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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English - Beehive - PDF Download

JEE Mains & Advanced

Mastering the English language is crucial for Class 9 students, and one key resource is the Beehive textbook. With 21 chapters, including 11 prose and 10 poetry, this book forms a significant part of their studies. Luckily, there's great support available from eSaral's Class 9 NCERT English Beehive Book Answers. These solutions go beyond just summaries – they delve deep into the chapters, explaining their meanings in a way that's easy to understand. Even the answers to the questions at the end of each chapter are broken down in simple language, making it a breeze for students to grasp the concepts. By turning to these solutions, students can confidently explore the chapters and gain a better comprehension of them, diving deep into their details.

What's more, there's a convenient Chapter Wise List of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive in PDF format. This means that students can access solutions for any specific chapter they need, without the need to go through the entire book. The experts at eSaral have meticulously crafted these solutions to align with CBSE guidelines, ensuring accuracy and relevance. By using these solutions, students can enhance their ability to answer questions effectively, thereby improving their overall English skills. This kind of support is indeed invaluable.

These solutions not only help students clear any doubts they might have but also enable them to boost their English language proficiency. In a nutshell, the Class 9 NCERT English Beehive Book Answers provided by eSaral empower students to navigate their English studies with confidence. They provide the tools needed to excel, making the journey of mastering English an achievable and rewarding one.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English - Beehive

For Class 9 students, becoming masters of the English language is made easier with the help of Sarah's NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive. These solutions act like guiding lights to enhance their language skills. Do you know those tricky questions in the textbook? Well, these solutions provide clear answers that not only solve the problems but also make the language itself clearer. Teachers who know their stuff have put their heads together to create these solutions. They've specially designed them, so when you use them, your vocabulary gets stronger and you're all set to score those high marks in exams.

Now, let's talk about English. It's not just something you learn in school; it's everywhere. In different fields, using English well is super important. So, these solutions are like secret tools to help you become good at it. They're like keys that unlock the power of the language for you. And remember those themes in stories or poems that sometimes make your head spin? Well, these solutions break them down in a way that's easy to understand. You won't believe how much better you'll be at catching those tricky concepts.

You see, learning a language is like learning to ride a bike. You don't become an expert in one go. You practice, you learn, and slowly, you get better. These solutions are like training wheels. They keep you steady while you're learning, making sure you don't fall off the language-learning journey. And as you get more confident, you can ride on your own, without those training wheels. Just like that, these solutions will help you become a pro at English.

So, Class 9 champs, remember this: with eSaral's NCERT Solutions, English won't be a tough puzzle anymore. You'll have all the pieces, all the tips, and all the tricks you need to put it together and speak, read, and write English like a pro!

Lists of chapters contained in the CBSE English Class 9 textbook - Beehive:

Chapter 1

The Fun They Had

Poem: The Road Not Taken

Chapter 2

The Sound of Music

Poem: Wind

Chapter 3

The Little Girl

Poem: Rain on the Roof

Chapter 4

A Truly Beautiful Mind

Poem: The Lake Isle of Innisfree

Chapter 5

The Snake and the Mirror

Poem: A Legend of the Northland

Chapter 6

My Childhood

Poem: No Men Are Foreign

Chapter 7

Reach for the Top

Poem: On Killing a Tree

Chapter 8


Poem: A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal

Chapter 9

If I Were You

List of chapters removed from the syllabus:

Chapter 7


Poem: The Duck and the Kangaroo

Chapter 9

The Bond of Love

Poem: The Snake Trying

Here is a brief overview of chapters contained in the CBSE English Class 9 textbook - Beehive:

Unit 1

Prose - The Fun They Had

At the beginning of the story, we meet two kids named Margie and Tommy. The tale unfolds in the future world where computers are in charge of everything. This includes how schools and classrooms have completely changed. The year is 2157, and Margie writes in her diary about Tommy discovering an old book. This book belonged to Tommy's grandpa from when he was a little boy. The book introduces Margie to a time when stories were printed on paper, a funny concept to her.

As they read the book, they find the idea of flipping pages amusing. This is strange because they are used to reading words on screens, always in motion. In this future, there are no physical books—only tale books. These tale books are stored on TV sets and computers. The story takes an intriguing turn as they discuss school. Margie learns that schools were once very different. They had real human teachers, which surprises her since she only has robot teachers.

