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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Moments - PDF Download

JEE Mains & Advanced

Class 9 English Moments boasts a comprehensive syllabus encompassing ten chapters, each of which carries significant weight in the preparation of Class 9 students. To facilitate their learning journey, eSaral's team of experts has meticulously crafted a set of Class 9 NCERT English Moments Book Answers for every chapter. The best part? These solutions are readily available for free download, providing students with a valuable resource for their English studies.

These NCERT Solutions For Class 9 English Moments are a game-changer for students. They not only enhance the ability to comprehend the stories within the book but also provide a solid grasp of fundamental language communication principles. With a total of ten chapters, the 9th Class English Moments book doesn't just offer captivating narratives; it simplifies language comprehension, making it accessible to all students.

Designed to lay a robust foundation for board examinations where English holds a central position, the syllabus for English Moments Class 9 NCERT Solution is strategically structured. eSaral's experts have meticulously curated the NCERT Class 9 English Moments solutions to assist students in elevating their academic performance while fostering fluency in the language.

One remarkable feature of the Class 9 NCERT English Moments solutions lies in their comprehensive nature. These solutions, crafted by Subject Matter Experts, offer standardized answers to all the questions, leaving no room for ambiguity. Furthermore, the Class 9 English Moments solutions are conveniently available in PDF format, ensuring easy accessibility and allowing students to download them at their convenience.

In summary, these class 9 solutions go above and beyond in supporting students' English language proficiency. The availability of ncert solutions of Class 9 English Moments in PDF form through ncert solutions class 9 English book moments pdf download ensures that learning remains flexible and tailored to individual needs. With the help of these meticulously crafted resources, students can embark on a successful journey toward mastering English in Class 9. Class 9 English Moments boasts a comprehensive syllabus encompassing ten chapters, each of which carries significant weight in the preparation of Class 9 students. To facilitate their learning journey, eSaral's team of experts has meticulously crafted a set of Class 9 NCERT English Moments Book Answers for every chapter. The best part? These solutions are readily available for free download, providing students with a valuable resource for their English studies.

These NCERT Solutions For Class 9 English Moments are a game-changer for students. They not only enhance the ability to comprehend the stories within the book but also provide a solid grasp of fundamental language communication principles. With a total of ten chapters, the 9th Class English Moments book doesn't just offer captivating narratives; it simplifies language comprehension, making it accessible to all students.

Designed to lay a robust foundation for board examinations where English holds a central position, the syllabus for English Moments Class 9 NCERT Solution is strategically structured. eSaral's experts have meticulously curated the NCERT Class 9 English Moments solutions to assist students in elevating their academic performance while fostering fluency in the language.

One remarkable feature of the Class 9 NCERT English Moments solutions lies in their comprehensive nature. These solutions, crafted by Subject Matter Experts, offer standardized answers to all the questions, leaving no room for ambiguity. Furthermore, the Class 9 English Moments solutions are conveniently available in PDF format, ensuring easy accessibility and allowing students to download them at their convenience.

In summary, these moments class 9 solutions go above and beyond in supporting students' English language proficiency. The availability of ncert solutions of Class 9 English moments in PDF form through ncert solutions class 9 English book moments pdf download ensures that learning remains flexible and tailored to individual needs. With the help of these meticulously crafted resources, students can embark on a successful journey toward mastering English in Class 9.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English - Moments Free PDF Download

NCERT Solutions Class 9 (English - Moments) Chapter-wise List

Chapter 1 - The Lost Child

Chapter 2 - The Adventure of Toto

Chapter 3 - Iswaran The Storyteller

Chapter 4 - In The Kingdom of Fools

Chapter 5 - The Happy Prince

Chapter 6 - Weathering The Storm in Ersama

Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf

Chapter 8 - A House is Not a Home

Chapter 9 - The Beggar

If you're studying Class 9 English Moments and want to make your learning journey easier, we've got a great solution for you: the English Moments Class 9 Solutions PDF. You can download these PDF solutions for free, and it's super convenient. With these PDFs, you can study whenever and wherever you want. No need to search the internet every time you need to study – it's all right there in the PDF.

