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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 13 Exercise 13.1 Introduction to Graphs - PDF Download

JEE Mains & Advanced

NCERT solutions for class 8 maths chapter 13 exercise 13.1Introduction to Graphs is about reading graphs and doing calculations based on graph data. This exercise talks about a line graph and its graphical representation of data. There are seven questions in ex 13.1 class 8 maths solutions to help you gain a step-by-step understanding of reading and understanding graphical data. Class 8 maths chapter 13 exercise 13.1 NCERT solutions consists of long answer type questions with sub-parts.

The subject experts of eSaral have carefully sorted each question from ex 13.1, which will help the students to solve any NCERT question from this exercise. It is essential to have a fundamental comprehension of graph reading in order to successfully solve all the problems involved in ex 13.1. These solutions are also available in free PDF format. Students can download the free PDF of ex 13.1 class 8 maths ch 13 from eSaral website and can practice all the important questions to prepare for the exam. 

Topics Covered in Exercise 13.1 Class 8 Mathematics Questions 

Ex 13.1 class 8 maths chapter 13 NCERT solutions are based on solving questions related to graphs. In this exercise we will talk about a line graph.


A line Graph


Linear Graph

Graph - Graphs are the visual representations of the collected data in a way that is easy to understand. Graphs are typically used to compare two or more data sets.

  1. A line Graph - A line graph displays data that changes continuously over periods of time.

  2. Linear Graph - A line graph which is a whole unbroken line is called a linear graph.

Location of a Point - The Cartesian plane is used to create a linear graph. This is the system on which the points are marked with the help of vertical lines and horizontal lines.

Coordinates of a Point - In order to write the coordinates of a point we need x-coordinates and y-coordinates of a point.

  • The x-coordinate indicates the number of units to be moved either to the right or to the left. This is also referred to as the abscissa.

  • The y-coordinate indicates the number of units to be moved up or down; it is also referred to as the ordinate.

  • When writing coordinates in the coordinate plane of a point, we write the x-coordinate first then the y-coordinate, and then the coordinates are placed in bracket.

  • The coordinates of the intersection of the x-axis and the y-axis are (0, 0), which is referred to as origin.

Tips for Solving Exercise 13.1 Class 8 Chapter 13 Introduction to Graphs

Before solving ex 13.1 students should read through the tips provided by eSaral’s subject experts to learn the concepts more effectively.

  1. Ex 13.1 of NCERT solutions class 8 maths chapter 13 Introduction to Graphs, will encourage the fundamental comprehension of graphs, their associated concepts, and their utilization. Students will acquire the necessary skills for advanced mathematics. By practicing the questions based on graphical data calculations.

  2. Learning the different types of graphs and how to use them will help students to make graphical data easy to understand. 

  3. In NCERT class 8 maths chapter 13 ex 13.1, students are required to recall the methods used to solve graphical questions easily.

Importance of Solving Ex 13.1 Class 8 Maths Chapter 13 Introduction to Graphs

There are many benefits of solving ex 13.1 class 8 maths chapter 13. Our subject experts of mathematics have combined some of the important advantages for proper understanding of the questions and concepts.

  1. By solving ex 13.1 class 8 maths NCERT solutions, you will get an in-depth understanding of  the applications of a line graph and linear graph based on the  given data.

  2. It will help you to prepare for your exams as it gives you complete solutions to all the questions included in ex 13.1.

  3. Solving questions of NCERT solutions class 8 maths chapter 13 ex 13.1 will improve your conceptual clarity.

  4. eSaral has provided solutions PDF to solve ex 13.1 questions. These PDFs can help you to cross-check your answers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1. What is line graph according to NCERT solutions class 8 maths chapter 13 ex 13.1?

Answer 1. A line graph displays data that changes continuously over periods of time.

Question 2. Define a linear graph?

Answer 2. A line graph which is a whole unbroken line is called a linear graph.

Question 3. What is a cartesian plane and coordinate axes?

Answer 3. A cartesian plane is formed and defined by two perpendicular number lines called  the x−axis and the y-axis. The x-axis which is horizontal and the y−axis, which is vertical are called the coordinate axes.