Her current school is not her favorite due to many reasons. She has no classmates, no recess, and no playground. Instead, Margie and Tommy attend a virtual classroom with robot teachers. Her 'school' is right next to her bedroom, filled with electronics, robots, and gadgets. The computer software teaches her everything she needs to know. After learning about the old-style schools, Margie finds herself wondering. When she studies, she can't help but imagine the past days.

Margie daydreams about the fun her grandparents must have had. She envisions kids from different neighborhoods happily coming together for school. The idea that they were taught the same things and would help each other with homework amuses her. And so, by the end, she's left pondering the kind of fun they experienced in the past.

Poem - The Road Not Taken 

This article is all about summarizing Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken." It tells a short version of the poem's story. In the poem, the author faces a choice between two different paths while walking. He has to choose just one path to follow. The woods are filled with yellow leaves, symbolizing the long-lived choices of others.

The poet stands at the fork, carefully observing both paths. He looks as far as his eyes can see. Before deciding, he wants to know which path is better suited for him. He can see the first part of one path, but then it disappears into trees. He wants to weigh the pros and cons, just like we do in life when making important decisions. After considering for a while, he picks a path that seems less traveled, believing both paths are equally good. He thinks this path is best for him. The chosen path is covered in grass and looks unused. However, as he walks, he realizes both paths are similarly worn out. In life, decisions have their outcomes, and we may think our choice is better, but it might not be.

The poet says both paths looked similar that morning with leaves covering them, untouched and green. He chooses one path, planning to come back for the other, but he knows he might not return. This is like life, where we decide, move forward, and might not get a chance to go back.

In the future, the poet imagines looking back at this moment, saying he had to make a tough decision at a crossroads. Both paths seemed equally good, but he chose the less-traveled one. This decision shaped his future. Similarly, as we grow older, we'll recall the tough choices we made in our youth. Our choices define us. The poem teaches us to be wise in making life decisions. Our choices shape our future, and changing direction isn't always easy. A bad choice might lead to lifelong regrets. So, remember, the choices we make today determine where we stand tomorrow.

Unit 2

Prose- The Sound of Music

"The Sound of Music" is divided into two parts, each focusing on two remarkable musicians: Evelyn Glennie and Bismillah Khan. Part one highlights Evelyn's journey and challenges on her path to becoming a successful musician. Through this section, students discover that she is a multi-talented percussionist, adept at playing a wide range of instruments flawlessly. Her story showcases how she achieved worldwide recognition.

What makes Evelyn's story fascinating is that she is profoundly deaf. Despite this, she learned to experience music not through her ears but through her body. Rather than hearing music, she feels it. Interestingly, she discovered her hearing difficulties when she was just 11 years old. However, this obstacle didn't deter her from pursuing her passion for music. Her teacher, Ron Forbes, recognized her exceptional talent and opened doors to her potential, helping her accomplish the seemingly impossible. Today, she stands as a celebrated figure in the music industry, boasting numerous awards and honors, and serving as a powerful inspiration to the differently-abled community.

Part two introduces Bismillah Khan and delves into the origins of the shehnai, an Indian musical instrument. Bismillah Khan played a pivotal role in popularizing the shehnai and elevating it to the global stage. He shattered the misconception that the shehnai couldn't produce distinct tunes. Coming from a family of musicians, he had a rich musical heritage.

Bismillah Khan's upbringing was secular and diverse. He practiced his music on the banks of the Ganges River, visiting both the mosque and the temple. As he achieved remarkable success, he earned various prestigious titles, including India's highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna. He also received the Padma Bhushan, Padmashree, and Padma Vibhushan awards. In a historic moment, he was the first to play the shehnai at the Red Fort in 1947, marking India's independence.

Beyond India's borders, he represented the nation on international platforms and even has an auditorium named after him in Tehran. Remarkably, despite many opportunities, Bismillah Khan remained rooted in his hometown of Varanasi, dedicating his life to music until his passing in 2006.