Plus, you can even print a hardcopy if you prefer physical materials. That way, you won't have to rely on the internet for your studies. It's all about making your life simpler.

The best part? These Class 9 NCERT English Moments solutions are created by experienced teachers who know their stuff. So, whether you're preparing for your Class 9 English exam or just aiming for top-notch scores, these solutions are your go-to resource.

Now, let's talk about some important chapters you should pay extra attention to: "The Lost Child," "The Beggar," "The Kingdom of Fools," and "A House That is Not a Home." These chapters are essential, and the NCERT Class 9 Moments English solutions are your key to mastering them. If you ever have doubts or questions while studying these chapters, don't worry. You can refer to the solutions for a better understanding. So, with these handy PDF solutions, you've got the power to excel in Class 9 English Moments. Happy studying!

Chapter 1 - The Lost Child

It was a beautiful spring day in the village, and everyone was filled with joy. The villagers, dressed in vibrant clothes, eagerly made their way to the fairground. Among them was a little child, accompanied by his parents. The excitement and happiness in his heart were evident as he gazed at the colorful stalls filled with toys and sweets. Although his father seemed a bit upset by his enthusiasm, his mother comforted him and redirected his attention to other attractions at the fair.

As they strolled forward, the child's eyes wandered, captivated by various items on display. Sweets adorned with shimmering gold and silver leaves made his mouth water, but he refrained from asking for his favorite burfi, fearing his parents would think he was being greedy. He continued walking, passing by beautiful Gulmohar garlands and tempting balloons. Deep down, he knew he was probably too old to play with balloons, so he resisted the urge.

Then, he spotted a snake charmer and a captivating roundabout swing. Wanting to enjoy the swing, he turned to ask his parents for permission. To his surprise, there was no response. Neither his father nor his mother was in sight. Panic set in as he realized he was lost in the bustling crowd. He ran frantically in all directions, desperately searching for them, but the fairground was overcrowded.

Fear overcame him, and tears streamed down his cheeks. In that moment of distress, a kind-hearted stranger noticed the sobbing child and gently picked him up. The compassionate man tried to console the child and asked if he'd like to go on a joyride. However, all the child could utter between sobs was, "I want my father, I want my mother." Despite tempting offers of sweets, balloons, and garlands, the child's only wish was to be reunited with his parents.

Chapter 2 - The Adventure of Toto

The writer's grandpa had a special love for animals, and he transformed their home into a little zoo. Among his collection was a monkey named Toto, whom he purchased from a tonga driver for five rupees. But Toto's arrival came with a catch - it had to be kept a secret because the grandmother didn't quite share the same affection for animals.

Toto, the mischievous monkey, proved to be quite a handful. One day, when the writer and his grandfather decided to hide Toto in a cupboard and secure him with a hook, the little troublemaker managed to break free and wreak havoc in the room. The following night, when Toto was placed in the servants' room with other animals, he made sure no one got a wink of sleep.

Grandpa's work took him to Saharanpur, and he decided to bring Toto along. He packed Toto in a sturdy canvas bag, zipping it up tight to prevent any escape attempts. However, Toto's antics inside the bag attracted the attention of curious fellow passengers at the railway station. At Saharanpur, when the ticket collector saw Toto's head poking out of the bag and declared it to be a dog, grandpa had to buy an unexpected three-rupee ticket, much to his annoyance.

Upon reaching home, grandma reluctantly accepted Toto, placing it in the stable with the family's donkey, Nana. Unfortunately, Toto and Nana didn't exactly get along. Toto had a penchant for unusual adventures. During winters, he loved taking baths in warm water, but one day, he nearly boiled himself when he jumped into a kettle of boiling water.

One afternoon, Toto indulged in the family's meal of pulao and, after finishing, playfully tossed the empty dish from a tree, shattering it into pieces. As Toto's mischief continued to grow, grandpa realized that they couldn't keep him at home any longer. He eventually found the same tonga driver and sold Toto back for three rupees, bidding farewell to the mischievous monkey who had brought both joy and chaos to their lives.

