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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths Chapter 8 Exercise 8.2 Algebraic Expressions and Identities - PDF Download

Class 8

NCERT solutions for class 8 maths chapter 8 ex 8.2 will teach you how to multiply monomial by a monomial. When monomials are used, it becomes obvious that expressions are just a combination of terms. The structure remains the same and the operation remains distributive.

Different situations are used to teach how two algebraic expressions must be multiplied.

Problems on the area of rectangular figures and the volume of rectangular boxes are prepared using Tables to enable students to identify the length, width and height of these figures and manipulate them using appropriate formulas. 

Ex 8.2 class 8 maths solutions comprises 5 questions along with their sub-questions which have been solved by subject experts of eSaral. Ex 8.2 class 8 maths chapter 8 provides students with the opportunity to enhance their ability to solve problems through the use of NCERT solutions. Free NCERT solutions PDF for maths chapter 8 are available and can be used to help students prepare for exams. 

Topics Covered in Exercise 8.2 Class 8 Mathematics Questions

NCERT solutions class 8 maths chapter 8 ex 8.2, is based on concepts like multiplication of algebraic expressions, multiplying a monomial by a monomial, and multiplying three or more monomials. Here, we have provided a complete explanation of these topics.


Multiplication of Algebraic Expressions: Introduction


Multiplying a Monomial by a Monomial 

  • Multiplying two monomials

  • Multiplying three or more monomials

  1. Multiplication of Algebraic Expressions: Introduction

While we are multiplying, there are a few things we need to consider when multiplying like and unlike terms.

  • Multiplication of Like Terms

(I). The coefficients will get multiplied.

(II). This means that the power is not multiplied, but the result variable will be the addition of all the individual powers.

  • Multiplication of Unlike Terms

          (I). The coefficients will get multiplied.

         (II). If the variable is different, then the power will be the same.

        (III). If some of the variables are the same then their powers will be added.

  1. Multiplying a Monomial by a Monomial

  • Multiplying two monomials

When you multiply two monomials, the final result will be.

          (I). The coefficient of product = Coefficient of the first monomial × Coefficient of the second monomial

         (II). The algebraic factor of product = Algebraic factor of the first monomial × Algebraic factor of the second monomial.

  • Multiplying three or more monomials

While multiplying three or more monomials the criterion will remain the same.

Tips for Solving Exercise 8.2 Class 8 Chapter 8 Algebraic Expressions and Identities 

The NCERT solutions class 8 maths chapter 8 ex 8.2 Algebraic Expressions and Identities has many tips to solve the questions.

  1. While solving this exercise, keep in mind that the basic concept is not new. The students are already familiar with the concept of multiplying numbers. In the ex 8.2, the ‘terms’ that make up the expression must be multiplied the same way.

  2. The multiplication of terms requires the students to observe how the terms are multiplied, as they are simply a combination of coefficients, which are nothing more than numbers and variables. The rest of the multiplication is the application of concepts that have already been learned.

  3. Another thing to remember in NCERT solutions for class 8 maths chapter 8 ex 8.2  is that only the like terms after multiplication can be added to or subtracted from an expression for simplification.

Importance of Solving Ex 8.2 Class 8 Maths Chapter 8 Algebraic Expressions and Identities

You will get benefits of solving questions of ex 8.2 class 8 maths chapter 8 algebraic expressions and identities. eSaral’s subject experts have provided these benefits for your convenience.

  1. By solving ex 8.2 questions students will get to know the clear concepts of multiplication of expressions and multiplying a monomial by monomial in ex 8.2 class 8 maths chapter 8 algebraic expressions and identities.

  2. Practicing the questions and examples again and again of ex 8.2 will help you to prepare for exams.

  3. Students can refer to these accurate solutions of class 8 maths chapter 8 ex 8.2 to clear their doubts.

  4. eSaral’s subject experts provide precise and detailed solutions that students can rely on.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1. How does NCERT solutions chapter 8 ex 8.2 for class 8 maths help in preparing for board exams?

Answer 1. NCERT solutions class 8 maths chapter 8 ex 8.2 s, provides answers with detailed description. Addressing these solutions will be a great practice for the students so that they can complete the paper in a timely manner. Therefore, it is clear that NCERT solutions for class 8 maths chapter 8 ex 8.2 are very important for the students to score well in the exams. Students will face the exams with confidence.

Question 2. What is a monomial expression?

Answer 2. The algebraic expression having only one term is called a monomial expression. For example 4x2.