Poem- Wind

In the poem, the poet converses with the wind, requesting it to be gentle and soft. He emphasizes that the wind should avoid being forceful and instead approach with care and gentleness. The poet underscores that strong wind is destructive, causing damage by breaking shutters, windows, and scattering papers. It even has the power to pull books from shelves. He then urges the wind to observe the havoc it creates.

Furthermore, when the wind is mighty, fragile things like plants and children feel fear and may even get hurt. Initially, the poet likens the wind to a young child, describing its arrival as soft and tender. Later, it transforms into a powerful force akin to youthful energy filled with violence and destruction.

Continuing, the poet uses the term 'crumbling' repeatedly to highlight that robust winds cause everything to disintegrate. He suggests that when confronted with immense strength, weak houses, doors, wooden structures, bodies of people, and animals all crumble. The poet illustrates how vulnerability reacts by collapsing or falling in the face of adversity. Thus, he conveys that when individuals face challenges in life, their weakness causes them to falter.

Moving forward, he addresses the wind as the 'wind god,' describing how it sorts and sifts people, separating the strong from the weak, similar to how wheat is separated from chaff. He emphasizes that during strong winds, anything frail falls and succumbs.

The poet advises us to embrace difficulties, comparing them to the wind. He advocates readiness for problems as they won't wait for us. The poet suggests constructing sturdy homes and securing doors tightly to keep the wind at bay. He proposes that we should strengthen our hearts and bodies to face challenges. When we become resilient enough to tackle hardships, we won't feel troubled.

The poet elevates the wind, likening it to a god, and praises it daily. He highlights the wind's influence in weakening the feeble while bolstering the robust. The poet's message is clear: we must fortify ourselves physically and mentally to confront life's trials. By befriending challenges, they guide us toward strength and improvement.

Unit- 3

Prose- The Little Girl

In the story, a little girl named Kezia lives with her father, mother, and grandmother. She's frightened of her father and always tries to avoid him. Seeing her father leave for work brings her comfort. Kezia finds her father to be strict, critical, and unkind. She stammers and struggles to speak when he's around. Her grandmother encourages her to spend time in the drawing room with her parents, hoping she'll understand them better. Yet, she still feels distant from them.

One day, her grandmother suggests Kezia make a pin cushion for her father's birthday. She sews most of it but needs something to stuff it with. She finds fine paper on her mother's bedtable and uses it. Unaware that the paper contains her father's important speech, she finishes the cushion. When her mistake is discovered, her father punishes her despite her apology. An evening with a kind father figure, Mr. McDonald, playing with his children, changes Kezia's perspective. She realizes not all fathers are the same. Some are caring like Mr. McDonald, while others are strict like her own father.

During her mother's hospitalization, Kezia is alone with the cook. A nightmare terrifies her one night. Her father comforts her, taking her to his room, making her warm, and calming her fears. This experience reveals a different side of her father to her. From that night, Kezia understands her father's love and care for her. She comprehends that his long work hours are to provide for the family, making him tired by evening. This realization changes her perception of him, helping her see his efforts and affection in a new light.

Poem- Rain on the Roof

In this poem, the poet describes the arrival of rain when the sky is covered by dark, moisture-filled clouds. These clouds drift across the starry night sky, bringing the promise of rain. Raindrops fall like tears from the sky, wiping away the sadness of the night. The poet likens the raindrops to tears shed by the sky, giving a sense of sorrow to the scene.

The poet finds solace lying in his room, listening to the raindrops drumming on the roof. The sound of rain on the rooftop has a comforting effect, like a blessing. Each raindrop's tinkling sound resonates in his heart, creating echoes that reach his dreams. He imagines various scenarios and dreams as raindrops continue to fall. These dreams bring back memories of the past, intertwined with the present moment.

In the final part, the poet's mother enters the scene. He dreams of her, linking the rain's memories with his mother's memory. His mother, who is no longer alive, used to love him dearly. She allowed him to sleep until morning and nurtured sweet dreams. The sound of raindrops on the roof seems to bring his mother's presence. This sound evokes a strong connection between his past and present, particularly his memories of his mother. The gentle patter of raindrops brings back his mother's love and care, and he finds himself moved by the reminiscence of those moments.