Chapter 3 - Iswaran The Storyteller

Iswaran's story, as shared with Ganesh by Mahendra, the junior supervisor at various construction sites, was nothing short of fascinating. Mahendra, being unmarried, had the privilege of staying in temporary shelters provided by the construction company. Iswaran, a constant companion, joined him on his adventures. Iswaran's presence proved invaluable as he not only kept Mahendra company but also prepared meals and took care of household chores, even washing Mahendra's clothes.

Iswaran's culinary skills were impressive. He could whip up a meal in no time. Every morning, as Mahendra readied himself for work, Iswaran ensured the living space was clean, washed clothes, had his lunch, read Tamil story books, and took a nap. In the evenings, Iswaran would regale Mahendra with captivating stories, brought to life through expressive body gestures, facial expressions, and voice modulation.

One story that left Mahendra in awe was about an elephant that escaped from the jungle and wandered into town, eventually reaching Iswaran's school. Chaos ensued as the elephant wreaked havoc, causing students to lock themselves in classrooms. Young Iswaran, watching from the rooftop, summoned his courage, armed himself with a stick, and approached the menacing beast. In an act of astonishing bravery, he struck the elephant's toenail, rendering the giant creature unconscious. However, the story was left incomplete, and dinner beckoned.

Curiosity piqued, Mahendra prodded Iswaran to finish the story. Iswaran revealed that a veterinary doctor was summoned, who revived the elephant, and a mahout was called to guide it back to the jungle after two days. When Mahendra inquired about Iswaran's technique to subdue the enormous beast, Iswaran attributed it to a Japanese martial art, either Karate or Jujitsu, which paralyzed the nervous system.

Iswaran's storytelling became a daily delight, offering Mahendra a television-like entertainment experience in their modest living quarters. However, one evening, Iswaran's tale took a chilling turn. He recounted stories of ghosts and supernatural powers, mentioning that the factory area they lived in had once been a burial ground, and he had stumbled upon human skulls and bones. Iswaran even claimed to have encountered a ghostly woman with a shrunken face and matted hair, cradling an unborn baby. Mahendra, uncomfortable and dismissive of such tales, scolded Iswaran, suggesting that he needed a psychological evaluation.

But the eerie encounter did not stop there. One night, Mahendra was awakened by haunting cries. Initially, he thought it might be a cat seeking prey. As the cries grew more menacing, curiosity got the better of him, and he peeked out of the window. To his horror, he saw a dark shadow cradling a bundle in the moonlight – the very ghostly apparition Iswaran had described. Mahendra was gripped by fear, drenched in sweat, and gasping for breath. Eventually, he reasoned that it must be his imagination. However, Iswaran, who had heard Mahendra's cries, confirmed that he too had seen the ghostly figure, dispelling any doubt about its existence.

Mahendra's fear escalated, and he hastily resigned from his job. He couldn't bear to live in a place haunted by such chilling encounters, leaving behind the enigmatic and spine-tingling tales shared by his faithful companion, Iswaran.

Chapter 4 - In The Kingdom of Fools

"In the Kingdom of Fools" is a captivating tale set in a realm ruled by a foolish king. One day, a saint and his disciple ventured into this peculiar kingdom, and what they encountered left them astounded. The saint observed an unusual pattern: the people of this kingdom slept during the day and toiled at night. What bewildered him even more was the fact that all the food items were priced the same - one duddu (the local currency). Quickly, he deduced that this was indeed a kingdom of fools and instructed his disciple to leave immediately. However, his disciple was enticed by the abundance of inexpensive food and chose to stay behind.

A peculiar incident unfolded when a man sought justice from the foolish king. He claimed that his brother, a thief, had met his end while attempting a theft when a wall collapsed on him. The man demanded compensation for his brother's demise. The king, not being the sharpest ruler, failed to realize that the deceased was a criminal. Instead, he initiated a bizarre trial, dragging the rich merchant (owner of the house with the fallen wall), the wall builder, the dancing girl (whose movements led to the weak wall), and the Goldsmith (whose business had necessitated the dancing girl's presence) into the case. Surprisingly, the king concluded that the true culprit was the merchant's deceased father, passing the punishment to the son who had inherited the property.

