The mean of 11 numbers is 42.


The mean of 11 numbers is 42. If the mean of the first 6 numbers is 37 and that of the last 6 numbers is 46, find the 6th number.


Mean of 11 numbers $=42$

Sum of 11 numbers $=42 \times 11=462$

Mean of the first 6 numbers $=37$

Sum of the first 6 numbers $=37 \times 6=222$

Mean of the last 6 numbers $=46$

Sum of the last 6 numbers $=46 \times 6=276$

$\therefore 6$ th number $=[($ Sum of the first 6 numbers $+$ Sum of the last 6 numbers $)-$ Sum of 11 numbers $]$




Hence, the 6 th number is 36 .

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