Unit- 4

Prose- A Truly Beautiful Mind

Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in the German city of Ulm. During his early years, he faced challenges with speech, only beginning to talk at the age of two and a half, and initially repeating each word he spoke. His childhood playmates found him uninteresting, and his head's abnormally large size led his mother to think he might be crazy. His school's headmaster and peers considered him unintelligent, but he would prove them wrong. At the age of six, he learned to play the violin at his mother's urging and became skilled at it. His family relocated to Munich when he was fifteen, but he struggled with the strict school discipline and eventually left.

After completing school, he entered the University of Zurich, where the atmosphere was more open to new ideas, and he could pursue his passion for Physics and Mathematics. At the university, he met Mileva Maric, a fellow student who was equally intelligent. They married and had two sons, but unfortunately, their marriage ended in 1919. After finishing his education, Einstein worked as a technical expert in the patent office in Bern. Secretly, he continued to develop his ideas on relativity. He published the Special Theory of Relativity paper, introducing the world-famous equation E = mc2. In 1915, he also published his paper on the General Theory of Relativity, which redefined the concept of gravity and brought him fame.

During the 1919 solar eclipse, his theory's accuracy was confirmed, revolutionizing physics. Fearing the Nazis' rise, Einstein immigrated to the USA, concerned about his work being misused. In 1938, when Germany discovered Nuclear Fission, he warned the US President about the dangers of atomic bombs. When the US dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, he was deeply saddened. He wrote to the United Nations, advocating for a world government to prevent further destruction. In his later years, he focused on political advocacy for world peace and democracy. Albert Einstein, the great scientist, passed away at the age of 76 in 1955.

Unit- 5

Prose- The Snake and the Mirror

This story is about a young homeopathic doctor's early career experiences, as narrated by the doctor himself to a group of individuals. During this period, he lived in a small rented room with challenging conditions. The room's tiles were held up by gables, which were supported by a beam. Rats freely roamed around, and there was no electricity, making the room quite uncomfortable.

The story takes place in the summertime, during the night. Returning from a restaurant, the doctor lit a kerosene lamp to illuminate the dark room. He removed his coat and shirt and opened two windows to combat the heat. Seated at a table, he picked up a medical book to read, with a large mirror and a lamp on the table. Due to the intense summer heat, sleep eluded the doctor. He began looking at himself in the mirror, slowly drifting from self-admiration to thoughts of his future marriage. He fantasized about marrying a wealthy, well-off doctor.

Ignoring the sudden silence and the cessation of rat noises, the doctor's attention was only piqued when he heard something fall. Turning his gaze, he saw a snake on the back of his chair, which eventually coiled around his left arm, inches from his face. He went into shock, feeling as if God's presence was near. He interpreted the snake's appearance as divine retribution for his arrogance. The snake seemed like a punishment from God, teaching him not to be too proud. Realizing his true worth, the doctor's arrogance faded. The snake left him and moved towards the mirror. Silently, the doctor slipped away, narrowly escaping harm. He felt his life was saved due to this enlightening experience. After recounting his tale, the listeners asked him questions about the story, showing their interest in the remarkable narrative.

Poem- A Legend of the Northland

The Northland, close to the North Pole, experiences short days due to the sun's limited rays. During winter, nights are longer, and days are shorter. "They" in line 4 refers to the people living there. The poet highlights the unusually long nights that people can't sleep through. This snowy region faces intense cold. Reindeer are native animals used to pull sleds. Children wear bear fur clothes, resembling polar bear cubs. In the third paragraph, "they" refers to the elders, and "them" to the children. Elders share an intriguing tale about youngsters, though the poet doubts its accuracy, it conveys a vital message.

This ballad recounts a time when Saint Peter was in the world, delivering spiritual teachings like other saints. One day, he visited a cottage where a woman was baking cakes. Hungry and weak, he requested a cake, but the woman selfishly gave a tiny one, unwilling to share. As she baked and resized cakes, she found them either too small or too precious to give. Frustrated, Saint Peter cursed her, transforming her into a bird for her greediness. He reminded her of the blessings she had squandered. The bird, donning a red cap like the woman's, flew up the chimney. Country folks and children are told this tale when they see a similar bird, a reminder of the consequences of selfishness.