The story took another bizarre turn when the king, in a sudden fit of wisdom, decided that the merchant was too thin to be impaled on a stake, the chosen method of execution. He ordered his men to find a portly substitute. Unfortunately, the disciple had become considerably plump, and he was brought before the king as the replacement. In his moment of desperation, the innocent man prayed to his guru for help.

The wise guru, sensing his disciple's predicament, devised a brilliant plan to outwit the foolish king. With cunning and intelligence, the guru managed to ensnare the king and his minister instead. They met their unfortunate end on the stake meant for the disciple. Relieved by their foolish rulers, the people of the kingdom implored the guru and his disciples to become their new king and minister. The guru agreed, but only under the condition that the kingdom would operate sensibly and conventionally, like any other well-governed realm. Thus, the once-absurd Kingdom of Fools was transformed into a place of wisdom and rationality under the leadership of the guru and his faithful disciple.

Chapter 5 - The Happy Prince

In a distant town, there resided a prince known as the Happy Prince. This name was well-earned, for his life had been filled with happiness. Upon his passing, a majestic statue in his likeness was erected in the town's heart. This statue was adorned with a glistening layer of gold, its eyes adorned with precious sapphire stones, and its sword's handle adorned with a radiant ruby. Perched high on its pedestal, the Happy Prince could see all the suffering that plagued his people. This heartbreaking sight moved the prince, and even in his inanimate state, he wept for his subjects' misery.

One fateful day, a swallow bird, en route to Egypt to reunite with its friends, sought refuge at the foot of the Happy Prince's statue. To its astonishment, it noticed tears streaming from the statue's eyes. Upon inquiring, the bird learns of the prince's sorrow and his desire to help his people. Though hesitant at first, the swallow agreed to become the prince's messenger.

The bird embarked on a mission of compassion. It started by removing the ruby from the sword hilt and delivering it to a poor seamstress. The following day, the statue asked the bird to pluck one of the sapphire stones from its eyes, which the bird graciously delivered to a young playwright. On the third day, the bird relinquished the other sapphire stone to a destitute match girl. Over time, the swallow grew attached to the Happy Prince, and as the weather turned harsh, it couldn't bear to leave the now-blind statue.

The prince, sensing the bird's imminent demise, asked it to stay a little longer and report on the city's condition. The swallow observed a stark divide: the rich revealed while the poor languished. With no more precious stones to share, the prince instructed the bird to peel the gold foils from his body, which were then distributed among the needy. Slowly, the prince lost his golden sheen, becoming dull and gray, while the destitute rejoiced as they received sustenance.

As the cold weather took its toll, the swallow sensed its impending death. It bade farewell to the Happy Prince, who requested a kiss. In the moment of the bird's demise, a strange sound emanated from the statue—the sound of a breaking heart. Although the prince's heart was made of lead, it shattered due to an overwhelming affection for the bird. When the statue was melted down in a furnace, the heart remained intact and was discarded as waste. It landed near the lifeless swallow. God's angels recognized the immense value of these two items, and they were carried to heaven. In the end, the swallow and the broken heart were deemed the most precious treasures on Earth.

Chapter 6 - Weathering The Storm in Ersama

Prashant, a nineteen-year-old from the coastal village of Kalikuda in Odisha, had faced adversity from a young age. He lost his mother when he was just twelve years old. However, the most challenging test of his resilience came on 27 October 1999 when a devastating supercyclone struck while he was visiting a friend in Ersama.

The cyclone brought relentless winds and rain that battered the region for two days. Prashant and his friend sought refuge on a rooftop, surviving by consuming tender coconuts that had fallen from the coconut trees onto their shelter. As the storm subsided, Prashant's thoughts turned to his family, and with a stick in hand to guide him through the chaos, he ventured toward his village.

En route, he encountered two friends and their uncle, and together they braved the aftermath of the cyclone. The landscape was a scene of unimaginable devastation, with bodies of humans and animals drifting along the floodwaters. Villages had been reduced to rubble, and Prashant's own home lay in ruins, with his family's belongings hanging from tree branches. He wept, fearing the loss of his loved ones.

