Out of 18 points in a plane, no three are in the same straight line except five points which are collinear.


Out of 18 points in a plane, no three are in the same straight line except five points which are collinear.

How many (i) straight lines (ii) triangles can be formed by joining them?


(i) Number of straight lines formed joining the 18 points, taking 2 points at a time $={ }^{18} C_{2}=\frac{18}{2} \times \frac{17}{1}=153$

Number of straight lines formed joining the 5 points, taking 2 points at a time $={ }^{5} C_{2}=\frac{5}{2} \times \frac{4}{1}=10$

But, when 5 collinear points are joined pair wise, they give only one line.

$\therefore$ Required number of straight lines $=153-10+1=144$

(ii) Number of triangles formed joining the 18 points, taking 3 points at a time $={ }^{18} C_{3}=\frac{18}{3} \times \frac{17}{2} \times \frac{16}{1}=816$

Number of straight lines formed joining the 5 points, taking 3 points at a time $={ }^{5} C_{3}=\frac{5}{3} \times \frac{4}{2} \times \frac{3}{1}=10$

$\therefore$ Required number of triangles $=816-10=806$

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