Unit- 6

Prose: My Childhood

APJ Abdul Kalam was born into a middle-class Muslim family. He had three brothers and one sister. His parents were kind-hearted, and their family home had historical significance. Kalam's father led a simple life but provided for his children's needs. Despite lacking education and wealth, his parents accommodated outsiders in their daily meals. Kalam imbibed self-discipline and honesty from his upbringing. The Kalam family embraced secular values, showing respect for all religions and participating in Hindu festivals. Kalam's grandmother and mother shared stories of the Prophet and Ramayana, illustrating the family's commitment to secularism.

Friendship played a pivotal role in Kalam's early life. He had three friends from diverse religious backgrounds, and their bond transcended any discrimination. These friends pursued different professions later on. In fifth grade, a new teacher confronted Kalam's Muslim identity by making him sit at the back after he wore a cap to class. This incident saddened Kalam and his Hindu friend Ramanandha. Ramanandha's father met the teacher, demanding an apology or his resignation. Eventually, the teacher apologized and changed his ways.

Kalam was once invited for dinner by a science teacher, but his wife initially refused to serve him due to religious beliefs. The teacher chose to dine with Kalam, and during a subsequent invitation, his wife served from the kitchen. Kalam's upbringing continued until he received permission to further his studies in Ramanathapuram after World War II. His parents' love was supportive but not imposing.

Poem- No Men Are Foreign

The poet begins by asserting that no people are unfamiliar and no land is foreign. The goal is to erase all borders across the Earth's surface, making every country feel like home. When borders vanish, countries won't seem foreign anymore, and freedom to move will reign. This way, the entire planet becomes a unified entity, and all its inhabitants belong to the same human family. Beneath soldiers' uniforms from different lands, there resides the same humanity, as all individuals are created similarly by God. Breath is shared in common. Soldiers, regardless of their nationality, are our brothers and sisters, all walking on the same "Mother Earth," destined to rest in her embrace upon passing.

Referring to people from other countries as "they," the poet underscores how nature provides for everyone equally, showering all with air, water, and sunlight, without discrimination. During times of peace, people cultivate the land and thrive together. Life's necessities are granted by nature. Just like us, they face scarcity during war and winter. The poet's message is that we and the people from other lands are fundamentally alike.

The poet urges us to recognize that our perceived enemies have the same human form. Their eyes open and close just like ours. They possess strength, which love can overpower. Life is the common thread across all lands. When this realization dawns, wars can cease.

Embracing hatred against people from other lands only harms us. In war, both sides suffer losses, emphasizing that war is never beneficial. The use of weapons leads to bloodshed and death, staining the earth with impurity. Wars pollute the air and soil. The poet concludes by reiterating his opening sentiment: Remember, no people are foreign, and no lands are strange.

Unit 7

Prose: Reach For the Top

"Reach for the Top" is divided into two parts, each dedicated to Santosh Yadav and Maria Sharapova, respectively. The first part unveils the life of Santosh Yadav, who holds the distinction of being the only woman in the world to conquer Mount Everest twice. Hailing from Haryana, a society where girls were often considered undesirable, Santosh defied conventions and embraced her path. From an early age, she faced gender bias, yet she resolved to carve her destiny. She pursued admission to Delhi and self-financed her education through part-time work. Her life took a transformative turn when she resided in a Jaipur hostel. Joining mountaineering expeditions, she discovered her passion and her relentless efforts led her to excel in professional courses.

In 1992, at just 20 years old, she achieved the remarkable feat of scaling Mount Everest, becoming the youngest woman to do so. Her courage saved a fellow climber by sharing oxygen. Her historic accomplishment earned her the Padmashri award from the Indian government, bringing pride to the nation. The second part, part II, sheds light on the journey of renowned tennis player Maria Sharapova to reach the pinnacle of women's tennis. Through hard work, rigorous training, and numerous sacrifices, she ascended to become a top athlete.

The insights into her life reveal that Maria embarked on her tennis journey at an early age. Originating from Siberia, Russia, she left home at the tender age of 9 to pursue her tennis dream. Moving to Florida with her father meant parting with her mother. Despite challenges and foreign discrimination, her father persevered in funding her training. Maria's interests in dancing, singing, and fashion are also explored. Despite the role money plays, her paramount goal was always to reach the pinnacle of her sport. Through her dedication and determination, Maria Sharapova exemplifies the pursuit of excellence.