Driven by a deep desire to reunite with his family, Prashant made his way to a Red Cross shelter, where he was relieved to find his maternal grandmother. Their reunion was a glimmer of hope amidst the despair, as they had not expected Prashant to survive the catastrophic storm.

The shelter housed around 2,500 people, many of whom had lost their families and everything they owned. Hunger and despair hung heavy in the air, with the survivors having subsisted on coconuts for the past two days. Prashant took charge of the situation, forming a group with both elders and young people. Together, they confronted a merchant and secured a stock of rice for the hungry crowd.

After four days, the survivors shared a meal, and Prashant's group of volunteers began cleaning and attending to the injured. He also organized the widows into a group called "Food for Work," providing them with opportunities to earn a living. To lift the spirits of the children, Prashant arranged sports matches.

In a remarkable display of resilience and community spirit, the volunteers established foster families composed of widows, orphaned children, and lone men who supported and cared for one another. Through these selfless acts and boundless determination, Prashant not only overcame his grief but also became a beacon of hope in the face of adversity, showing that even in the darkest times, a smile and a helping hand can make a world of difference.

Chapter 7 - The Last Leaf

In this summary of "The Last Leaf," we enter the world of two young artists, Sue and Johnsy, who share a small flat on the third floor of an old building. They were inseparable friends, passionate about their art. Trouble struck when Johnsy fell seriously ill with pneumonia in the chilly month of November. She lay motionless in her bed, her gaze fixated on the window. Sue grew increasingly concerned and called for a doctor's help. Despite the doctor's daily visits, Johnsy's condition showed no signs of improvement.

The doctor revealed that Johnsy had lost the will to live, rendering the medications ineffective. Sue, desperate to ignite her friend's interest in life again, talked about clothes, and fashion, and even brought her drawing board into the room to paint. Johnsy remained unresponsive, lying still in bed. One day, Sue overheard Johnsy softly counting backward from twelve, each count corresponding to the falling leaves of an ivy creeper outside the window. Johnsy believed she would die when the last leaf fell and refused nourishment.

Sue, determined to save her friend, assured Johnsy that she would not die, as she needed her and would be lonely without her. However, Johnsy remained steadfast in her conviction that her fate was sealed. Desperate for help, Sue sought out Behrman, a 60-year-old painter on the ground floor. She explained Johnsy's condition and her obsession with the last leaf. Behrman agreed to help by painting the last leaf on the creeper to give Johnsy hope. The next morning, Johnsy awoke to find the last leaf still clinging to the creeper despite a fierce storm. It miraculously survived another tempest in the evening. This resilience opened Johnsy's eyes to the beauty of life, and she apologized to Sue for her previous despair. She combed her hair, had soup, and expressed a desire to live.

When the doctor returned, he noted Johnsy's improved spirits and predicted her recovery. Meanwhile, Sue shared the sad news of Behrman's passing. He had contracted pneumonia while painting the last leaf on the wall, fulfilling his lifelong dream of creating a masterpiece. Sue revealed the leaf's true nature to Johnsy—it was not a real leaf but Behrman's masterpiece. He had sacrificed himself to inspire Johnsy's will to live, leaving behind a legacy of hope and friendship.

Chapter 8 - A House is Not a Home

The heartwarming story centers on a young boy named Zan, whose life took a challenging turn when he entered a new high school. Stripped of his old friends and relegated to the status of a junior, he longed for the familiar comforts of his previous school, where he had relished his role as a senior. However, fate had more challenges in store for him.

One fateful Sunday afternoon, tragedy struck as Zan's house was engulfed in flames. The fire devoured their possessions, leaving only a few precious papers and photos of his father, salvaged by his mother. Zan found himself without even a pair of shoes, and his beloved pet cat was missing, adding to his sorrow.

In the depths of his despair, Zan contemplated skipping school altogether. But he soon realized that he couldn't drown in his sadness. His family needed to rebuild their lives from the ground up, requiring a new house, clothes, books, and more. They were left without cash, credit cards, or identity proof, compelling them to seek financial assistance from their grandparents.

