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NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Maths Chapter 1 Exercise 1.1 Sets - PDF Download

JEE Mains & Advanced

NCERT solutions for class 11 maths chapter 1 exercise 1.1 sets begins with the basics of sets and how sets are represented. The roaster form is a tabular presentation of a set. The other representation of a set is referred to as set builder form. As you practice answering the questions in this exercise, you'll get to learn more about the different forms and how they work. In addition, students will also learn to identify the components of any set. Ex 1.1 class 8 maths solutions involve questions based on the recognition of a specific set of data through the analysis of data.

It is essential to have a fundamental comprehension of sets and how they are represented in order to solve all the questions presented in ex 1.1. Class 11 maths chapter 1 exercise 1.1 NCERT solutions has a total of six simple questions with its sub-parts. All the questions are based on the concepts of sets. These solutions have been developed by eSaral's subject experts which are easy to comprehend. NCERT solutions are also provided in PDF format on eSaral. Download the free PDF and practice the questions of ex 1.1. Students can use these PDF solutions for preparing exams. 

Topics Covered in Exercise 1.1 Class 11 Mathematics Questions

Ex 1.1 class 8 maths chapter 1 NCERT solutions are based on the introduction of sets and their representations.  We have provided a detailed explanation for all the related topics here on the eSaral website.




Representations of Sets

  1. Sets - A set is a well-defined collection of objects. These elements can include numbers, symbols, variables, etc.

There are following points related to sets.

Objects, elements and members of a set are synonymous terms.

Sets are usually denoted by capital letters A, B, C, X, Y, Z, etc.

The elements of a set are represented by small letters a, b, c, x, y, z, etc.

closed brackets { } are used to represent elements of sets.

Here, we have some examples of sets.

N : the set of all natural numbers 

Z : the set of all integers 

Q : the set of all rational numbers 

R : the set of real numbers 

Z + : the set of positive integers 

Q+ : the set of positive rational numbers, and

R+ : the set of positive real numbers.

  1. Representations of Sets

There are two methods to represent a set.

(I). Roster or Tabular Form - In roster form, all the elements of a set are listed, the elements are being separated by commas and are enclosed within braces { }.

For example, the set of all even positive integers less than 7 is described in roster form as {2, 4, 6}.

(II). set-builder form - In set-builder form, all the elements of a set possess a single common property which is not possessed by any element outside the set.

For example, in the set {a, e, i, o, u}, all the elements possess a common property, namely, each of them is a vowel in the English alphabet, and no other letter possesses this property. 

Denoting this set by V, we write V = {x : x is a vowel in the english alphabet}.

Tips for Solving Exercise 1.1 Class 11 Chapter 1 Sets 

Ex 1.1 class 11 maths chapter 1 solutions provides some important tips to solve exercise questions easily. It is important to understand the concepts and methods to solve exercise.

  1. Chapter 1 Sets ex 1.1 is all about teaching you the fundamentals of sets. It is also important to learn about the practical uses of sets.

  2. With thorough practice of all the NCERT solutions, class 11 maths chapter 1 sets ex 1.1 questions, students will understand all the concepts of sets and related topics.

  3. It is also recommended to read the relevant definitions and examples in these solutions as well as try to solve the questions.

  4. With these solutions, students will be able to plan a strategic preparation that will help them excel in exams.

Importance of Solving Ex 1.1 Class 11 Maths Chapter 1 Sets

By solving NCERT solutions class 11 maths chapter 1 ex 1.1 will definitely provide you a lot of benefits. Here, our expert team of mathematics has some of the benefits. You can check them below.

  1. Class 11th maths chapter 1 ex 1.1 NCERT solutions has provided methods of representation of the set, which will be beneficial for subsequent exercises in this chapter.

  1. Class 11 maths solution ex 1.1 is beneficial when the student is unable to solve questions associated with the basics of sets.

  2. By solving questions of NCERT solutions class 11 maths, you will get an idea of questions asked in exams.

  3. NCERT solutions PDF are provided which can be downloaded from eSaral. You can use the PDF for preparing for exams.

  4. Solving questions from NCERT solutions class 11 maths chapter 1 ex 1.1 will clear your doubts related to the concepts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1. What do you understand by sets?

Answer 1. A set is a well-defined collection of objects. It is usually denoted by capital letters A, B, C, D etc..

Question 2. What is the roster form of representation of sets?

Answer 2. Under the roster form of representation of a set, each element of the set is enclosed in a { } bracket and separated by commas.

Question 3. What is the set-builder form of representation of sets?

Answer 3. In set-builder form, all the elements of a set possess a single common property which is not possessed by any element outside the set.