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NCERT Solutions Class 9 Science - Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life - PDF Download

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NCERT solutions for class 9 science chapter 5 The fundamental unit of life will help students to get all the information they need about the cell using . The solutions are prepared by qualified teachers who have expertise in their field. We also make sure that the relevant content on the NCERT solutions of class 9 science is updated as per the CBSE guidelines.
We also provide a full explanation of the questions along with a step-by-step explanation of all the processes and steps in an easy to understand manner.
We make sure that the class 9 NCERT solutions we provide are designed to meet several criteria for awarding marks.

Chapter 5, Science Class 9, is a basic chapter in Science. This chapter describes the types of cells and their important features. A cell is a unit of life in Biology. In this chapter, important topics related to the structure of the cell, the plasma membrane, the nucleus, the DNA, and the chromatin material are discussed. These elements play a crucial role in the function of the cell in every living organism.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 5 Topics

Section Name

Topic Name


The Fundamental Unit of Life


What are Living Organisms Made up of?


What is the cell made up of? What is the structural organisation of a cell?

5.1 What are Living Organisms Made up of?: Organisms are composed of complex building blocks that function together to sustain life. Cells are the fundamental building blocks of all living things. All living things are composed of at least one cell. Cellular organisms are extremely heterogeneous and can range in size, structure and function. A cell contains genetic material, such as DNA or RNA, that contains the information needed for the cell to grow, develop and function.

5.2 What is the cell made up of? What is the structural organisation of a cell?: The structure of a cell is highly organized and complex. A cell is made up of several important parts that work together to carry out its functions. In this section, we will look at the structure of eukaryotic cells (which include animal, plant and fungal cells).

Subtopics covered in the section 5.2 What is the cell made up of? What is the structural organisation of a cell?:

5.2.1 Plasma membrane or cell membrane

5.2.2 Cell Wall

5.2.3 Nucleus

5.2.4 Cytoplasm

5.2.5 Cell Organelles

         (i) Endoplasmic Reticulum

         (ii) Golgi Apparatus

         (iii) Lysosomes

         (iv) Mitochondria

         (v) Plastids

         (vi) Vacuoles

Key Features of Class 9 Science Chapter 5

  • The cell is the fundamental unit of life.

  • Cells are surrounded by a plasma membrane made up of lipids and proteins.

  • The cell membrane is the active part of a cell.

  • It regulates the flow of materials between the orderly interior of the cell and the environment.

  • In plant cells, the cell wall is mainly made up of cellulose.

  • This cell wall allows plants, fungi and bacteria to live in a hypoonic medium without bursting.

  • In eukaryotes, the nucleus is separated from the cell cytoplasm by a double-layered cell membrane.

  • The nucleus directs the life processes of the cell.

  • The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) serves both as a passage for intracellular transport and as a surface for manufacturing.

  • The Golgi apparatus is made up of a stack of membrane-bound vesicles.

  • These vesicles are responsible for storing, modifying and packaging substances produced in the cell

  • Chlorophyll-containing chromoplasts are referred to as chloroplasts, and they are responsible for photosynthesis. Leucoplasts are primarily storage-related. Most adult plant cells possess a large, centrally located vacuole, which helps to maintain the cell's turgidity and stores important substances including waste.

  • Prokaryotic cell organelles do not have membrane-binding organelles, their chromosomes are nucleic acids, and they have very few ribosomes (organelles).

  • Organisms divide for the growth of the body, the reparative function of dead cells, and the formation of gametes to reproduce.

Benefits of Downloading the PDF of NCERT Solutions Class 9 Science Chapter 5 The Fundamental Unit of Life

Downloading PDFs of NCERT solutions for class 9 science chapter 5 “The fundamental unit of life” can provide several advantages for students, who want to do better in their exam.

Better Understanding: The NCERT solutions cover the whole range of topics and provide detailed explanations for every question and concept in each chapter. This helps students to gain a thorough understanding of the basic unit of life, the cell.

Clear Explanations: NCERT solutions are written in an easy-to-understand way, which makes it easier for students to understand complex scientific concepts.

Correct & Reliable Answers: The correct and reliable answers are prepared by qualified subject matter experts & educators, so you can be sure that the answers are correct and in line with your curriculum.

Exam Preparation: NCERT solutions often contain practice questions similar to those in exams. Students can work through these questions to gain practice and enhance their problem solving skills, which are essential for exams.

Self-assessment: Students can use the solutions provided by NCERT to assess their understanding of the chapter after studying it. By comparing their responses to the solutions, they can identify areas where further study or clarification is necessary.

Free Accessibility: NCERT solutions are often available for free online access, allowing students to access them without incurring any additional costs. This can be especially beneficial for students who are unable to access physical textbooks or study materials.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: What is a Cell?

Answer 1: The cell is the fundamental building block of all living things. It’s the smallest living thing that can perform all the functions of life.

Question 2: What Are the Two Main Types of Cells?

Answer 2: Cells can be divided into two main categories: prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell. Prokaryotic cell do not have a true nucleus and have membrane bound organelles. Eukaryotic cell, on the other hand, have a nucleus and different organelles surrounded by membranes.