One day, a ray of hope pierced through Zan's gloom when he arrived at school to find a table laden with gifts—books, stationery, clothes, and other essentials—collectively gathered by his classmates. Their kindness and generosity overwhelmed Zan. It was at this moment that he made new friends and began to emerge from the grip of depression.

As Zan witnessed the reconstruction of his house, he realized that a parallel transformation was happening within himself. A kind-hearted woman also reunited him with his beloved cat, which had run away in fear during the fire. This poignant reunion filled Zan's heart with renewed vigor. He discovered that life's true essence lay not in material possessions but in the bonds of love, affection, and the presence of cherished loved ones. Through adversity, Zan learned to appreciate the beauty of life and the strength that comes from the support of friends and family.

Chapter 9 - The Beggar

"The Beggar" recounts the tale of a destitute man named Lushkoff whose life takes a transformative turn thanks to an unexpected encounter with an advocate named Sergei. Lushkoff's existence primarily consisted of begging for survival.

One day, as he sought alms, he crossed paths with Sergei, who extended a helping hand in the form of work. Sergei entrusted Lushkoff with the task of chopping wood at his residence. This newfound responsibility brought the beggar to Sergei's home, where the cook, Olga, directed him to the woodshed. Lushkoff's frail frame and the lingering effects of alcohol rendered him almost unable to stand, let alone work. However, Olga, perhaps out of kindness, informed Sergei that the wood had been successfully chopped. Sergei, pleased with the man's effort, rewarded him with 50 copecks for the task. He established a monthly arrangement, inviting Lushkoff to perform various chores such as snow shoveling, wood stacking, and rug dusting, for which he paid between 20 to 40 copecks. On one occasion, Sergei even bestowed his old trousers upon the beggar.

When Sergei relocated to a new house, he enlisted Lushkoff's help in transporting his belongings. On that day, a transformed Lushkoff, sober and resolute, left a positive impression on Sergei. The advocate, eager to learn more about the man, discovered that Lushkoff possessed the ability to read and write. He offered him more respectable employment and extended a hand in friendship.

However, Lushkoff mysteriously vanished from Sergei's life after that encounter. Two years later, while purchasing a ticket outside a theatre, Sergei spotted Lushkoff, who had undergone a remarkable transformation. The beggar was now smartly dressed and purchasing a gallery ticket, a sign of his improved circumstances. Sergei enthusiastically greeted him, and Lushkoff shared his incredible journey.

Lushkoff had found employment as a notary, earning a respectable monthly salary of 35 Roubles. Grateful for the opportunities afforded to him, he attributed his transformation not to Sergei alone, but to the unwavering support and care of Olga, the cook, who had scolded him, wept for him, and even chopped wood on his behalf. Olga's steadfast compassion had been the catalyst for Lushkoff's remarkable turnaround, proving that sometimes, it takes the kindness of others to lift someone out of the depths of despair and guide them toward a brighter future. With gratitude in his heart, Lushkoff proceeded to enjoy the theatre, a symbol of the newfound life he had embraced.

How to score high in English (Moments) in the Class 9th Examination?

Scoring high in English (Moments) for your Class 9th examination can be achieved with some simple strategies. First, understand the syllabus and exam pattern. Know what chapters and topics are included in the syllabus.

Next, focus on reading the Moments textbook thoroughly. Try to understand the characters, plot, and themes in each story or chapter. Take notes while reading to remember important points.

Practice writing essays, letters, and summaries regularly. This will improve your writing skills, which are crucial for scoring well. Pay attention to grammar and vocabulary while writing.

Solving previous years' question papers and sample papers can help you understand the exam pattern and the types of questions asked. It will also boost your confidence.

Seek help from your teacher or classmates if you have doubts about any topic. Don't hesitate to ask questions.

Lastly, manage your time well during the exam. Read the questions carefully and plan how much time to allocate to each section.

In summary, scoring high in English (Moments) in Class 9th is all about understanding the syllabus, regular practice, and time management. Stay focused, and you'll do well in your exam.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: How many chapters are there in the CBSE class 9 English textbook- Moments?

Answer 1: There are 9 chapters in the CBSE class 9 English textbook- Moments.



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