  7. Modern physics

By concentrating on these chapters you will be able to score above 60 marks in Physics paper.

Important Topics List for JEE Advanced 2025 Physics Exams

JEE Advanced is a competitive examination conducted in India to select candidates for admission to IITs. It is one of the most difficult exams in India and only a few candidates manage to pass it. One of the best ways to pass JEE Advanced is to prepare important topics for it.

Here are the important topics in JEE Advanced physics for 2024:

  1. Rotational Motion

  2. Thermodynamics

  3. SHM

  4. Electrostatics

  5. Magnetism

  6. Optics

  7. Modern Physics

Explain Each Topic in Brief for JEE Main and Advanced

The Physics section of JEE Main and Advanced can be difficult to master, especially when it comes to certain complex topics. These topics require a lot of practice and thorough preparation to perform well. The questions in this section are usually high-level, involving numerical complexity and the combination of two-to-three concepts. Here, we discuss challenging topics that require special attention in brief:

Rotational Motion

In this chapter we will discuss centre of the mass of a two-particle system, centre of the mass of a rigid body; basic concepts of rotational motion; a moment of a force; torque, angular momentum, conservation of angular momentum and its applications; the moment of inertia, the radius of gyration. values of moments of inertia for simple geometrical objects, parallel and perpendicular axes theorems, and their applications. rigid body rotation equations of rotational motion.


Thermal equilibrium, zeroth law of thermodynamics, the concept of temperature. Heat, work, and internal energy. The first law of thermodynamics. The second law of Thermodynamics: reversible and irreversible processes. Carnot engine and its efficiency.

Oscillations and Waves

Periodic motion - period, frequency, displacement as a function of time. Periodic functions. Simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.) and its equation; phase: oscillations of a spring - restoring force and force constant: energy in S.H.M. - Kinetic and potential energies; Simple pendulum - derivation of expression for its time period: Free, forced and damped oscillations, resonance.

Wave motion. Longitudinal and transverse waves, speed of a wave. Displacement relation for a progressive wave. Principle of superposition of waves, a reflection of waves. Standing waves in strings and organ pipes, fundamental mode and harmonics. Beats. Doppler Effect in sound.


Electric charges: Conservation of charge. Coulomb's law forces between two point charges, forces between multiple charges: superposition principle and continuous charge distribution.

Electric field: Electric field due to a point charge, Electric field lines. Electric dipole, Electric field due to a dipole. Torque on a dipole in a uniform electric field.

Electric flux. Gauss's law and its applications to find field due to infinitely long uniformly charged straight wire, uniformly charged infinite plane sheet, and uniformly charged thin spherical shell. Electric potential and its calculation for a point charge, electric dipole and system of charges; Equipotential surfaces, Electrical potential energy of a system of two point charges in an electrostatic field.

Conductors and insulators. Dielectrics and electric polarization, capacitor, the combination of capacitors in series and parallel, capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with and without dielectric medium between the plates. Energy stored in a capacitor.


Reflection and refraction of light at plane and spherical surfaces, mirror formula. Total internal reflection and its applications. Deviation and Dispersion of light by a; prism; Lens Formula. Magnification. Power of a Lens. Combination of thin lenses in contact. Microscope and Astronomical Telescope (reflecting and refracting ) and their magnifying powers.

Wave optics: wavefront and Huygens' principle. Laws of reflection and refraction using Huygens principle. Interference, Young's double-slit experiment and expression for fringe width, coherent sources, and sustained interference of light. Diffraction due to a single slit, width of central maximum. Resolving power of microscopes and astronomical telescopes. Polarization, plane-polarized light: Brewster's law, uses of plane-polarized light and Polaroid.

Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

Biot - Savart law and its application to current carrying circular loop. Ampere's law and its applications to infinitely long current carrying straight wire and solenoid. Force on a moving charge in uniform magnetic and electric fields. Cyclotron.

Force on a current-carrying conductor in a uniform magnetic field. The force between two parallel currents carrying conductors-definition of ampere. Torque experienced by a current loop in a uniform magnetic field: Moving coil galvanometer, its current sensitivity, and conversion to ammeter and voltmeter.

Current loop as a magnetic dipole and its magnetic dipole moment. Bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid, magnetic field lines; Earth's magnetic field and magnetic elements. Para-, dia- and ferromagnetic substances. Magnetic susceptibility and permeability. Hysteresis. Electromagnets and permanent magnets.

Modern physics

Mostly theoretical questions are asked from this unit. Focus more on understanding the Bohr’s model of atomic structure. Formula-based questions are generally asked from this unit, therefore, memorize all the formulas properly and use them correctly while answering the questions.

Tips for Topic Based Study

Studying for JEE Main 2024 in a topic-based manner can be highly effective in helping you master the concepts and perform well in the examination. Here are some tips for effective topic-based study in the subject of Physics:

Understand the Syllabus: First, make sure you have a clear understanding of the JEE Main 2024 Physics syllabus. This will help you focus on the relevant topics and avoid wasting time on unrelated material.

Organize Your Study Material: Gather all your study materials, including textbooks, reference books, and notes. Organize them by topics so that you can access the relevant resources easily.

Create a Study Plan: Develop a study plan that covers all the topics in the Physics syllabus. Allocate specific time for each topic based on its importance and your level of understanding.

Start with Basics: Begin your study with the fundamental concepts in each topic. Ensure that you have a strong foundation before moving on to more advanced concepts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: How can I improve my problem-solving skills in Physics for JEE Main?

Answer 1: To enhance problem-solving skills, practice regularly with a variety of physics problems. Focus on understanding the underlying concepts and then apply them to solve problems. Consider solving previous year's papers and mock tests.

Question 2: What are the important topics in JEE Main Physics?

Answer 2: Some important topics in JEE Main Physics include Mechanics, Electromagnetism, Optics, Thermodynamics, Modern Physics, and Waves. However, it's important to cover the entire syllabus as the weightage of topics can vary from year to year.



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