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Important Questions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 4 Quadratic Equations - PDF Download

JEE Mains & Advanced

While preparing for class 10 board exams, it is important to understand the core concepts of mathematics. Mathematics seems to be a complex subject for some students of class 10 but with the right approaches and study materials, you can achieve full marks in this subject. One of the best ways to prepare for CBSE class 10 board exams is practicing important questions. Our subject experts of eSaral have developed class 10 maths chapter 4 Quadratic Equations important questions in an easy to comprehend manner. You can solve these important questions to score good marks in class 10 board exams.  

Chapter 4 Quadratic Equations teaches you quadratic equations and various ways of finding their roots. You will also see some applications of quadratic equations and various complex sets of equations that you will use in higher classes. By solving important questions of Quadratic Equations in class 10, you will be able to revise the entire chapter. This process helps you to build a strong foundation of all the core concepts of quadratic equations. All the important questions are provided with PDF solutions that assist you to cross-check your answers. Additionally, There are questions which have been included in these important questions that may be asked in class 10th board examinations. Thus, students are advised to practice these important questions just before the annual exams.

Download the free PDF of class 10 maths chapter 4 important questions provided by expert faculties of eSaral. These important question PDFs can be downloaded from the official website of eSaral and practiced for better preparation of board exams. 

Important Topics & Sub-topics of Quadratic Equations Class 10 Maths

Class 10 maths chapter 4 Quadratic Equations is an essential part from the exam point of view. You get to learn the properties of quadratic equations and its applications in chapter 4. By understanding the topics and sub-topics discussed in chapter 4 not only help you to build a strong foundation of concepts but also enhance problem-solving skills. You can check out below the topics and sub-topics of chapter 4 Quadratic Equations which are explained in table format.


  • Introduction

  • Quadratic Equations

  • Solution of a Quadratic Equation by Factorisation 

  • Nature of Roots

Class 10 Maths Chapter 4 Quadratic Equations Weightage 

Chapter 4 Quadratic Equations is one of the important segments of class 10 maths syllabus. It carries the highest weightage in the unit algebra. Thus, students must understand the core concepts of quadratic equations to solve questions in class 10 CBSE board exam. In chapter 4 Quadratic Equations, there are methods of solving quadratic equation questions. You should learn the theoretical part of quadratic equations carefully and solve questions based on them. Chapter 4 carries 9-10 marks weightage in class 10 board exams. So it is vital to be well-prepared with all the concepts of quadratic equations to score desired marks in examinations. 

Our subject experts of eSaral have also prepared important questions and extra questions of class 10 quadratic equations which are developed after analyzing the previous year question papers and chapter 4 deeply. You can practice these important questions of class 10 for better preparation of board exams. You will get to know the exam pattern, type of questions, marking scheme etc. by solving important questions of chapter 4 Quadratic Equations. Students must comprehend the methods like factorisation of solving quadratic equations and gain an in-depth knowledge of nature of roots to solve questions in class 10 board exams without making errors.   

Class 10 maths chapter 4 important questions can be practiced along with their answers pdf provided on eSaral so that you don’t get confused and solve each question with ease. Chapter 4 Quadratic Equations has a total of 3 exercises which you must solve to grasp the concepts precisely. You can also download the PDF of class 10 maths chapter 4 important questions from the eSaral website to score full marks in CBSE class 10 board exams.  

Tips to Solve Class 10 Maths Chapter 4 Quadratic Equations

To solve chapter 4 Quadratic equations questions, you have to be well-versed with the concepts of quadratic equations. Chapter 4 has some essential topics and sub-topics which should be comprehended for clear understanding of the fundamentals of quadratic equations. Our expert teachers of mathematics at eSaral have come up with some vital tips that will help you to solve questions based on quadratic equations.

  1. To solve quadratic equation questions easily, it is important to understand the fundamentals of quadratic equations deeply. You should learn the different methods to find the root of quadratic equations and their applications. Understanding the concepts step by step will help you to solve questions easily.

  2. Understand the standard form of quadratic equations which is ax2 + bx + c = 0, $a \neq 0$

  3. In chapter 4, you will learn that quadratic equations can have real and complex roots. Comprehend how to determine the nature of roots. To find the solutions of quadratic equations, you must grasp the knowledge of the nature of roots. 

  4. Practice factorisation method of solving quadratic equations. Factorisation is a useful method to find solutions of quadratic equations. This method can be used if the quadratic equation is factorable.

  5. Practice important questions and examples mentioned in chapter 4 as regular practice helps you to solidify your conceptual understanding. 

Benefits of Solving Class 10 Maths Chapter 4 Important Questions with Answers

Chapter 4 Quadratic Equations of class 10 maths curriculum is a pivotal part which covers a range of important topics and sub-topics. By solving class 10 maths chapter 4 important questions provided on eSaral will enhance the understanding and performance of chapter 4. Here, our expert teachers of eSaral have combined some of the helpful benefits which you can check below.

  1. Enhance the Understanding - By actively practicing a variety of questions, you improve your understanding of concepts and properties of quadratic equations. Important questions given by subject experts can help you to grasp the concepts in proper and precise manner. 

  2. Better Exam Preparation - Regular practice of class 10th maths chapter 4 important questions with solutions can help you to strategise an excellent exam preparation. It helps you to understand the exam pattern, question types and difficulty level of exams during the board exams. 

  3. Boost Confidence - By successfully solving complex problems provided in important questions of chapter 4 helps you to boost confidence. 

  4. Best Revision Tools - Practicing class 10 maths chapter 4 important questions not only help you to solve questions which may be asked in CBSE board exams but also helps you to revise all the core topics and sub-topics of Quadratic Equations.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Answer 1. Class 10 maths chapter 4 Quadratic Equations has key concepts like the nature of roots and factorisation method to solve questions based on them. You have to master these concepts to solve questions asked in board exams. You can strategize your preparation in a way to grasp all the concepts systematically. Solve exercise questions and examples mentioned in chapter 4 to comprehend the method step by step. You can also practice important questions of this chapter crafted with easy to understand solutions by experts of eSaral for better preparation of class 10 board exam and score full marks.

Answer 2. A quadratic equation in the variable x is of the form ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b, c are real numbers and $a \neq 0$.