Poem- On Killing a Tree

In this passage, the author discusses the process of killing a tree. Some people might think that a simple cut would suffice, but merely cutting a tree won't be enough to eliminate it. Trees grow slowly, firmly rooted in the soil. They draw nutrients from the soil for growth, eventually turning into substantial trees. The connection between the tree and the soil is strong, nourishing it with water, air, and sunlight, leading to leafy branches and a sturdy trunk. Even chopping the tree's bark into pieces won't be sufficient to fully eliminate it. The cut releases sap, akin to human blood. Over time, the cut heals, and new branches sprout. Trees possess an incredible ability to recover, making it necessary to take a more drastic approach to kill them.

The author then explains that for a surefire way to kill a tree, one must uproot it. Separating the tree from the supportive Earth is essential. The roots firmly bind the tree to the soil, connecting it deeply. These roots, hidden yet delicate, play a crucial role. Thus, the ultimate destruction of a tree requires detaching these roots. The roots are damp and white, making them vital for the tree's survival. Uprooting the tree is the definitive step to destroy it. Once uprooted, the tree's demise is inevitable. No tree can survive without its roots in the Earth. Wind and heat cause the tree to wither and dry. The trunk darkens, twists, and hardens over time, eventually leading to the tree's demise. Uprooting the roots proves to be the pivotal action in ending a tree's life.

Unit- 8

Prose- Kathmandu

In this excerpt from his book 'Heaven Lake', Vikram Seth shares his experience of visiting Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. During his trip, he explores two temples that exhibit distinct differences. One temple, the Pashupatinath temple, is a Hindu pilgrimage site. Another is the Baudhnath temple, a place of worship for Buddhists. He observes that entry to the Pashupatinath temple is restricted to Hindus, leading to chaos among tourists, priests, and pilgrims. Moreover, people pollute the nearby River Bagmati by washing clothes, bathing, and discarding dry flowers.

On the other hand, the Baudhnath temple presents a serene atmosphere with its large white dome. Nearby, a Tibetan market offers various items for sale. Kathmandu offers a range of attractions, from religious sites to tourist destinations, and boasts diverse shops selling antiques, cameras, cosmetics, and chocolates. However, the city is also noisy due to car horns, music, and vendors. The author enjoys snacks like marzipan bars, corn, and Coca-Cola, along with reading love stories, comics, and Reader's Digest books.

Returning to Delhi, the author contemplates taking an adventurous journey involving buses, trains, and boats. However, he decides to book a flight due to exhaustion. Outside his hotel, he encounters an intriguing flute seller whose method of playing sets him apart. Unlike other sellers who scream to attract customers, this flute seller thoughtfully plays his flutes, which piques the author's interest. The author compares the ubiquity of flutes to the human voice and reflects on his newfound attention to small details.

Poem- A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal

The poet's soul falls into a deep slumber because he was unaware of the truth. He took life for granted and never considered the possibility that Lucy could be taken away from him. The idea of Lucy's death never crossed his mind, making her passing a shock he couldn't bear. Eventually, the poet acknowledges the harsh reality of Lucy's absence, a process not easily embraced. Coming to terms with the death of a beloved person demands courage. He describes Lucy as motionless, lifeless, and unable to hear. She now rests deep within the Earth, unable to see or hear, merged with the land.

Lucy's physical form undergoes decomposition, a natural process when living beings die. As her body breaks down, it becomes part of the Earth, uniting with rocks, stones, and trees. This metamorphosis means that Lucy still exists in a different form, present in the elements around the poet. Although he cannot talk to, smile at, or touch her, the poet can find solace in perceiving her essence in the world. This perspective offers comfort to those grieving a loved one's death. Rather than thinking of them as gone, this view suggests that their presence has transformed into a new existence within the Earth. Looking at nature, one might envision seeing their loved one in a different guise.

Unit- 9

Prose- If I Were You

"If I Were You" begins with Gerrard, a playwright, getting ready to leave his house for a rehearsal. While he's packing his bag after a phone call, he notices an intruder entering from the side. This intruder bears a strong resemblance to Gerrard and holds a revolver. Gerrard quickly realizes that the intruder is a criminal, armed with a gun. The criminal orders Gerrard to raise his hands, but Gerrard remains oddly composed, engaging in a casual conversation with him. Eventually, the intruder makes Gerrard sit down in a chair.

