A baby is not able to tell her/his caretakers that she/he is sick.

A baby is not able to tell her/his caretakers that she/he is sick. What would help us to find out
(a) that the baby is sicks?
(b) What is the sickness?


(a) Symptoms to help in finding out that the baby is sick are:
1. Continuous crying
2. Drooping of eyes
3. Redness of eyes
4. High temperature of body.

(b) The sickness can be determined with the help of symptoms or indications shown by the child. The symptoms could be
1. Loose motions, stomach pain indicate diarrhoea.
2. High fever, headache, muscular pain, feeling of shivering and cold indicate malaria.
3. Redness and persistent rubbing of eyes indicate eye flu.
4. Pale skin, yellow urine, yellowing of eyes indicate jaundice.
5. Doctors suggest for laboratory tests, if there is fever with no other symptoms to find out the kind of sickness.

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