As the conversation unfolds, we learn that Gerrard lives alone and owns a car. He has an air of mystery about him, frequently coming and going. He remains mostly confined to his house and rarely interacts with people in person, conducting his business over the phone. The intruder, on the other hand, is a jewelry thief fleeing from the police after killing a cop. Because of his striking resemblance to Gerrard, he plans to murder Gerrard and take on his identity to evade the authorities.

Gerrard realizes that the intruder is overly confident but not very sharp. He cleverly concocts a story, claiming that he is also a criminal and murderer sought by the police. Gerrard suggests that if he kills Gerrard, the police will eventually apprehend him too. The intruder falls for this ruse and agrees to go to the garage where they can escape in Gerrard's car. However, when the garage door opens, it's revealed to be a cupboard, into which Gerrard locks the intruder. Gerrard then informs the police of the intruder's location. Gerrard's quick thinking and clever plan save his life and lead to the intruder's capture by the police.

How eSaral Helps in Scoring High in English (Beehive) in the Class 9th Examination?

The NCERT Class 9 English Solutions provided by eSaral are highly reliable and come with several exciting features that make them stand out:

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CBSE Standard: Our solutions are crafted to meet the standards set by the CBSE board. They are designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the topics and concepts presented in the Class 9 English curriculum.

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These key points demonstrate the benefits of utilizing our NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English. However, our offerings extend beyond just solutions. At eSaral, students can enroll and gain access to a wide range of subjects and concepts covered in the CBSE and NCERT syllabus. The convenience of online learning allows students to study comfortably from their homes. By logging into their accounts on our website, students can explore the content they need and seek personalized assistance from our subject-matter experts.

For a more enriching learning experience, students can also download the eSaral Learning App. The app provides an array of interactive learning videos, live sessions, and other engaging resources that make the learning process enjoyable and effective.

In conclusion, eSaral's NCERT Class 9 English Solutions offer a reliable and comprehensive way to enhance your understanding of the subject. With the added advantage of offline access, CBSE-aligned content, and personalized assistance, students can embark on their educational journey confidently and conveniently. Download the eSaral Learning App to explore a wealth of educational resources and make learning an engaging adventure.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1- Do you think Margie is correct in believing that schools nowadays are more enjoyable than the school described in the story? Provide reasons to support your viewpoint ?

Answer 1- Absolutely, I agree with Margie's perspective that schools nowadays are indeed more enjoyable compared to the depiction of the school in the story. In the story, the concept of schools is quite different. The schools are set up within the students' homes using mechanical teachers and screens. This setup lacks the traditional classroom environment where students interact with each other and their teachers face-to-face.

Learning through screens and machines might sound unexciting. The process involves simply inserting homework and test papers into a slot on a mechanical teacher, followed by receiving lessons and assessments. This routine can become monotonous and uninspiring. Moreover, writing answers in punch codes seems like a tiresome task, which takes away the interactive and engaging aspect of learning. In contrast, modern schools encourage physical presence in classrooms. Students come together in a class, which offers them a broader perspective on various subjects. This environment allows them to interact with classmates and learn how to communicate and socialize effectively. Human teachers play a vital role in making the learning experience dynamic and responsive. If students encounter difficulties or doubts about any topic, they can immediately seek clarification from their teachers. This real-time interaction ensures a deeper understanding of concepts.

Furthermore, learning in a classroom setting enables students to collaborate with their peers. While solving homework or engaging in group discussions, they can help each other grasp complex ideas and solve problems collectively. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of camaraderie and makes the learning process enjoyable. In addition to classroom learning, modern schools offer a wide range of extracurricular activities and facilities. Students can participate in sports, arts, clubs, and other activities that enhance their overall development. These opportunities make schooling not only informative but also engaging and fun.

In conclusion, Margie's perception that schools today are more enjoyable holds. The traditional classroom setting allows for interaction, discussion, and collaboration among students, creating a rich learning environment. With human teachers, real-time interactions, and a variety of extracurricular activities, modern schools provide a comprehensive and enjoyable educational experience that surpasses the mechanized and isolated approach depicted in the story.


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